
Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Melaka Gateway : Ceding Malaysia's Sovereignty for Dedak and China's Military Gain.

The abuse of political office is as old as the oldest profession in the world but certainly more, much more, lucrative, to say the least! 

But like the oldest profession in the world, politicians bent on abusing their public office, sells not only their office but also with it, all that we humans beings hold sacred for ourselves. Our honour, our self respect, our dignity and that most precious of things for most of us....the ability to hold our heads high and to keep our place among our peers and among society.

For with the abuse of political office comes the spoils.
  • Marco made himself insanely wealthy. 
  • Suharto made his children insanely wealthy.
  • Tunisian president Ben Ali made his wife, Leila Trabelsi insanely wealthy as she fled with RM200 million in gold to join her husband in exile.
  • South Korea's president Park Geun-hye made her friend, Choi Soon-sil, insanely wealthy extorting money from businesses and pulling government strings. 
  • PAPA Doc of Haiti corrupted all of Haiti's authorities and put in place the Tom Tom Macoutes to do his bidding - and in return he allowed the Tom Tom Macoutes to extort income for themselves from the population. 
  • Sukarno and Kennedy satisfied themselves sexually while in public office.
najib razak has done all of the above and more! 

najib has made himself, his wife and his children insanely wealthy. He has made his friends, among them the infamous Jho Low, insanely wealthy. He has made those whom he appointed to public and government office insanely wealthy by allowing them to indulge in businesses, rent seeking activities and in the pulling of government string to advantage themselves financially - chief amongst them the AG, the IGP and his appointee in FGV etc etc. And we all know the shenanigans that najib indulged in as Mentri Besar of Pahang, as it's Minister in Mindef and who could forget, Port Dickson

And now, after all that he can take from our nation and from the proceeds of our nation is at the point of exhaustion, what else is left for najib to do to satisfy the greed and avarice of himself, his wife children friends and hangers on but to sell the sovereignty of our China!

The following article from TheJakartaPost is self explanatory. Among other issues it raises the following concerns by the Indonesian and Singapore government about the proposed Melaka Gateway:

"Though the Malaysian government has said a new port is needed because Klang, the country's most important port, will be full by 2020, studies appear to show otherwise.....Because there seems to be no logic to the Melaka deal, many are questioning if this has more to do with military rather than commercial interests," a logistics player told The Straits Times.
Sources also said the reclaimed islands would be given freehold status and the port granted a 99-year concession —both rare and generous terms".

We must remember this : Lee Kuan Yew did abuse his political office but it was for the good of Singapore and for the good of the people of Singapore. And so did Tun Dr Mahathir. Maybe najib razak should draw some lessons from LKY and Tun......or is najib past the point of redemption and is now well on his way to his own, and possibly God forbid, our nation's, destruction?

Malacca harbor plan raises questions about China's strategic aims

Shannon Teoh | The Straits Times/ANN | Singapore
Jakarta, posted: Mon, November 14, 2016 | 12:54 pm 
An artist's impression of the Melaka Gateway joint venture, which is part of a wider port alliance between Kuala Lumpur and Beijing to increase bilateral trade and boost shipping and logistics along China's Maritime Silk Road.(Melaka Getaway via The Straits Times/-)
A 43 billion ringgit (US$9.9 billion) harbor being developed in Malacca aims to overtake Singapore as the largest port in the region, but questions are being raised about the need for the added capacity and whether China's eager participation has to do with good business or its crucial strategic interests in the Malacca Strait.
For China, not only does most of its trade pass through the Malacca Strait, but so does up to 80 percent of its energy needs. This prompted then President Hu Jintao to make the "Malacca Dilemma" a key strategic issue as far back as 2003.
"There is the strategic element of the Malacca Strait. It always starts with an economic presence, which can develop into a naval one, because China will be obliged to ensure the safe passage of its commercial ships," said Johan Saravanamuttu of the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, who studies the Malaysia-China relationship.
The Melaka Gateway joint venture is part of a wider port alliance between Kuala Lumpur and Beijing to increase bilateral trade and boost shipping and logistics along China's much-vaunted Maritime Silk Road.
Chinese firm Guangxi Beibu International Port Group already owns 40 percent of Kuantan port, which faces the disputed waters of the South China Sea, and 49 percent of the Kuantan Industrial Park in Pahang, the home state of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak.
The Malaysian authorities are talking up the game-changing Melaka Gateway deal between little-known KAJ Developments and energy giant PowerChina International, which will form a joint venture and spend 30 billion ringgit to reclaim three islands off Malacca's coast. The entire Gateway development will be completed in 2025 but the deep-sea port is expected to be ready by 2019. The Malaysian government hopes to attract the bulk of 100,000 vessels, most of them Chinese, that ply the Malacca Strait annually.
Some industry players have expressed concern about the cannibalizing of existing ports along the strait, especially in the light of Singapore's own port expansion.
Though the Malaysian government has said a new port is needed because Klang, the country's most important port, will be full by 2020, studies appear to show otherwise.
A World Bank study commissioned by the government last year showed a new port on Malaysia's west coast is not necessary, as existing facilities have yet to reach capacity, according to sources. Both operators at Port Klang —Westports and MMC — have also made expansion proposals that would double the port's capacity, the sources added.
"Because there seems to be no logic to the Melaka deal, many are questioning if this has more to do with military rather than commercial interests," a logistics player told The Straits Times.
Sources also said the reclaimed islands would be given freehold status and the port granted a 99-year concession —both rare and generous terms. Melaka Gateway did not respond to a request for comment.
China's military presence around Malaysian waters has increased significantly since last year. In September last year, all three branches of the Chinese armed forces took part in a six-day joint exercise on "disaster relief" in the Malacca Strait.
China has also gained access to Kota Kinabalu, a crucial dock in Sabah close to the disputed Spratly Islands, where Beijing's construction activities have been a source of diplomatic strife in the region.
A former port authority chief noted that China has made moves to reduce its reliance on the Malacca Strait, such as via port-and-rail or pipeline projects in Pakistan, Myanmar and Eastern Europe, which means "we cannot take Beijing's commitment here for granted."
"If China pulls out her support, the port becomes useless because it has no hinterland, unlike Klang and Penang which serve a big local market. In fact, many businesses prefer to send their goods to Klang by road instead of the existing Malacca or Penang ports because it is more efficient."
Critics have questioned Malaysia's over-reliance on China, in the light of the huge deals struck during Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's recent visit to Beijing, as well as a whopping 55 billion ringgit loan to build a railway that will eventually link Port Klang on the west and Kuantan port in Pahang and also Terengganu and Kelantan.
"There is the question of over-dependence, and the diplomatic leverage involved if Beijing were to move in more aggressively. So far, Razak is still hedging, but when it comes to investments, you can't expect as much from America as you can from China. If you want to go up against Singapore, then this port makes sense, especially when it is in the form of foreign investment, given Malaysia's fiscal constraints," said Saravanamuttu.

Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai batted away these concerns on his return from Beijing, telling reporters that "with the economy growing, we need more ports". He said: "The port alliance... has seen results, bringing more competitiveness to our ports and logistic sectors." 

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