
Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black...

Johor sultan revokes datukships.

JOHOR BARU: Three other public figures, besides former minister Datuk Seri Chua Jui Meng, have had their Johor state titles stripped of since last week, the Johor Council of Royal Court said yesterday.

The revocation was in accordance with Article 12 of the Statutes and Ordinances of the Most Honourable Order and Article 7(f) of the second part of the Johor constitution 1895. Ramli said that under the article, the sultan had the unquestionable right to bestow on or revoke any title given to his subjects.
Ramli said the council had a regulatory body to monitor the conduct of the recipients, “In Johor, the datukship is equivalent to the British knighthood… So you see, we hold such titles in high regard and with utmost respect since Datuks here are considered to be exemplary individuals and leaders.”
I came across the above article this morning. It is good to know that Johor has a regulatory body to monitor the conduct of these Datuks. And Ramli also tells us that the Johor Datukship is equivalent to the British knighthood…and that they hold such titles in high regard and with utmost respect since Datuks are considered to be exemplary individuals and leaders.
One question Ramli – who monitors the Sultan?
If you say that the Sultan of Johor does not need monitoring then I beg to differ. And here are just a few reasons why.
One of your Sultan assaulted a Johor hockey coach at his palace in 1992 and the fall out from that enabled Mahathir to cold storage royalty and handed over royalty powers to UMNO. Good for UMNO bad for Sultans…and worse still for the Rakyats!
One of your Sultan was charged for culpable homicide not amounting to murder in 1971 and was subsequently pardon after his father intervened.
One of your Sultan’s favorite Sport was watching his loyal subjects fornicating while in his august presence! Credit must be given to him for not himself participating in these sports – but aisehman a Sultan watching people fucking?  This fornicating bit seems to be the sport of choice for a number of members of the Johor Royal House. If you need details ask me!
Your Sultan is of the opinion that whacking people with golf clubs or whatever was at hand is sport! Well at least he does it often enough to be good at it – and in sports as you yourself know, practice makes perfect.

That will be enough for now because ini cerita orang Melayu – Sultan Melayu – orang Melayu yang malu. But next time before you shoot of your mouth about the Johor Datukship being equivalent to British Knighthood and regulating bodies regulating these Datuks…….please consider monitoring your own Sultans first.  For all we know maybe you too might need some monitoring…camna?


  1. Ever wonder why that 'gila' hospitals are situated in Johor and Perak. It is for the respective Sultan to visit regularly!

  2. Oh..please furnish more details on this sultan love to see live sex show.

    Thank you.

  3. In the 90's , all major "bapa ayam" / PIMP in Jalan Pudu carry "Dato " title confer by Sultan for their so call recognised contribution to Malaysia soiety .. :)

  4. " If you need details ask me!"

    We are asking you now. Details please.

  5. Details........please!

    It's your civic duty to let the people know what their Sultans love.

  6. Johor Royal Council secretary Abdul Rahim Ramli said that those who had awards withdrawn should ask themselves whether they had done 'something honourable' or not. Sometime in the early 80s, the present sultan's father went on an even bigger datukship stripping spree. Among those whose datukship was taken away was Abdul Rahim Ramli's own brother, who by all known accounts did nothing dishonourable. I wonder if Abdul Rahim Ramli thought otherwise.

    During late 80s or early 90s, attractive women were advised not to go to JB Holiday Inn at night. I don't know why. Wonder if steadyaku47 knows why.

  7. Three years ago when I was on holiday in Malaysia, while going for a drink in some bar located in the Zone (where duty free liquor are served), my Singaporean friend saw a car and looked worried and quickly telephoned his Malaysian girl friend who was a liquor promoter to hide in the toilet.
    He told me the car belonged to the sultan's son and he will grab any girl he fancies and kisses and molests them as he likes.

    I was shocked this barbaric behavior still happen in modern time in Malaysia which claims to be a democratic country.

  8. Aisehman I wanted Ramli to ask me...but I guess you guys are more important! I have to think what i can and shall write about...don't want the Royal House of Johor to sue me. But who cares! Must do what RPK did to Najib on Altantuya - if they sue me then I can tell everything in open court!...ok friends just give me a bit more time to include the other Royal Houses in Malaysia. I am an equal opportunity kind of writer...write on one Royal House must write on the others too! So a bit more time please.....

  9. P.S Holiday JB has some interesting tales...if only the walls could talk...maybe if the walls still refuse to talk somebody else will have tooooo...

  10. Dear steadyaku47,
    Verily, a cock they most certainly are. That is all. By any chance, did the Marquis De Sade and the Sultans even live in the same era?

  11. btw, I admire a man who is willing to have sex with a boiling tea kettle.
