
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mahathir: His contributions to the decline in political morality in Malaysia.

What distinguish the UMNO of today and that of the time before Mahathir can be said in a few words : compassion for and the respect of the rights of the people : or to be more exact the lack of it after Mahathir became Prime Minister. With Mahathir came the decline of political morality and a corresponding decline in the moral fibre in the civil service. Since 1981 the indiscretions of elected officials and those in the civil service have become the hall mark of all things Malaysian to the extent that Malaysians are now accepting that the realities of corruption, greed and vested interests colors all government transactions. An acceptance that we are now a country in decline without much hope for recovery in the foreseeable future.

As if to emphasize this decline we are continually bombarded with scandals after scandals of the worse kind - financial, sexual and the abuse of power by high ranking public officials. What the murder of Altantuya, PKFZ, death in PDRM and MACC custody and the massive financial abuses of the nation's wealth confirms is that Malaysia is indeed a nation in moral decline bereft of any decent political leadership : in short a nation that has lost it's way.   

And as if this was not enough our increasing economic woes are now compounded by a social and racial divide that has been deliberately and irresponsibly concocted by the BN government to divide and rule the people of our country - and by so doing have manged to hold on to power for the last 53 years! 

Not only have this been done by creating a social and racial divide amongst the Malays and non-Malays but the BN government of the day has found it expedient to accelerate this racial divide by the giving of citizenship's to legal and illegal Malay immigrants further exacerbating an already precarious and delicate racial and social problems that is now plaguing the country. Imagine what social harm the massive influx of unskilled and uneducated immigrants would do to any country that is not even able to provide basic welfare care and education to its existing people. Surely this is the act of an irresponsible and self serving government without regard for anything else but their own political survival! 

At all levels of our society we now see our people in distress. Financial distress. Social distress. Moral distress. And surely a society in which its political leaders are without the controlling influence of decent morality is a society in real distress? That is the situation we now find ourselves!

The BN government has succumb to the lowest level of politics : GUTTER POLITICS : gutter politics is where the worse of human nature and behaviour in politics have not only been unleashed but rewarded! There is simply no precedent in the once grand tradition of UMNO/BN politics or of our country for the shameful manner in which UMNO/BN has now descended. In the Malaysia of today we see our Prime Minister using his office as a sanctuary from prosecution in the Altantuya murder. We see lewd behaviour by BN politicians rewarded with an ambassadorial posting to Washington! The President of MCA is more well known for his sexual hi jinks in a pornographic video then for his political prowess. Our Chief Justice though guilty of thinking with his penis rather then with his distinguish grey matter was rewarded with his judicial post giving credence to this adage : 

Chief Justice : Honorary tittle given to leader's best friend!       

And none distinguishes the depths that UMNO/BN has sunk to then the relentless attacks against DSAI - the latest of which required the use of one Child Rapist Tan Sri and two slimy Datuks. 

Following the examples set by this BN government our society has followed suit. We have a corrupt and brutal Police Force which is just short of becoming a willing appendage of UMNO. The corporate world is a willing, eager and generous participant where prudent business practices are cast aside for the more lucrative political patronage on offer from corrupt politicians where the spoils on offer is breath takingly profitable at the expense of the public.  

And where does all this lead to? The simple answer is to look at where we are to day : 2nd July 2011. We have a government that has virtually declared war on its people for wanting a fair, free and open election. We have a government that is prepared to risk the lives of its people in Gebeng Kuantan for Lynas - big business against the little people.

We have the Prime Minister talking up a RM 4 billion redevelopment of the city riverfront - this at a time when minimum wages are still just "to be discussed" next year, when subsidies are being "restructured" and when our hard core poor can still be seen wandering the streets of our capital and major cities, and the old are still without adequate care.  What madness is this to prioritize these mega projects when matters of affordable housing and putting food on the table for the nations poor should really be the priority?

These are some of the reasons why today in Malaysia compassion for others who are less fortunate are no longer a consideration for this BN government. Why we no longer trust this BN government to do what is right for us and for our country. And of course where moral decency has gone the same way as this BN government has gone -  into the abyss where the dregs of society resides!

Are we at the point of no return?

To answer this we need to look at what has happened after Mahathir became Prime Minister. The manner in which Mahathir consciously used race to divide and rule the country would put Malaysia on the same level as South Africa that had used Apartheid to "manage" racial inequality. Initially as the restructuring of the Malaysian society got underway there were visible images of the Malays getting their share of the nations wealth. The non-Malays accepted the necessity of this social re engineering with grace and possibly an acceptance that this must be the way to go forward if we were to be 1Malaysia. 

