
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

TUN at 84

TUN at 84.
Take all the Politics out we have a remarkable man in our midst.  At 84 years old when he might be forgiven for forgetting his own name, our Tun has the numero uno blog in the country though he does preface his blog welcome with a “this site is dedicated to publishing my writings, thoughts and opinions  ‘as and when I am able” .
At 84 he can be excused for acting foolishly – as he sometimes still does – but he still does not suffer fools easily and can give as good as he gets. His ability to verbally spar off the cuff has not diminished despite advancing years. He asks for no quarter and gives none. Despite everybody wanting to treat him with respect just for being 84 he gives no respect to those that annoys him.
He is articulate and sharp and we are surprised that he can still even walk and talk sensibly. This must be the best time of his life. The twinkle in his eyes is still there and his mind is as sharp as ever. Woe betides those that chose to cross swords with him. Long may you be amongst us –though we would wish at times that you would keep your counsel to yourself. A long life TUN.  

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