
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Man with Towel on his Head kena kencing by Najib! Basah kuyup!

KUALA LUMPUR – The Government has decided not to table the Private Member’s Bill to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act or RUU355 in line with the principle of consensus, says Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (pic).
“Therefore it will remain a Private Member’s Bill and if it is presented, it will depend on the Speaker’s instructions,” Najib, who is also Prime Minister, said on Wednesday night after chairing the coalition’s supreme council meeting at its headquarters at Menara Dato’ Onn here.

Dewan tertinggi BN putuskan tidak bentang RUU 355 kata Najib. Akhirnya permainan dah sampai penamat. Siapa yang diperbodohkan

Kerajaan tidak akan bentang RUU355. Maksudnya kekal 'private member's bill'. Maksudnya wakil rakyat BN tidak wajib sokong. Maksudnya Pak Haji Bawang kena kencing basah kuyup. Juga maksudnya RUU 355 kembali 'tunggu giliran' di mana rang-rang undang-undang kerajaan mendapat keutamaan dan didahulukan.

Diper head Hadi gets fucked by UMNO yet another time. Time for him to go to hotel IJN for some bed rest.  
After all that drama?

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