
Monday, March 6, 2017


TWEET THE POPE AT @Pontifex about your concerns over the fate of kidnapped Pastor Raymong Koh!
Something is terribly, terribly wrong when our so-called government comprising UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan and others remain absolutely silent after 21 days - not a word of sympathy or consolation to the family members; not a word urging the IGP to move faster! Scumbags!
Well, we should not wait for miracles to happen while doing nothing ourselves. God helps only those who help themselves. So, do the simple costless thing - Tweet the Pope as I did (see picture). Doesn't matter if you are a Christian or not; we may be able to save a human life or deliver justice to the family.
Tweeting is free:
1. Go to
2. Register (free, you do not have to add your photo and can have a twitter name other than your real name to tweet).
3. Search for The Pope.
4. Click follow.
5. Go back to the Home page.
6. Type your message (max 140 characters with spacing; download and attach video from Youtube. You can copy my words if you wish).
7.Send message by clicking Tweet icon at bottom right hand corner.
8. Tag Najib (@NajibRazak) and the IGP (@KBAB51) in your tweet or retweet your original adding in their twitter hash tags.
9. Smile!
1. The Pope will not interfere in Malaysia directly. His rep here has to play the diplomatic game,
2. Najib went to meet the Pope at the Vatican in 2011 in the wake of the 'Allah' controversy.
3. The Pope will know how to exert international pressure on Najib through diplomatic channels and the Holy See! (remember how US President Ronald Reagan worked secretly with the Pope to bring the Soviet Union crumbling down?).
4. Do nothing and the little Hitlers will become BIG HITLERS!
Najib and his government of thieves will not be able to ignore a few million tweets! Thank you.


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