
Saturday, February 18, 2017

Media Statement by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Gelang Patah Lim Kit Siang

Media Statement by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Gelang Patah Lim Kit Siang in Kuala Lumpur on Friday, 17th February 2017:

Ministers have shown that they lack Malaysian patriotism as they are indifferent and unmoved by Malaysia’s infamy and ignominy of being regarded worldwide as a global kleptocracy as a result of 1MDB international money-laundering scandal
All Barisan Nasional Ministers are not only guilty of colossal negligence and irresponsibility of the first degree when at Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting, they could set up a special task force (STF) to conduct a probe into Bank Negara forex losses more than two decades ago but dare not breathe a word on the monstrous 1MDB kleptocratic money-laundering scandal, they have done worse.
They have shown that they lack Malaysian patriotism, that they could be indifferent and unmoved by Malaysia’s infamy and ignominy of being regarded world-wide as a global kleptocracy. 
At the last Parliamentary meeting, I had explained that kleptocracy is a government of 3Ps – Pencuri, Perompak and Penyamun.
Which Malaysian who loves Malaysia and is patriotic can be indifferent to the country’s shame, infamy and ignominy of being regarded as a global kleptocracy – when even ordinary Malaysians fight shy of admitting that they are Malaysians when abroad for they will be confronted with a load of questions about Malaysia being a global kleptocracy!
I call on all Barisan Nasional Ministers to resign as Ministers if they are not prepared to do anything to give top priority to clear or purge Malaysia of the infamy and ignominy of being regarded worldwide as a global kleptocracy.
Are there no other leaders in the 13 parties in Barisan Nasional who are patriotic enough to want to make the clearing or purging of Malaysia’s international infamy and ignominy as a global kleptocracy the top national agenda of the country?
If so, then it is a very sad day for Malaysia, when even the PAS President Datuk Hadi Awang has no problem with Malaysia being regarded worldwide as a global kleptocracy so long as Muslims are the leaders in the country – ignoring the fact that even if UMNO is ousted from Putrajaya in the next general elections by Pakatan Harapan and Bersatu, it is a Malay and Muslim who will be Prime Minister and not a non-Malay or a non-Muslim.
Although the leaders of the Barisan Nasional parties and even PAS can accept Malaysia as a global kleptocracy, I do not believe that the ordinary members of UMNO, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, the Sabah and Sarawak Barisan Nasional component parties, or even PAS, can accept Malaysia’s international infamy and ignominy of being a global kleptocracy.
If there is a national referendum as to whether the objective of clearing or purging Malaysia’s international infamy and ignominy as a global kleptocracy should be the top national priority, I have no doubt that the ordinary members of UMNO, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, Sabah and Sarawak BN parties, as well as of PAS, will stand on a united front with the members of DAP, PKR, Amanah and Bersatu to want to clear or purge Malaysia of the ignominy and infamy of a global kleptocracy as they are all Malaysian patriots.
If the top leaders of UMNO and the Barisan Nasional parties, as well as PAS, are not prepared to be patriots and to be proud of Malaysia as a model of integrity, tolerance and moderation where different races, religions, languages and cultures could co-exist in peace and understanding, I believe the ordinary members of UMNO, Barisan Nasional parties, PAS can agree with the ordinary members of DAP, PKR, Amanah and Bersatu that as Malaysian patriots, we want a clean, incorruptible, moral and good government!
Last week, the Minister for Communication and Multimedia, Datuk Seri Salleh Keruak said the Bumiputera Finance Malaysia (BMF) scandal during Mahathir’s administration was worse in terms of national exposure than the 1MDB scandal, making the ludicrous claim that the government’s exposure through 1MDB involved only the paid-up capital of only RM1 million.
If Salleh is right, then why didn’t Cabinet also set up a special task force on the BMF scandal?
The Cabinet should initiate official inquiries into both the BMF scandal and the Bank Negara forex losses, but even more important and urgent, is official probe and accountability into the 1MDB scandal, which is the worst financial scandal in the nation’s history. Will Salleh propose an official inquiry into the BMF scandal or does he admit that his earlier comments about the BMF scandal was both superficial and irresponsible?
It has been said that a picture tells a thousand words.
Such a picture appeared in the local media today when the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak attended the UEM Group anniversary dinner yesterday. Flanked on the left was the UEM Group chairman Tan Sri Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Ali and on his right was the Khazanah Nasional Bhd deputy chairman Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop
UEM Group is wholly owned subsidiary of Khazanah Nasional Bhd, but the interest is not on UEM or Khazanah but on the Mohd Yakcop, the former Minister because he was the key player in the Bank Negara forex losses more than two decades ago.
Mohd Yakcop had been hiding important national secrets from the people of Malaysia for over two decades, and it is time that he should tell the people the truth about the Bank Negara forex losses.

Lim Kit Siang

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