
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cakap cakap...PDRM: When is enough enough?

Most times I think I am accepting of the fact that we have a Barsian Nasional Government that has virtually done all they can in their quest to put more money into their very deep pockets. They steal, lie, abuse their powers, cheat on their wife and wives, have no respect for our right or dignity, pillage and plunder our national coffers – all these they consider victimless crimes because nobody is physically hurt! Even the cheating on their wives they consider that it is a crime without a victim – because they regard their wives to be less then  human – unless you wife is our First Lady aka Rosmah! Then you die lah…but I digress…

As I have said most times I am immune to the many antics of the Barisan Nasional Government because I know what they are capable of doing. But just as I think they have reached rock bottom…they go and get another shovel and start digging deeper! This morning Lita sent me an email with a video attached showing the PDRM goons working on the anti ISA demonstrators at Amcorp Mall recently. The PDRM goons were there in numbers and as usual created havoc once they were set loose by their handlers (or officers if you insists on calling them).


Yes they went on their normal Rambo madness of roughing up whoever was in their path – the way they always do. What incensed me were two things that was caught on camera. The crying of a child who was there amongst the demonstrators – most probably with her mother to protest the ISA and the slapping of a young male by the PDRM goons! That really was a cowardly thing to do because what was done by this PDRM goon was to reach out and slap that young guy as he was being led away unable to defend himself!

Why don’t you do the same thing with these PDRM goons? Why don’t you all hide in the bushes with slingshots – catapult with ball bearings …and shoot at the police when they pass by. It does not matter which PDRM goons passes by – just any PDRM goons will do! Declare war on them so that the fear of God will be put into their heads. So that they understand that the people can and will fight back. There are enough of you to hide each other in large crowds. Enough of you to fight back if they rush you. Enough of you to surround these PDRM goons when they come to harass our own people.

You guys that are brave enough – form yourself into small groups to harass these PDRM goons when they are doing their “work” …of extorting money from us! Once you start hitting a few of them while they are busy extorting our own people they will start to fear going our on their beat. They will start to fear going out to harass demonstrators. They will start to fear being out in public. Then they will not be as arrogant as they are now.

We need to do something to stop these beating of innocence people. People who are unable to defend themselves. Young people, children, women and people who do no violence to anybody. Put the fear of God into these PDRM goons and the tide will turn. Then let us see if they will follow the orders of Barisan Nasional as eagerly as they are doing now!    

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Cakap cakap...PDRM: When is enough enough?":

Have we ever seen, even once, the police were being attacked or in danger? Have protesters ever retaliated or fight back? Were they armed? Since when salt and mineral water bottle considered a weapon? Did these protesters created any form of unrest to the country, ever? These overzealous actions of the very institution we expect to protect us failed miserably and their action was absolutely unneccessary! The rakyat who wish to express their views were often treated like communist, terrorists and crooks. The only tension and suspense came with the big Ho-Ha by the police themselves, "Tangkap!Tangkap! Kepung!Kepung! TangKap!Tangkap!" or else everything was smooth and peaceful. Every events of the oppositions were filled with Special Branch cameramen. Targetted individual phone lines were tapped, computers bugged and they hunt you down to find fault with you. Been there, seen it. There were occasions, witnessed it in 1997 where the ppl who seen to throw objects from the masses of protesters in Masjid Negara towards the police IS a police himself...Later participated in arresting the protesters. Back to 2010, still they were using the 'create-an-excuse-to-nab-u' tactics. Disgusted. We, the rakyat will wait...for the next GE. 


  1. Have we ever seen, even once, the police were being attacked or in danger? Have protesters ever retaliated or fight back? Were they armed? Since when salt and mineral water bottle considered a weapon? Did these protesters created any form of unrest to the country, ever? These overzealous actions of the very institution we expect to protect us failed miserably and their action was absolutely unneccessary! The rakyat who wish to express their views were often treated like communist, terrorists and crooks. The only tension and suspense came with the big Ho-Ha by the police themselves, "Tangkap!Tangkap! Kepung!Kepung! TangKap!Tangkap!" or else everything was smooth and peaceful. Every events of the oppositions were filled with Special Branch cameramen. Targetted individual phone lines were tapped, computers bugged and they hunt you down to find fault with you. Been there, seen it. There were occasions, witnessed it in 1997 where the ppl who seen to throw objects from the masses of protesters in Masjid Negara towards the police IS a police himself...Later participated in arresting the protesters. Back to 2010, still they were using the 'create-an-excuse-to-nab-u' tactics. Disgusted. We, the rakyat will wait...for the next GE.

  2. If we remove the word "royal" from Polis Di Raja Malaysia... they might behave a bit more like human beings.
