
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cakap Cakap

This is one of my early attempt at blogging  - sent to my classmates - so you might not be able to follow some of it but I think most of it are things we can relate to - so bear with me when names you do not know comes up. My apologies. To those who have read it - also bear with me and just turn the other cheek.

 At this stage of my make that at this stage of OUR life its time we prepare ourselves to meet our Maker. Thinking of that imagery of a "Maker" made my mind wander and I started to think how we would be if we were actually made by Sony, National, Petronas etc bear with me and let me start talking nonsense....imagine you guys are required to walk around KLCC wearing T shirts with the slogan of your Maker and taking into account that our "use by date" dah over and think what people will think of us when they see us...

If you are made by LG then Life's Good so you should go around whistling and being happy....I can only think of Syed Bakar qualifying here...even though technically he is not of the 64 stock he still can qualify as a "guest artist".

If your maker is Zaitun,,then its GUNA TANPA WAS WAS ...but then with our wives already in Menopause that should not be a problem and anyway most of us are shooting blanks and more important who really want to use us anymore....and Capt. don't start thinking about taking those 8 mile walks all by yourself again and again and again!!

If your maker happens to be PDRM - then it's SAYA ANTI RASUAH - but it should really be SAYA NANTI RASUAH.

What if your Maker happens to be the Government - then you have a few choices..for the anti smokers it will be TAK NAK...but then at our age it has to be TAK NAIK. 

There is also "Malaysia Boleh"...but honestly kita dah Tak Boleh kan? 

JKR comes up with the Jasa Kepada Rakyat...go look at yourself in the mirror and you know that your Berjasa days for any Rakyat (which includes our spouses) was over many many years ago. 

The same goes for BERKHIDMAT UNTUK NEGARA. How to Berkhidmat anymore when just being able to wake up in the morning is cause for celebrations.

Those claiming UMNO as their maker can have SATU LAGI PROJEK DARI KERAJAAN BARISAN NASIONAL on their T shirt. That would be just right for those of us that looks wealthy, greedy and totally corrupt - I would volunteer myself but I only qualify for one of the criteria needed - which one is for you to decide...and anyway I am from Idris House and you guys know that we are purest of the pure !!!!

If Nestle is your Maker...then Minum Milo Anda Jadi Sihat dan Kuat - maybe with the vitamins we take we can be sihat but the kuat bit would be questionable...same as the TAK NAIK situation.


Now if you are from the Pak Lah stock then it's WORK WITH ME, NOT FOR ME. At this stage of our life it's more realistic for "them" to do the work and for us to do the "NOT" part...again the TAK NAIK situation.

RTM say's it is TEMAN SETIA ANDA..I don't think our wife cares one way or the other, so wearing a T Shirt with that slogan will only bring a sad smile to your spouse's face....apo nak di kato!!!

Ok that's about all that I can think of for now.. ....steady aku.


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