
Friday, November 25, 2011

Azmin hubris!

Azmin: We’ll free Anwar and make him PM

 | November 25, 2011
PKR will break through prison walls to make Anwar Ibrahim the next prime minister and challenges Umno to guarantee that a Malay will always hold that premier post.
 steadyaku47 comment:
Good copy! Stirs the soul and will start a raging fire within the inside of all Anwarist! ……and then what Azmin? When you finish with that rousing delivery what do you think we will think? What does it do to those who understand the reality of a conviction for DSAI for sodomy two? Does it address the question of a PKR able to manage a transition of such magnitude? What will PKR do to close ranks and redouble its effort towards the 13th general election? Are these the words of a rational and responsible leader whose priority should really be to rally the troops within PKR not give false hope of ‘breaking prison walls’ to free Anwar! 

This is the hubris that PKR leaders are suffering from -  the inability to look beyond the inflated ego of self proclaimed leaders who lack even broad acceptance within his own PKR what more in Pakatan Rakyat!
From the time that Anwar proclaimed his taking over of the Federal Government on September 16th 2008 to this noisy but empty threats by Azmin to break down the prison walls to free Anwar and make him the seventh Prime Minisiter….all hot air and empty promises that will never see the light of day…but nevertheless a good read.  
PKR cannot allow this to go on….not when the words are that of its Deputy President…a heir apparent even?  Not when Anwar is facing his real nemesis of another period of imprisonment – to languish in jail for God knows how long but enough time for Anwar to reconcile with his predicament as to why he has failed again?
But it is not failing that is a failure : it is how Anwar responds to it. Taking recourse to attributing blame to a political conspiracy by Najib will simply not do  - it is time Anwar understand his part in contributing to his own downfall. All that Azmin does with his rhetoric's of breaking prison walls uses the kind of logic that endows him with delusional arrogance of doing the impossible – good for one’s inflated ego but not good to dealing with the realities of the present.   
Understand this Azmin. Gunung Tahan will not crumble if Anwar is convicted. Nor will PKR or Pakatan Rakyat….but UMNO will rejoice. Your job and the work within PKR is to make yourself ready for this eventuality. It is hubris for you to not listen to those who speak with the interest and concern for PKR’s longevity at heart as I do. Retain a sense of infallibility…what makes any PKR leader strong is not assimilating all power within PKR within your hands but in ensuring the political maturity of PKR emanates from its members and not from you!   


  1. Azmin wants DSAI out of the way.
    All that chest thumping is for show.
    Plain and simple.

  2. It's easy to mock anwar and co for over dramatizing. But you are not in their shoes, you are not the one facing jail time. It's so very easy for us to dismiss their time in jail as just one of those things. Try it for a day and see. Have some compassion, man. Anwar spent six years behind bars and the reaction he gets is so what. Those who know him well can feel the dread, anxiety and even fear hes in. He's only human, and he could have chosen to live in Australia like you and write articles, books, memoirs

  3. Anon I do not mock Anwar and for sure I am not the one facing jail time. My earnest hope is that he will not be convicted for he is now to old to be incarcerated for any period of time. But just as I choose to live in Australia, Anwar chose to be Prime Minister and for that he has to face what will now come his way. Our concern is for PKR to remain a relevant and viable partner of Pakatan Rakyat. Nothing more and nothing less….

  4. Brother, Azmin is being real and that is the only way. As an outsider I will definitely join in and Najib and his gang must smell the ground either way!

  5. Here he goes again, Anwar bashing. HH, your respond to Anon 12:10 by saying that you are merely expressing concern for PKR to remain a relevant and viable partner of Pakatan Rakyat is plain bullshit.Yeah, that copyist (to use your word) crap of "it is not that I hate Anwar but I love PKR more".
    HH, your piece is full of venom and hate for Anwar and 'Anwarists', no different from your previous pieces.Yes,as Anon had said you are mocking Anwar and Co like you always do.I can't say you are an UMNO lover, so what are you, a narcissistic perhaps?
    Simple logic will tell you that PKR cannot be what is today without sound leadership at all levels.Anwar and gang (which includes the other members of PR) gave me more than a glimpse of hope that I could see change in this country before my time is up.Change or no change in Malaysia does not matter to you anymore not unless it is in Australia or Canada.

  6. Azministas,
    PKR is the least productive/effective of the PR opposition coalition. Why? Read brother blogs such as SakmongkolAK47 and then ask yourselves hard "how come" questions.
    The needs of the one individual have overshadowed the needs of the many (rakyat). And THAT alone has chipped away at PKR's credibility.
    PKR needs new blood to shine through.

  7. Azministas,
    PKR is the least productive/effective of the PR opposition coalition. Why? Read brother blogs such as SakmongkolAK47 and then ask yourselves hard "how come" questions.
    The needs of the one individual have overshadowed the needs of the many (rakyat). And THAT alone has chipped away at PKR's credibility.
    PKR needs new blood to shine through.

  8. What is wrong with being anwarites or azminitas or whatever. It's better than being rosmahnites and suck the people's blood dry


  10. Tuan HH. I think this Azmin guy was smoking somethig while watching "Prison Break." He seldoms makes speeches (although many say he is a great orator)and after a long silence.... he comes out with a gem statement like this!!

    Then, Shamsul Iskandar (PKR Youth Leader) says that we need to amend the consitution to say that the PM must be only Malay. No objections here but....

    So now we can save only our cable TV subscription for entertainment.

    By the way, to Mr. Anon that finds it "easy to mock Tuan HH" wake up lah buddy. If Azmin can break out Anwar, then RPK doesn't need to be in self-exile in England. Pleeease....

    Between DAP, PKR, PR, UMNO, MCA, BN or whatever... everybody wants to mempermainkan raykat dan cetak duit... Better start praying & betting on a Third Force to equalized these greedy idiots!!

    Tok Rojak

  11. To whom it may concern

    Hi, Hussein, many thanks for your hard hitting articles on political figures , and the sultans in the land we call Bolehland where anything can happen in the dark corridors or in broad daylight. We know and knew everything about corruption, the state of the justice system, the mafia police and all those idiots that the Malaysians elected into office, hopping that they might provide proper education, improve the standard of living for all irrespective of race. That's not the case, is it not ? Instead the the unmo government and its cronies behave like Arabian mohamads robbing the poor and giving to the very rich. I am not going into the details of this robinhood business, it is well documented in the cyber world.
    The problem at Bolehland has always been a racial and a religious one, and no one has the guts to make it into fair and free society with the exception of Ku Li, but he was shot down before he could utter the first word. The non bumis have made immense sacrifice for more than half a century. It is time for a change.
    Just maybe Mr. Anwar and his mob could do the job. I don't see another alternative, thus we should not be too harsh on him. He has fought many battles for the last twenty years.We should be grateful to him.

  12. Let us give all the support to Mr Anwar Ibrahim we could muster. He and his family have made immense sacrifice for the cause of freedom and equality. We are indeed grateful to them.
