
Friday, June 11, 2010

"No more tears now; I will think upon revenge." Mary Queen Of Scots

The family of Kugan, Teoh Beng Hock, Aminulrasyid, Altantuya, Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, Tun Salleh Abbas….to name a few…would any of us begrudge these people to think of revenge?

In life and in politics there must surely be limits to what one human can do to another. What need is there for torture or humiliation on a fellow human such as that suffered by these people and others under Barisan Nasional? The sadness we feel for them is tinge with anger…much anger…. and a resolve to one day have these people, who allowed for these brutalities to occur under their watch, to be held accountable for the atrocities even before they meet with their maker. The Malays have a very effective reminder of our time on earth “Sembahyang Lah Sebelum Anda Disembahyangkan” Pray before you are prayed for. It would be good if these BN politicians start praying now!

We can see the futility of what PDRM is wrecking upon us. Far from making us cower in fear we only have contempt and disgust for them! We shall accept the unfairness of it all for now. For the Malays the release of pent up anger and frustration is when one is said to run amok…I do not know if there is such a word in the Chinese or Indian vocabulary. …but God help the Police when Barisan Nasional is no longer their political masters!

For those in the judiciary that does the bidding of their BN political masters -I spit on your face! Even though he is dead Augustine Paul deserves no less!

I wonder what drives these leaders that we now have to impose their selfish will upon us in the name of national security and maintaining law and order through a Judiciary and a PDRM so obviously flawed. Corrupt politicians beget corrupt cops. Politician’s hell bent on using the judiciary to do their dirty work for them begets a tainted judiciary – the most contemptible of which must surely be the duo of Mahathir & Augustine Paul.

What pride is there for anyone to be the Prime Minister of a government that allows these atrocities? What prestige is there in being leader of a political conspiracy whose commonality in abusing the very people that voted them in is legendary? Power and money are strange bedfellows and the need to hold on to it transcends all that is good. People are murdered for no other crime then being a suspect. For Najib methinks there is ample rewards for his grab at power and his determination to keep it….staying beyond the reach of justice for murder must be one hell of a compelling reason!

I would think that for some in UMNO the thought of losing the next general election is enough for them to wet their pants! How can they explain what happened under their watch? Where are the offsets from the massive government investment in Putrajaya, KLCC, KLIA, Proton, PKFZ – to name a few? There are serious contradictions between stated objectives by MACC and what they actually do. There are irregularities in defence spending. No declaration of conflict of interest in IPP and privatisation negotiations - none whatsoever. No accountability by the Prime Minster or Cabinet for the massive abuse and waste of public funds in infrastructure expenditure and bailouts of numerous questionable commercial undertakings under government control: Malaysian Airlines, LRT, etc etc  ………the costs running into billions.

Anything that was required for the eradication of corruption was studiously ignored. Membership of UMNO allowed access to federal power for personal enrichment and the abuse of federal institution to destroy, discredit people and their reputation. Moral and legal issues were not important when pursuing their stated intention of neutralizing the opposition leaders. Where it concerns BN there was political meddling in corruption investigations. In matters of national interest decisions were made in a non-consultative and inappropriate way to favour BN. A certain helplessness confronts anyone in trying to come to terms with these excesses by the BN government and if you intend to confront them much courage is needed when faced with the questionable investigative tactics of MACC and the forbidding  ISA hanging over your head. 

But these are par for the course for us all and for PKR…not enough to stop us from doing our stated objectives of ridding Malaysia of BN.  

It would be difficult to imagine the orgy or recriminations and settling of accounts that will befall these Barisan Nasional politicians when they are no longer holding high public office. What courage, if any, will they display in facing the howling mob that will seek them to the very ends of the country to ask them to explain their evil deeds while ruling us? The IGP and PDRM will be jumping around with a “Tuan” here and a “Tuan” there for their new political masters - like monkeys running on a hot tar road. Who will be the first MB to be taken to court to explain his wealth? My vote goes to that Toyo guy! Who will explain the abuses of the ISA and Din’s threat to fill the jail to the brim with ISA detainees? How will the ex Prime Minister explain his instruction to a government controled entity to bail out his son’ shipping company using public money?. ..and the list goes on.

Do you think these BN criminals will wait in Malaysia to explain? Huh!. They will all run helter skelter, lentang pukang…to any country that will take them. Can you visualize the exodus? Think Marcos fleeing Manila with boxes of cash and gold. Think Idi Amin fleeing Uganda, the Shah fleeing Iraq! All hasty departures carrying with them wealth they stole from the people. That time is not too far away. I cannot wait!     

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