
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Sarawak Report : The Bugis Pirate Is Praised by Jho Low

23 March 2017

Weathering the Storm:
Jho Low, a Malaysian financier suspected of playing a key role in an alleged looting of state fund 1Malaysia Development Bhd., or 1MDB, sent friends this New Year’s greeting.
“2016 was the Perfect Storm; but the calmness and resolve
of our Captain, led his loyal Sailors whom placed their lives
with utmost trust in his leadership weathered the storm…”
“When the wind could not blow away their joint resilience,
the storm eventually passed, and the Captain simply adjusted
their sails effortlessly and continued their destined journey…”
“The men and women that came out of the storm were not
the same men that walk in. Through struggle, they established
new strengths they never knew they collectively had…”
“The very moment they were brought to their knees, and
their world was about to fall apart; their Captain’s exemplary
leadership guided them to safety
; and through this experience,
they achieve a new level of humility, nobility and higher
intelligence ready to set sail for greater achievements
in 2017 for their people
Source: The Bugis Pirate Is Praised by Jho Low, Wall Street Journal


[Today, March 22nd is the birthday of Kevin Morais]
Jho Low ought to have kept his trap shut over New Year.  Silence was golden as he hid all those previous months.
This message was always going to get passed on to the press and now he will face questioning from prosecutors as to whom he meant by this sage Captain, who was in charge of him and everyone else as they managed the biggest heist in history?
The world of course knows the answer. It is none other than the self-proclaimed “Bugis Pirate”, Jho Low’s ‘Big Boss’, the Crime Minister Najib Razak!
Crawling flattery is never pretty for others to behold and in this case it certainly wasn’t sensible either.
Malaysians will moreover be furious to see how this band of conspirators are praising themselves and their boss prematurely, in the expectation of having got away scott free, whilst Kevin Morais (whose birthday ought to have been celebrated today) and Hussain Najadi suffered horrible deaths associated with this crime and the rest of the country are forced to pay back thousands of ringgit per family to fund the cavorting and excesses of the likes of the Lows.

Malaysia Is The Loser Not Lena Hendry!

23 March 2017

Komas programme manager Lena Hendry was fined RM10,000 or ordered to spend a year in jail by a magistrate’s court in Kuala Lumpur today for screening the documentary on the Sri Lankan civil war titled ‘No Fire Zone’ four years ago.
Magistrate Mohd Rehan Mohd Aris said he made the decision after considering the mitigating factors.
Hendry paid the fine later in the afternoon.
Earlier in court, she was ordered to pay the fine by today. This was after her lawyer New Sin Yew asked for a deferment for it to be paid tomorrow.
Hendry was found guilty on Feb 21, for screening the documentary at the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce Hall at Jalan Maharajalela in Kuala Lumpur, at 9pm on July 3, 2013.
She faced up to three years’ jail or a fine not exceeding RM30,000, under Section 6(1)(b) of the Film Censorship Act, 2002.
Source: Malaysia Is The Loser Not Lena Hendry!


Malaysia and indeed the Sri Lankan Government pay vast sums for PR and related services, usually from third-rate ex-British journalists, each year.
Yet for just RM10,000 Lena Hendry has achieved not just national but world-wide publicity for a film about a subject that deserves to be known about, but which Sri Lanka would rather cover up.
What’s more she has internationally further exposed the hypocrisy and corrupt thuggishness of Najib Razak’s own government in the process.
Thankfully, the judges showed more sense than government prosecutors, by commuting her punishment to a fine. However, also in the process they revealed how Malaysia’s primitive legal system still allows for one punishment for the rich and one for the poor.
If Lena could not put her hand immediately into her pocket to find that RM10,000 (a small sum for any BN party aparachik) she would have been cast into jail for a year for showing that film. Friends will doubtless assist in this case, but such disgusting discrimination against the already impoverished will dismay all decent people.

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