
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Am I a member of UMNO?

I am not a member of UMNO.  My concern is not for the survival of UMNO. Do I know UMNO politicians? Yes I do though I doubt if they will want to acknowledge that fact. If I am not in UMNO why do I maintain more then a nodding acquaintance with them? I am a businessman and it is easy doing business with them – you pay you get the business. You have problems with immigration? The politicians can help. You want to resolve issues with DBKL or MPPJ? The politicians can help…all at a price. Unfortunately at that point in my life settling problems with money was the way of doing things. The morality and correctness of doing so did not concern me then.

It concerns me now. Over time I have seen what rampant corruption in government and business has done to our country and to all of us. Each of us knows what corruption can do. There is awareness not only in me but also in more Malaysians that the survival of our country now lies in doing things the right way.       

Until a few years back I have had no interest in politics. Politics was best left to those who see it as their calling. I have met these young brash Malays who carried name cards with titles such as Biro Ekonomi, Ahli Jawatankuasa Bahagian, …all eagerly waiting to pass out their name cards. These card carrying UMNO members do deals with the first priority being a suitably luxurious four wheel drive (so that they could go visit their rural constituents–so they say!), directorship in the company and five figure allowance so that they could take care of “my boss” interests - who could be a Ketua Bahagian, Yang Berhormat or to those blessed…a Minister perhaps. Then when all these perks are in place there is also the small matter of an entertainment allowance/credit card…and then maybe business. I marvelled at the unbridle enthusiasm of these UMNO technocrats in wanting to do “business!”  

To those of us who are familiar with these ‘negotiations’ we now know that these brash UMNO ‘technocrats’ are no longer around. Time has change. Those in the middle echelons of UMNO are no longer able to do deals like the good old days. It is now up to the Ministers and the first tier UMNO Malays who might still have the gumption or audacity to try and do deals of these nature. 

As we near the general election UMNO knows that the money needed to move its ‘gentera’ must be sourced not only from the public and businessmen but also from within UMNO and from sources within the government – from taxpayers money – from government controlled entities and government owned organizations. In essence Najib and gang have now to conjure up increasingly ingenious ways to siphon money from within government resources to meet UMNO relentless need for cash  …lots of it. In the times that we live BN has to make the decision between spending our money for UMNO’s survival or the survival of our country.

Clearly we must not leave this decision in the hands of  Najib and gang. We have been treated to a very public display of Najibs decision-making process at the Sibu by election. Ringgit $5million of OUR money for the voters to vote BARISAN! No discreet channelling of ringgits to voters through sealed envelopes passed out in the toilets of five start hotels - just a direct transactions from taxpayers funds to voters. UMNO does this because they can. Not PDRM, not the Judiciary not our constitution  …nothing can stop them. Hold people without trial, custodial deaths ignored, electoral boundaries realign, install nominees in Petronas…hell they can do anything they like and we are powerless to stop them. And so my friends when we have politicians without integrity, leaders without compassion then we have a problem as we do now. Everything is an opportunity to divert money into UMNO coffers…and so the rape and plundering of our country resources races on at breakneck speed.

This cannot go on. As our country bleeds UMNO takes more.  It is self evident to UMNO that its end is a matter of time. So many by elections lost. Four states in the hands of PKR.  The three core government entities  - PDRM, Judiciary and the Army - are grievously flawed through abuse and a reckless disregard for their independence to pander for UMNO’s needs. Only money can get things done in Malaysia. As I have said before each new dawn brings upon UMNO a new horror. UMNO’s two previous President at each others throats, the old guards within UMNO sidelined and consigned to retire luxuriously with their ill gotten gains….sexual excesses, the haste to lure opposition politicians into UMNO’s camp with money …all this is a manifestation of coming doom. Coming at best by the next General election .....or earlier should UMNO fall upon its own sword unable to prop up its crumbling and decadent party anymore. Meantime we wait.

While waiting it would do us good to plunge the knife deeper into UMNO’s unprotected flank. Discretely trip them as they stagger towards their perceived escape hatch. Confuse them with wrong directions. Lead them towards dead ends. They need all the help we can give them to go to their own destructive ends – as they have taken us almost to ours...but in leaving us we must not allow UMNO to burn our bridges and destroy what they cannot take with them….this we must guard against! So how can I be with UMNO when they do all this?

1 comment:

  1. Sir,

    Don't mean to be a spoilsport, but I don't think it will be that easy. Or quick. UMNO and their corrupted kuncu's will fight till the bitter end, for they fear what will happen if/when they lose power. I fear that if they go down, they will drag the nation with them by causing civil unrest and what not. But that's just me and my worse case scenarios. I pray that I am wrong. Hope remains eternal eh. I haven't given up on Malaysia and the rakyat yet.

    Best regards,
