
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cakap blog

Friends I am trying to get some perspective as to what is happening to my blog. In the first place I must tell you all that I only became familiar with this ‘blog’ thing late last year. To my amazement and wonder I realized that with youtube and the blog sites I was able to keep track of what is happening in Malaysia in ‘real time’. That ‘real time’ is another new term for me. The last time I heard it mention was during a Harrison Ford film where the Americans were tracking their Special Forces in the desert who were out hunting Arab terrorists. 
So let us recap. You tube, blogs and ‘real time’ – and I was on top of everything happening in Malaysia – KL mostly. So much so that at times I could tell my cousins in KL what was happening before they even knew about it. The more I knew the more disillusioned I became with the way UMNO was doing things.
The first turning point was probably the Lingam ‘correct correct correct’ case. I can describe the whole thing in one sentence. Looks like a cover-up, it is a cover-up – then cover it all up! Another was the appointment of the CJ. – this guy married without asking his first wife’s permission to do so and did it in an illegal ceremony across the border – and now he is the CJ? Come on man – do they take us for idiots?
And so it went on and on and on until I told myself - write! So we now come to the present. My statistics tells me that an average of 1000 people read some of what I write everyday. I know this is nothing compared to the other more established blog – but it is something that I have to come to terms with. As I told Jack I am totally disconnected with those that read what I write because I am so far away from everything. I do not discuss what I write with anybody here neither do I get any indications of the right or wrong of what I write.
But I have started to get feedbacks from some of you from the comment left on the blogs – your footprints after you have visited steadyaku47. Most of it good but some did hit me where it hurts most – right in my stomach!
What I trying to say is this. A blog has got to be alive to be interesting and more important I need those feedbacks to keep this blog alive. I read what I can get on the net about Malaysia and what I read keeps me motivated – but I feel that I have yet to connect with those that read what I write. To those that have taken the trouble to comment –thank you. To those that have not – please do continue to read – but do write to give me some sense of direction as to where I should be heading or where you want me to head.


  1. Bro,

    You are on a right track for a better Malaysia. Keep it up. Write without fear or favor.But be honest and sincere. That is what UMNO leaders/supporters are lacking apart from being arrogant and corrupt. These idiots don't realize that time has changed and information flows at a lightning speed and they still want to continue cheating the rakyat. Have you read the latest report on Selcat's hearing on the testimony of DO's about BN assemblymen spending their RM500,000 yearly allocation (our money lah)in just 2 months without proper justification? No action from the "transparent" MACC? They think we are fools? Any comments on this Sir?

  2. Yes I did ..and what about Malayan Banking spending billions to buy banks in Indonesia and Pakistan? This is a joke - nobody in their right mind would buy Banks in Pakistan or Indonesia....some UMNO Politicians are laughing all the way to the bank!

  3. You are doing just fine. Speaking from your heart and what's in your mind.

    Do share your experiences and thoughts to make, at least Malaysia, a better place to live.

    As you've once said in one of your posting, if you can just turn one person to go against the wrong-doings of the government, you have done your part. So, keep it coming.

  4. Wrong, Najib.

    Doubts about opposition rule is nothing compared to the people disgust at Umno rule.

    Your deputy has never heard of 1Malaysia.

    Your home minister displays sickening partisanship.

    Your judiciary pretends it doesn't know how to read the Perak constitution.

    Your MACC goes on baseless witch-hunts against opposition politicians rather than fight real corruption.

    Your police force prioritises suppressing peaceful gatherings than fighting crime.

    Your AG practises selective prosecution.

  5. How to save 1Malaysia when it does not even exist in the first place? 1Malaysia can only happen when the racist BN is sent packing lock, stock and barrel.

  6. These MACC sons of bitches or pariah dogs are just carrying out the orders from the corrupted party called UMNO or United Maksiat Najis Organisation!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. It seems like Selcat can do better job than MACC. The interrogation was conducted in transparent and professional ways. BN shame on you.

  9. The one thing about reading bloggs is that it is difficult to separate fact from fiction without properly investigating the issue concerned.

    Having said that, I do appreciate your blogging for you come across in your writings as a forthright and down-to-earth person.

    By and large, your blogging indicates a lot of pent-up angst about unjust and corrupt practices. However, this negativity then becomes a vicious circle and may lead to a stressful situation for you and perhaps your readers too. Therefore I like your idea of countering this negativism through occasionally writing about what is good that may make your dream come true.

    Thank you and continue blogging.

  10. Well written & well said!

    UMNO and BN components are rotten by their selfish, nepotism and crony system, injustice, greed, corrupted minds, arrogance, abused power etc, after 50 years in power.

    It is time to Look East Policy in Japan to kick UMNO and BN out in GE13. The Makkal Sakti people power by Pakatan Rakyat to rule Malaysia soon!

  11. I spotted you from way back when you started, thanks to ZR.

    I think you're doing a great job!


  12. Lita it is polite among friends to wish each other 'Good Morning' first and then proceed to the business at 'Good Morning' and yes I am well...and tqs.

  13. I like the way you write - calling a spade a spade, and you are down to earth. You do have to be careful though of rabble rousers who will come into your blog and spew hate filled comments e.g killer 3:18 PM. But I guess once you get such 'visitors' it means that you have arrived.

  14. Hussein,

    I find that your blog is a good read because you say what you think and in a way that is not extreme, but the same, you get the message across. Your advantage is that you have history with you, you have insights (because of your connections or your friends when you were in Malaysia running about your business) that for a normal man on the street in Malaysia will not have, and with this your message to me is more credible. It does not need to take a genius to spot that one is reaching in their writings, soon reaching will become speculating and that's when the blog will go downhill.

    I think the readers appreciated your honesty in saying that you were part of the rotten system and benefited immensely from it (the 2 penthouse story way back in the 70s or 80s, made me think this guy was in the big league and doing a lot of ass-kissing and boot-licking).

    I also like the part where you share some of your old memories, and the cakap-cakap thingy is pretty cool stuff too. Like I said before, you are from different generation from me, with your experience and insights, you need to share your stuff, if not, it will forever be gone.

    So you are cool, for now.

    What I think would make it more interesting is to think about what are the potential solution to the problems we have on hand. Understand that you will not have all the answers. But hey, providing some to jog the mind of the readers, that may stimulate some feedbacks.

    Jack Ng

  15. Aisehman Jack...I did a bit of boot licking but no much ass-kissing ! Will think about what you say about potential solutions...regards.

  16. Good afternoon! Is it too late to get back into your good books? :)

  17. A daily visit to your blog is a MUST to do things. CHEERS.

  18. Ok Belinda if you must...just to make it worth your while I want you to know that I slept at 4 this morning and woke up at 8 this morning. Why? Well I was stupid enough to try and write that "I am an Individual" piece and it took me a long while to piece that posting together - sometimes my brain undertake tasks that is far beyond its mental capacity to do - and I am stupid enough just go along with it.....

  19. ok lah....only because you are having dinner by yourself tonight...again?
