
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Dear Friends,

It is time we try and organize ourselves into that critical mass required to ensure that what we do, what we write and what we think are shared with as many of our friends as possible. Speaking from my own personal experience I find that whenever my articles are posted on Malaysia Today, Harakah, Anwar’s blog or other sites there will be a spike in the number of visits to my site. There have been a number of times when I find that the articles I posted on my blog are copied and sent to others via emails or posted on other sites – and I am happy that this is done because I want to share what I think with others. What I would like to try and do is to get what I write to many others out there in the public domain. This is hard to do because not many people out there know who the hell this steadyaku47 is!  

I want to ask your help in this. Recently they have come up with this to help us bloggers:

Follow by Email
Already added

Make it easy for readers to follow your blog by email. 
By Blogger

I have posted that gadget on to my blog site and it works great. Every time I post something new those who have registered their email with me is sent a reminder to go to my blog to read the new posting. 

I would like to take this to another level. We need to reach out to as many people as we can with what we write and get them to start “talking and discussing” with us their concerns and the questions they want answered by those against BN/UMNO. I intend to do more work on my blog and this kind of feedback would assist me to direct our focus on issues that matters.

Can you ask your friends if they will register their email with my blog so that they will be informed whenever there is a new posting on steadyaku47? You can find this gadget on the right hand column of my blog. Or if they agree you can post their email on my blog on their behalf – but do ask their permission first! Just one or two of your friends would do – and they in turn ask another one or two of their friends to do the same thing. I hope that this way of “doing it forward” will get a few people to know more about what we do. Let us do this together!

I will do the same thing for you if you put that same “gadget” on your blog.    

This fight against BN/UMNO will be a hard and messy fight. The only comfort I can draw from the people out there is that the numbers to get Pakatan Rakyat into government are out there. BUT they need to be organized and information relevant to our cause MUST go to them to be read. Can you help?

You are one. With me we are two. Who else will join us?      

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