But soon, much too soon the cosmetics redistribution of wealth amongst the Malays became in reality a grab by UMNO politicians of the nations wealth for their own keeping. The executive power vested in UMNO politicians made this too easy a task for UMNO to do and do it they did with gusto and a greed that brought with it the culture of money politics into the consciousness of the Malays in general and into UMNO in particular. 

I would think that the irreversible slide towards this moral decay started when UMNO within itself accepted the use of money politics and factionalism within itself as a means of buying and staying in power. Thus began the transformation of UMNO into an organization where the needs justifies the means - and the end is always to hold on to power at any costs. Because power open doors to great wealth. No longer was UMNO there to fight the battles for the Malays. No longer were the Malays the reason for UMNO's being. Money was the be all and end all of all things UMNO. This new reality brought along with it the troubles and abuses that we now have today. 

Malaysia is now a country governed by corrupt politicians.The races no longer lived in harmony because it serves the interest of these politicians for the various races to be at each other's throats. Gone are the interest of the people, their dreams and aspirations  - in its place there was one and only one overriding need of the BN government - to stay in power!

All this started when Mahathir became our Prime Minister in 1987. We now have a new generation, maybe even two generations of our young and not too young, brought up to turn away from the ways of "pre Mahathir" to grow up to become parents in this new "1Malaysia" where ketuanan Melayu and the rights of government to pillage and plunder our nation's resources was, for a time, tolerated.

But not anymore! With the advent of the electronic media and the world wide web and the Internet our people are now able to access information of the abuse and wrong doings of this BN government. No longer can the BN government keep from us the massive losses incurred in wasteful public spending, excessive infrastructure costs and all in all incompetence of the BN government in the Mahathir years which still continues till today.

The Malaysian people have now realized just how far this BN government should be held responsible for the ills we all now face.

All the dominance Malaysia once had within the Asean, if not global economy has now disappeared because of the lack of prudence by this BN government in our times of plenty - so much so that we now question our ability to regain economic stability.

What else does this BN government need to see before they realize that their past and current policies whether in education, business or racial balance have failed miserably? That changes must be made now if we are to ever regain our place again amongst our peers in the East? These economic reforms and national transformation programs must be done to address the necessary changes most needed not for political grand scoring or vested interests of the BN cronies but to guarantee that our economic future will be assured.

I cannot see any other way forward for Malaysia then to do away with this corrupt and self serving UMNO/BN government. What is to come after BN is still to be seen. Much too often human beings have the ability to change for better or for worse when called upon to do so circumstances of their own making or by factors outside their control. If BN is voted out of office at the 13th general election then let those that will take its place understand that the momentum to ensure change rests with the people. Ignore the people at your peril! 


  1. You said it correctly Pak Hussein. Mahathir started showing his evil side when he was challenged by Tengku Razaleigh in late 1980s, and he never turned back ever since.

    I have never been a fan of UMNO/BN but I had no problem with them being the ruling party those years. However looking at where the country is today, there is no reason to keep UMNO/BN in power any longer.

    I celebrate my 49th birthday and that's how long I've been waiting a change in the government of Malaysia. InsyaAllah we'll see it come GE13.

  2. Mereka yang terlibat menyerahkan tanah KTM di Singapura akan dikenang sampai bila-bila. Mereka akan kekal berada dalam lipatan sejarah. Kalau Sultan Hussien of Kampong Glam dikenang sebagai orang yang menyerahkan Temasek kepada Stamford Raffles, nama mereka yang terlibat menyerahkan tanah KTM di Singapura sebaris dengan Sultan Hussien of Kampong Glam. Kalau nama Sultan Hussien of Kampong Glam dikutuk sampai bila-bila, nama mereka yang terlibat menyerahkan tanah KTM di Singapura pun akan dikutuk sampai bila-bila.

  3. True, true. Remember we used to laugh and joked how the police, immigration and customs officers in Indonesia soliciting for bribes when you visit the country. Well, the Indonesians are laughing at us now.

  4. Sad to say Pak Hussein many of us and many many more Malays have been brainwashed by the media on how "good" Mamakthir was when we were younger. Even among those who disdain the government, Mamakthir is still held in high regard as they truly believed that the Mamakutty sincerely had the interests of Malays at heart.

    The political awareness among Malaysians is still fairly immature. What's to be done ?

