
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Mohd Ali : The opposition isnt interested to take away the Malay rights. That can never happen. Simply bcos the Malays race is the majority race. That fact can never change. But theft of your money can

This is a comment by Mohd Ali on my recently posted article : The Malays are a danger to themselves!

Mohd Ali says:

Malaysia is a Malay race majority country. Thats a fact.

Whether the country is governed by BN or the Pakatan opposition, the Malays are still the dominant race. Thats a fact.

The question the rural folks and the Malay race should be asking is whether they want BN ministers to continue to lead and administer the country on their behalf.

Also, the question they should be asking is what has the BN UMNO led government delivered to them after so many years in government. How has their lives improve ? How has their childrens' lives improve ?

Then compare that to the lives of the elected members of parliament. They may give you RM50-100 but then they take RM billions for themselves. Then they lie and block all investigations of their crimes.

The oppostion has always been there to keep a check on the govt. They have the right to voice out their objections when there was corruption, theft and embezzlement of public funds. Funds meant to benefit the rakyat. meant to benefit you.

The opposition isnt interested to take away the Malay rights. That can never happen. Simply bcos the Malays race is the majority race. That fact can never change. But theft of your money can.

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