
Sunday, July 3, 2011


Like a bully that has nothing else but the power to hurt this BN government predictably choose to bully Bersih and the people of this country into submission. But as Lyndon Johnson said of bullies : “If you let a bully come in your front yard, he'll be on your porch the next day and the day after that he'll rape your wife in your own bed.” Do we want UMNO to rape your wife? Do we want to allow BN to come into our house? So what do we do with this BN bully?

All you people out there in KL, JB, Penang...anywhere in Malaysia....realize this. There are many many thousands of our friends, comrades in arms, like minded political and social activists, some known and some unknown to us, but all of them our friends, all over our country who are ready to show this BN bully that we shall not be moved. Realize that in essence we are all fighting for the same reasons, against the same enemies. We are all inspired by the same passion to save our country from being pulled apart by the deliberate design of this corrupt BN government. The dreams and vision of the future generation will succeed or fail by our efforts today.Our dreams, our struggles, our hopes can happen if we believe that together we can build a network of people bonded  by the struggles we face together against the tyranny of this BN government. 

The young amongst us all must lead.
They they have the passion and the physical strength to front our struggle.  

Though this UMNO/BN regime is using fear to intimidate, threaten and prevent us from expressing our wish for a free, fair and open election WE WILL NOT ACT IN FEAR! For we were all born without fear. What we know of fear is from what we see and experience around us as we grow up, matured and learned. Now our own government is striking fear into our hearts and minds by telling us that they will stop us from expressing our aspirations for a free and fair election. How will they stop us? Through fear and intimidation.

They arrest Bersih Activists. This Din guy has declared Bersih illegal because it is causing "an atmosphere of unrest"....and we must agree when he is right! Bersih is causing an atmosphere of unrest within UMNO/BN ranks - if truth be told Din and his cousin Najib together with all the other elitists BN goons in the BN government are running around like headless chooks and wetting their pants just thinking about the thousands of people they fear will turn up at the rally - truly a manifestation of Armageddon for UMNO/BN and then  defeat at the 13th general election will be a certainty!      

Imagine what our people will do if they have no fear of the riot squad splitting their skulls open? If they have no fear of PDRM thuggery being unleashed upon them? If the ISA can no longer be used to throw them into jailed without recourse to a trial or fair hearing? What will they do? For start there will not be a venue anywhere in Kuala Lumpur that can accommodate the hundreds and thousands of our people that will come out to attend the Bersih rally! For they will come out without fear of being harass and harmed by the very government they have elected to governed them. 

But for now this same government is acting out of fear to get what they want. Decisions made in fear are irrational decision! These are not decision made for the best interest of the people or for our country. Just ask yourself this. Why are so many of our skilled professionals leaving Malaysia? Because they fear for their ability to have fair go in Malaysia, to earn a decent living, to build a good future for their children and they fear for their lives in situations as is now happening with this Bersih rally - a showdown between the people and their own government. Are their fears unfounded? Does it matter? Fear sometimes drives us to make irrational decisions. This BN/UMNO government is acting out of fear for their very own survival! We need to fear what they will now do to their own people to ensure their survival!                 

I do not want to act out of fear. Neither do I want PDRM, this Din guy from the Rumah Ministry or this BN government to scare me out of doing something I want to do. None of you should act in fear! Do not be afraid of what lies ahead in this next week or so as this BN government act out their fear through arrests of Bersih activists by PDRM, by threats from the elitists goons headed by Najib who would have liked to say this ala Pulp Fiction"

" And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

But alas Najib can say that but I will still give him the two fingers ...or maybe just one middle finger for he only deserve that! But I digress....

To all of you who call Malaysia their home I say that you should not act in fear. There are enough of us out there who believe in ourselves, in our family, our brothers and sisters of all faiths and religion, of all races - believe that there are enough of us with the power to create our own destiny. We cannot be afraid if we wish to overthrow a government that is corrupt and arrogant, a government that will act out of fear to physically harm its own people....and even kill them.

You are one. With me we are two...who else will join us?

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