    Katak di bawah tempurung will always remain a katak

  5. Spot on. Malaysia is where it is today due to one evil man. He is the one who cause suspicion & disunity among the people. The wealth of the country been robbed is also is doing.
    The list goes on.

  6. Kalau kita ingat almarhum ust fadhil noor, mantan presiden pas, ada menfirasatkan yg mahadir akan hidup lama utk menyaksikan "akibat hasil tangannya". Nah ini jelas apa yg berlaku sekarang situa tu berapa kali jantung dia dah kena grembal tapi tak mati2, Allah kasi dia umur panjang suruh dia tengok akibat perbuatannya, mampus situa tu nanti baru dia tahu hidup kat dunia ni rupanya tak lama.

  7. a child-rapist is fined ONLY rm1000/= saja for another crime ...sighs !!


  9. Looking at all our failed politicians, two things stood out very clearly. The greed for money and sex. Indulging themselves in the later and also trying to trap the opposition leaders into the same muck that they themselves indulged in was their failing. And I say they deserved the repercussion and the lack of sympathy from the public.

  10. Bapak dirty politics! He's a one-man demolition team that destroyed the country and made it what it is today, a failed state. All because of his bloated ego and racist attitude. No wonder he such good friends with despots like Mugabe.

  11. Yes mahathir is the reason but what about the society themselves?The majority of us is to blame because we(the majority/BN supporters) were in approval with the evil regime all along by voting them during election,we let corruption dictate our way of life,we participate freely in the system where injustice is the norm and in order to go around one has to bribe and pulled strings every time one want to get things done and by the time we realised it,it is too big a things to fix because it is deeply rooted in each and everyone of us.No doubt the umno regime is the one responsible but it is because we the masses who is assisting them to get to where we are today......

  12. Semua orang Melayu tulen dan beragama Islam harus sedar segera, keluar UMNO BARU dan sokong parti PAS. Anehnya PAS saja yang betul-betul parti Melayu tulen dan semua beragama Islam.

    Cuba bandingkan dengan UMNO BARU. Parti UMNO yang lama telah dicemari dengan ahli-ahli terdiri Melayu tulen, Melayu celup, Mamak, KIMMA dan kaum-kaum lain yang digelar bumiputera juga. Dan bukan semuanya beragama Islam. Kebanyakkan ahli-ahlinya nak projek dan habuan, tu lah sebab masuk UMNO BARU.

    Lama-kelamaan, UMNO BARU akan dipimpin oleh Melayu celup atau Mamak atau KIMMA dengan pertambahan ahli-ahli secara senyap-senyap dan mungkin bertukar nama kepada Majapahit, Sri Vijaya atau KIMMA.

    Tak kan tak nampak?

    Melayu dah Matang

  13. all that long (not so) nicey things that you have written are similar with many many others'. prince, president or politician. except you people have never truthfully qualify the rights of all workers in any business. and thats the root of the entire mess, brader! Where have all the wealth gone? All who are in power in every field of work and industry except WORKERS. The greed for power and wealth will blind you and deny the inalienable right of all workers to profits from any business activity they are involved with. Truely, apart from normal wages, ALL workers have the right to profits of business where they work, even if they own nothing in the share capital. Workers in any business organisation must be given at least one third of the profits. don't agree? then you sound as loud as the Leader who bombs peaple every other week few weeks after people hailed him the Nobel Peace leader!

  14. Everything started during Mahathir's Era but who was actually doing all that is the question we must is non other than Anwar who was making his billions through his cronies and families ....we know Anwar is no saint and now the PR party is under him so it does not make any difference at all if he is there or his proxies are there....BN is no good and we hopefully can get a better and more honest party to replace them but if PR is that replacement I dare say it is getting no where and 100% worst ...just see how they profit from Government contracts which the RCI discovered of doings of DAP and how TBH have to die protecting the image of the Party .....sigh.

  15. I pray the Mamak lives longer to hear and see how history will judge him. That the day comes like Taiwan and Korea where past corrupt leaders are put on trial!!!!

  16. Margaret Justice.. It was written you were one such crony who benefitted from the Mahathirism. Now you are condemning PR. they didn't even rule long enough to make any money yet even if corrupted compared to the 54 years of BN abuses. Besides the TBH cases are kacang puteh stuff which any previous deal u did would have made many times money. It's plain programmed harassment not that I condone corruption. One Scorpene deal is enough to last a lifetime of corruption by PR.
