
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Three Stooges or NSTP?

This morning as is my habit with some mornings, I made myself a cup of Nescafe Blend 43 with two sugars, no milk (I am lactose intolerant) and went on my PC to write what has been in my head from the night before and what has been in my mind interminably during the night while I lay awake thinking of my favourite Nasi Dagang place in Kampong Baru and of UMNO. To be honest the Nasi Dagang part was pleasant but UMNO was like a “thorn in the flesh” (with apologies to Musa Hitam).

My first port of call on the PC was my blog site ‘steadyaku47’ – nothing much happening there except that another ten people viewed my profile as of yesterday. I looked at the photo of myself posted on my blog – it was the closest I could find that made me look a bit like what Brad Pitt will look like when he get to be as old as I am now – 61 years. Not much I could do about the way I look now but our two cats, Harley and Lea accepts me for what I am. So no problems there. As for my wife – she does not believe in divorce -  so que sera, sera.

Next I go to the other blogs. Lim Kit Siang first because he was the one who actually walk the talk and posted some articles that I wrote on his site. I could not share my happiness of that first posting with anybody at home – my wife did not know or care who LKS was and my son just does not read my blog. Frust !! Then the usual suspect – Malaysia Today, Malaysian Insider, Anwar’s Blog (there was an article by me there “Anwar a Traitor?”), Zveloyak (a classmate) Steest, The English Cottage etc etc. By force of habit I still go to my dear late friend, classmate and fellow blogger’s site “The Ancient Mariner” who left us recently – just to look at his image and quietly smiled to myself thinking of the exchanges we had over the net. I think he had a good life. Well liked and truly missed by many.

Then to the local papers. The Sun first, THE STAR and maybe, if I want a laugh, NSTP. This morning I wanted a laugh and I was not disappointed. There was this article:

MMCC to investigate brutal video clip


KUALA LUMPUR, Wed: The home ministry wants the Malaysian Multimedia and Communications Commission (MMCC) to investigate the airing of a video clip on a website that showed a man being assaulted by a group of men that allegedly occurred at police station.

Its minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, in his statement today asked for stern action to be taken against those guilty for showing the video clip online. 

"The investigation is necessary to identify those involved in the clip and stern punishment must be meted against those responsible for putting it online. 

"This is because such irresponsible action was aimed at tarnishing the image of the police and its institution in the country. This is to teach them that such an act will not repeat in the future," he said. 

Hishammuddin said he was disappointed and regretted that certain parties, especially the bloggers, who put the video online claiming a detainee was brutally tortured in a police station.

"Such an irresponsible act intended to smear and discredit the Royal Malaysia Police. In fact, such accusation was false and baseless, intended to tarnish the police," Hishammuddin said.

He said the police were serving the nation with integrity and responsibility and followed procedures according to the law. 

"The police do not act on personal interest or disregard the procedures that had been established. They had been trained to be honest and disciplined. 

"The public must be smart and be wary on the credibility of information publicised in the website," he said. -- BERNAMA

The usual clichés..stern action, stern punishment, irresponsible action aimed at tarnishing the image of the police, irresponsible act intended to smear and discredit the Royal Malaysia Police, in fact such accusation was false and baseless, intended to tarnish the police.

Let us stop here for a minute.

First he ask for an investigation by MMCC and before any investigation is carried out he has already decided that ‘stern action to be taken against those guilty’ and that any accusation that the police brutally (Hishammuddin’s adjective – not mine !!) tortured detainees was false and baseless. Just for good measure he also said “that the police were serving the nation with integrity and responsibility and followed procedures according to the law.

Very powerful prose here. Not only do the Police followed procedures BUT they also followed procedures according to the Law !!! Does that make the death of anybody while under Police custody legal then? Must be lah – they do everything according to the Law !!!

"The police do not act on personal interest or disregard the procedures that had been established. They had been trained to be honest and disciplined. 

"The public must be smart and be wary on the credibility of information publicised in the website," he said. – BERNAMA. I deliberately left “BERNAMA” so that you all know that what was quoted of Hishammuddins is kosher. By this time I have already had my dose of laughter for the morning ( and there was no need for me to watch any of the Three Stooges Movies I had on standby) made my thanks to NSTP and went on to more mundane stuff – like trying to write some stuff on Ku  Li


  1. When asked to investigate the Lingam video tapes, the IGP and AG said they needed the original tapes as otw, they could not identify Lingam, although 'ot looked like him, sounds like him...'. And till today, no charges have beeb pressed despite an RCI where Leo Gwo Burne testifying that he took the original clips!!

    But 1 look at these video tapes and they can instantly detect that it's not TBH and that it's all a fake?

    How come?

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race. That is all that really matters.

  2. HH: I'm humbled that you check my blog. I've been lazy. As the Terminator says "I'll be BACK!". :)
