
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Another RM2 billion loss?

Tell me who would be stupid enough to go and buy a bank in Indonesia? You tell me who would do that? Then if that was not enough you go and take a running jump into Pakistan and buy another bank there. But wait there is more! While they are doing that why not pick up a bank in Vietnam. In all they spent an incredible RM10.8 billion to acquire these three banks. Who would be stupid enough to do this when Maybank has been advise AGAINST making the purchase? Maybank belongs to the Government and so they will take instructions from the Government. Taking instructions from a Government run by idiots who thinks that Maybank is also Mybank. So in essence it is the Barisan Government that is stupid enough to go and buy three Banks in Indonesia, Pakistan and Vietnam for RM10.8 billion despite strong advise against doing the deal.
Now Maybank has confirmed that it lost RM2 billion in this escapade. Now which UMNO guy made a few hundred million in commission from these purchases? Who are the usual suspects? Najib as the Minister of Finance has to be suspect number one – but if MACC does the questioning they will say that he is just ‘helping with inquires’. But Najib must beware that even helping with inquiries can be dangerous if Mahyuddin has anything to do about it.
Najib must have been advised by that Nor Mohamed Yaacob because he had experience of losing more billion when he was with Bank Negara – around RM30 billion in fact.
This latest escapades would have been hysterically funny if it had happened in one of those tin pot African country where you would need half the money in the Banks just to buy a loaf of bread. And of course as far as Najib is concern this is a ‘victimless crime’ because it does no physical harm to any person or property, and was in fact consented, and is currently illegal if based on statutory laws. As victimless as PKFZ and all those plundering of the nation resources. Well Najib I got news for you. The Rakyat now knows that in the end they pay !! That RM37.23 million Aidilfitri bonus for Felda – we all pay. That RM500 million for Razak Baginda – we pay. Soon you will be paying for this that you are now making the Rakyat pay…and then it will be Good Night for you.


  1. at the rate that these BN idiots are going abt losing / plundering all the rakyats' money, Msia will be a bankrupt nation 1 fine day ... too many dead cow heads in the current gomen!

  2. Why M'sia always seem to be on the losing side when we have deals with S'pore GLCs?
    Pantai and the subsequent deals earned at our expense huge sums of money for S'pore.BII our Maybank left huge sums of money on the table i.e lots higher then next highest bidder.

    Is it cos we are STUPID?Don't we have highly paid managers in KHAZANAH who are expected to be able to count?Don't we have a sound corporate governance system with BOD oversight?Don't KHAZANAH use internationalconsultants and pays millions for advise?

    Yet these Managers achieve their KPIs and gets huge bonuses year in year out.And the BOD continues in service with all the perks and golf trips thrown in.and the consultants continue to get jobs after jobs.

    There's no accountability.Everything is swept under the carpet.Managers/BOD stay on as long as they kowtow to the boss.And the country will continue to make the same "unforeseen" errors.With each error someone somewhere benefits.

    Thats our failure..we glorify in symbolism..producing glorious reports and the multi colored books.We use consultants that support our intent.We use Hays to pump up our salary by giving steroid boosted data.

    And as long as the bosses;the hidden dragons are happy we will live ever after.

    So,Wahid will just write off the losses and anything he can identify...and next year will announce best ever quarter and thats it.

    If u look at Wahid..he was supposed to turn around UEM>>its still a hige if not bigger mess.Khalib turned around KUB but when he left it was a big huge hole.Idris loses 3 bil and became a Minister.Amirsham Rm 2 bil became Minister.

    My point...NO ACCOUNTABILITY.These guys are protected as long as the hidden dragon is fed and happy.

    No change to that scheme till the dragon is slayed.

  3. These huge losts were during the tenure of Tun Dol Beduwi!

    You heard of a jobless millionaire? You heard of his fingers in every pie?

    I don't know! I have not heard!

  4. Samsaimon I know Abang Lah well. He would not knowingly take what is not his.It is his inability to understand that people close to him will use him for their own purpose that has been his undoing. sad but true.
