
Tuesday, March 28, 2017


The Malaysian Embassy in Indonesia is at Jalan H.R.Rasuna Sahid, Jakarta.

In the late 1990's the Malaysian Government, through it's Department of Foreign Affairs, bought 3.200 sq meters of prime land at Kemang South Jakarta for the purpose of building a residence for the Ambassador. 

The  present market price of that land is Indonesia Rupiah 30juta/sq meter (RM10,000 per sq meter).

However, the land was bought by our Malaysia Government NOT from the owners of the land but from a third party! (Sounds familiar?). 

In 1998 the Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta abandon the land due to the riots that led to the resignation of Suharto.

In 2010 the family that inherited the land summoned the Malaysian government for the return of the land but the South Jakarta District Court re awarded the land back to the Malaysian Government. Please refer to media report below.

In 2016 the family that inherited the land took the matter back again to Jakarta District Court arguing that the 2010 judgement has "Legal Defect/Cacat Hukum" as the land was bought by the Malaysian Government not from the rightful owner but from a third party.

December 2016 the rightful owner started legal proceedings against the Malaysian Government. 

First Court proceedings in December 2016 - No representative from the Malaysian Government of from the Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta attended the court proceedings.

By March 2017, at the fourth Court proceedings - still no Malaysian Representative from the Malaysian Government attended any of the Court proceedings despite being given notice of each proceedings.

At the next proceeding, in all probability, because the Malaysian Government has failed to attend any of the court proceedings, the right full owner of the land will be awarded ownership of the said land. 



  • Why was the land bought from a third party and not from the real owners of the land.
  • Why is the Malaysian Government not defending itself against the proceedings brought against it by the present owners of the land?
  • Was any hanky panky involve in the original purchase of the land?
  • Was any money paid to anybody to influence the first court proceedings that ended in favour pf the Malaysian Government? The Malaysia Govt spend almost RM 2 million to wIn the case (its was stated in Utusan Malaysia in 2010). What was that RM 2million used for? To bribe court officials and Wali Kota Officials(Mayor Office)?
Saya tanya aja.

Tanah Seluas 3.185 M2 Diserahkan Kembali.

Terbit: May 21, 2010 
Tanah seluas 3.185 meter persegi milik Kedutaan Besar Malaysia berdasarkan sertipikat No.Hak Milik No.13/Bangka atas nama Wim Sondakh yang terletak di jalan Kemang Raya No.48 (bagian depan) kelurahan Bangka Kecamatan Mampang Prapatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan telah diserahkan kembali.
Tanah tersebut diclaim milik Mulyo Setiawan dengan menunjukan sertipikat No.3416. Tapi berdasarkan Instruksi Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta No. 32 tahun 2009 tentang penertiban tanah milik Kedutaan Besar Kerajaan Malaysia di atas tanah SHM No. 13/Bangka seluas 3.185 M2 yang terletak di Jl.Kemang Raya No.48 (bagian depan) Kel.Bangka Kec.Mampang Prapatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan.
Dikuatkan juga dengan putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan No.213/Pdt.G/2001 PN Jaksel tanggal 22 April 2002 jo Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta No.502/Pdt/2002/PT. DKI Jakarta tanggal 21 Januari 2003. Serta berdasarkan putusan PTUN No.032/G.TUN/1999/PTUN Jakarta tanggal 10 Agustus 1999 jo putusan MA RI No.2001 No.111 K/TUN/2000 tanggal 13 Februari 2001.dimenangkan oleh pihak Kedutaan Besar Kerajaan Malaysia sebagai pemilik yang syah.
Walikota Jakarta Selatan Syahrul Effendi mengatakan sengketa tanah ini sudah melalui proses hukum. Negara kita adalah negara hukum apabila Makamah Agung (MA) menyatakan milik kepemilikan tanah Kedubes Kerajaan Malaysia tentu ada celah hukum, nantinya pihak yang berlawanan belum puas akan menjadikan hukum baru atau banding ke tingkat hukum tertinggi,”katanya yang didampingi Wakil walikota Anas Efendi saat penyerahan atas tanah yang terletak di Jl. Kemang Raya no.48 Kel. Bangka, Jumat (21/5).
Saya akan serahkan kepada pihak Kedubes Kerajaan Malaysia untuk mengamankan, menjaga, dan ini akan dibuat serah terima yang akan ditandatangani pihak pertama walikota Jaksel, Pihak kedua diwkili Wakil Kedubes Malaysia Amran Mohamed Zin serta disaksikan Direktur Fasilitas Diplomatik Kementerian Luar Negeri RI Wiwit Wirsatyo dan Ka.Satpol PP Jaksel Jurnalis.
Dilain pihak kuasa hukum Mulyo Setiawan, Riono mengatakan kita tidak akan berhenti disini pada prinsipnyamenuntut secara hukum namun ada karena undang-undang 51 yang harus terjadi saya sepenuhnya akan keluar dari situ. Tapi saya tetap menuntut secara hukum sampai keputusan hukum yang tertinggi,”tegasnya.

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