
Monday, August 24, 2009

Some unpleasant truths...for Najib

The leaders in Pakatan Rakyat are focused, dedicated and committed to their cause. Maybe the time each of them have spent under ISA have made them what they are today. Totally focused on giving us all a better tomorrow. And for Tok Guru he understands the pain of having a son taken in under ISA. Of course you would not have the courage to put Tok Guru himself under ISA. No it is not because he is old – you know that the backlash from detaining him even for 24 hours will bring upon you and UMNO a blow that you will never recover from. He is one of those few individuals left in this country which even you, ISA, MACC, PDRM or whatever you have at your disposal – none can touch him. These words from Pulp Fiction is apt for UMNO if they dare touch Tok Guru!
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee".
And now we look at the people around you. Your immediate staff are more focus on making hay while the sun shine. They have seen Pak Lah’s people trying to make money in such a limited time frame. To those who are in the know - remember how important Tajuddin was when Pak Lah was Prime Minster? Who cares where Tajudin is now? So as it stands now they know their time is rapidly coming to a close – so their focus is on making money – no matter what it will cost your Prime Ministership. They will extract whatever toll they can get from anybody who will need access to you for projects. They will ask for whatever commission they can get from any projects awarded with their so called ‘help’. Any letter of recommendations from you or support for projects will be ‘sold’ to the highest bidder. Whatever that can be squeezed out of any Government projects or activity will be squeezed.
Arranging for people to meet with you is a lucrative proposition. When you go back to Pekan, travel anywhere, go overseas – do not think that the people who happen to be where you are, are there because they ‘happen’ to be there? It has all been contrived and planned at a cost – and that cost is collected and divided amongst those that know where you are and at what time you will be there. When they know there will then able to fit in who ever wants to see you for their own vested reasons. – at a price. Ultimately it is the Rakyat that will pay because all these costs are added on many times over to the price of the projects that Najib gives them.
UMNO itself. The Japanese will focus on the Number Two of any organization when they want to work on a long term basis with that organization - then wait for the number two to take over. Those in UMNO knows that their future is with Muhyiddin. You yourself have experienced the shift in ‘loyalty’ from Pak Lah to you when you became the PM’s designate. You yourself know this is happening now. Jaga periok nasi sendiri aja.
Voters. Do the sums. UMNO has 4million members. Your Barisan partners are no longer relevant in the scheme of things. Malaysia’s population is 27million. Of this let us say 50% will vote or are eligible to vote – that makes it 12 million votes. If all of UMNO’s 4 million members vote for UMNO you will still lose the next GE.
Between now and the next GE the current awareness of the Rakyat in all things happening around them will preclude the possibility of any massive abuse of your powers so necessary to feed the hungry and greedy factions within UMNO. If you cannot feed them – you die. No projects no loyalty.
Everyday from now will be fill with many nightmares and the gradual loss of your ability to control UMNO as every move, every decisions and every action undertaken by you comes under scrutiny by everyone around you and conveyed to the rakyat via their own media and the Internet.  There are enough stories about you now to keep the Rakyat entertained up to the next General Election even if you do not put a foot wrong from now on.
And the most stressful of all – when will Muhyiddin make his move to take over the Presidency of UMNO. Not even Muhyiddin knows for now – but you can be sure that he will know when the moment comes. Either UMNO will make the decision for him when they feel that you are no longer relevant to their cause (making money) or Muhyiddin and Mahathir will chart the course together. Whatever happens this you must know – when the shift starts, you will have to get out of the way because no way can Pahang withstand the onslaught that would come from Johor – the state that for so long considers itself to be the bastion of UMNO.
You will also have to decide what you need to do about Rosmah. She has been a rock tied around your neck from day one. She is no Kak Endon or Jean who have always been supportive and a pillar of strength for Pak Lah. Rosmah is to you what Yoko One is to John Lennon. But for her own survival,Yoko Ono was willing to loosen the strings that tied John to her when she had to. Rosmah’s rope will only tighten. She is too lost in her own importance to understand why she is reviled by the public and those around you.
You are living in a house of cards. At the first sign of it falling down your people will desert you. When will that be? Now if you had all this on your shoulders what hope is there of you being able to govern this country of ours? No hope at all. No hope. So all of us, Mahathir, Muhyiddin and UMNO included, are waiting for you to fall. Some of us twiddle our thumbs, some like our leaders work constructively to ensure that they are ready to offer a viable alternative to the Rakyat and then they are the others that you really must beware of. They come from UMNO.


  1. Good writing, easy to digest and i predict your points will gonna happend. Young people like we waiting the fall of devil BN/UMNO.

    TAKE HEED OR PERISH along the way of PAK LAH.

  3. Nothing new,,,the dooms of domicile were visible since 1988. Just that Rakyat, was too florished and reaping form the cash flowing in from foriegn investors in terms of manufacturing, services and trading. With an eventuality of keeping a blind eye towards, Mahathir's frolicks, PDRM, ACA, AG (Dustbining the files), CIVIL SERVICES (Immigration officers getting swaped from foriegn recruitment agents) and Strong linked Bussiness Corporates, with mega projects enticing with strong kickbacks. It was all there but, I blame the public for the blind eye, while Political Leaders from the Opposition, NGOs, Civil Right Leaders, Religious Leaders were serving it out in Kamunting, during the "Operation Lalang".

  4. adakah apa yang saudara tulis itu pengalaman saudara semasa regim Pak Lah dahulu yangmana saudara telah lalui

  5. Well put forward and with much depth. This is my first encounter with your article and I only have admiration for your depth of thoughts.

  6. Bro HH,

    A good write-ups.

    Enjoyed reading your blog, hows Adelaide?

  7. when you are at the helm, there's only one way to go i.e FALL, either by your own doing or you're forced to

  8. Aisehman you all must think that I am a Special Branch many of you Anonymous !!! Cannot lah....many thanks for your comment. MERDEKA!

  9. Samsaimon...its Winter over here - sejuk nak mampus...but still got to use my sarong to relax and to write - kalau Melayu tu Melalyu aja kat mana you berada.What is your connection with that Indonesian singer who shares you name? Camna?


  10. Ini caranya setiap kali ada pertukaran Perdana Mentri atau Mentri.


  11. A very astute observation of Najibs dilemna - it vividly explains,also,the Raison D,etre of UMNO body politic - an excellent article - Bravo.

  12. Very interesting article..

    But seriously..wat can NAJIB do?If as u said it..everything is so set in stone..he has no options but just Stage 4 Cancer ya?

    Anyway wats an old boy doing up there in Aussie land?Can't be another perpetual scholar?

  13. this old boy is too old to change - have been here since 30 years ago and looks like this is it. But we Idris House guys are for Najib coming here might be an option he should consider.
