
Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Cow head protestors face sedition, illegal assembly charges 
The AG stated that “I have decided to charge those who carried and spoke while stepping on the cow head under Sect 4 (1) of the Sedition Act alternatively Section 298 of the Penal Code.
“They as well the other demonstrators will also face another charge under section 27 (5) of the Police Act for illegal assembly,” Gani said in the press statement today.
He said that the police had submitted their investigation papers to him today and he was satisfied there was enough evidence to charge the cow head protestors.
So what of Din now? What he said at his very public media conference  - what does that make him? A right royal idiot who stuffed his foot into his mouth or is this going to be another ‘show’ trial – all thunder and lighting – and then ends without so much as a whimper? It is sadly a sign of the time we live in that we should even have to question the actions of a Minister and the motives of the Attorney General. When these two should be in sync they seems to be miles apart in rationale and action. When these two should be acting in concert they are at loggerheads in interpreting cause and possible repercussions in matters of national interest. And like in all matters where the end is near  - unable to reason and distinguish what should and could be done to manage and contain situations that would ultimately result in their own demise. Such is the fate of those that abuse the trust place unto them by the people. Din did you remember your lifestyle before you came into politics? Politics was never your ‘thing’ – go back to being what you were.   


  1. Malaysians mudah lupa.

    The SOP whenever UMNO is involved, just watch, drag the case out months and months and in time, semua also forget about the cow incident.

    Same SOP like Altantuya case and same SOP for Teoh Beng Hock, just investigate and investigate and then drag the inquests for months and months and months.

    Because they know, Malaysians mudah lupa.

    Not everybody can "Keep The Anger" :)

  2. Malaysian ministers like Kerismooooodin and Mooookhriz competing to see who is " Dumb and Dumber ".
    In Kerismooooodin's case the outstanding qualiies of his grandpa and pa was not passed to him , just look at his nose !.

  3. "Politics was never your ‘thing’ – go back to being what you were".

    Glad if you could shine more light on this statement of yours.

  4. Before he went into politics this Din was living the life of a spoilt rich brat - look at what Najibs and Nazri's children are now doing - and that was Din.

  5. The cow head incident already proved that PDRM used to have double standard when perfoming their job. I wonder why those protestors can shout along the street without any police officer. Is that mean when one of the race population grow up to 80% of malaysian population then they can do what ever they want to ?.

  6. Even the poulation grew to 90%, these same or similar small group of "Cow head " protestors with the head filled with cow dung, will act the same. The only know how to sell their race and religion for small gain. They can't even sell goreng pisang to make a decent living.

    That's why we need to the right minded Malaysian to change the course of our nation for a better place to live.

  7. HH,

    We need more open minded and far sighted Malaysians like you to speak up.

    What can minority do in this country? Just shake our heads and walk away.

