
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Now it is WAR?


Najib tells Umno to close ranks, prepare for ‘war’

November 26, 2011
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 26 ― Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak has called on his party to close ranks and prepare to go to polls ahead of next week’s Umno general assembly, widely expected to be the last before the next general election.
In an interview with Bernama today, Najib(picture), who is also prime minister, said Umno must focus all its efforts on improving training, knowledge, logistics and the mindset of members to strengthen the party and ensure electoral victory.
“We should be prepared in a holistic and comprehensive manner, either in terms of training, knowledge, logistics or in terms of our mindset, our frame of mind, to focus on efforts which could strengthen our party, and to avoid engaging in acts that could weaken the party.
“So it is incumbent that our approach must be able to create a strong front, we must close our ranks and we must show the kind of strength that will strike fear among our opponents,” he said, according to the full transcript of the interview on Bernama Online.
Likening the election to war, Najib said Umno must bolster its strategy, logistics and equipment well before even the first shot is fired.
He added that “fundamental values” like loyalty and allegiance, discipline, commitment and teamwork are also qualities that are needed to be fostered in the party ahead of elections.
“All these are fundamental values which we must internalise and which we must not compromise. Otherwise, our party will stand to lose in certain areas,” he said.
Umno needs to have mental strength and fortitude if it wishes to endure the psychological and emotional stress when competing in enemy territory, Najib also said.
“If we are mentally resilient and our spirit is strong, we shall overcome... even if the playing field is not level, like in Jakarta,” he said, drawing an analogy with the Malaysian football team’s SEA Games success in Indonesia.
Najib desperately needs to win a two-thirds parliamentary majority in the next election to secure his mandate.
 steadyaku47 comment: 
War is a state of organized, armed, and often prolonged conflict carried on between statesnations, or other parties[1][2] typified by extreme aggressionsocial disruption, and usually high mortality. War should be understood as an actual, intentional and widespread armed conflict between political communities, and therefore is defined as a form of political violence.[1][3] The set of techniques used by a group to carry out war is known as warfare. An absence of war is usually called peace.
I think nothing typifies the desperateness of Najib, UMNO and Barisan Nasional then the above statement by the head honcho of that gang of arrogant thugs, thieves and bullies that makes up the Barisan Nasional! 
He does not consider the coming 13th general election as an opportunity for Barisan Nasional to go to the people and ask the people for their support to again let Barisan Nasional govern Malaysia the way they have done in the last 53 years! 
He does not put his own record as Prime Minister on the line and ask the people to decide if they want him to continue as Prime Minister or whether they want someone else to replace him!
Najib will not face Pakatan Rakyat on a level playing field and yet have the gumption to allude to the possibility that it is Pakatan Rakyat that is playing foul and resorting to underhand tactics!
It would seem to Najib that Armageddon will be upon them if they were to lose this general election! 
Well I will have be in agreement with him in his assumption that Armageddon will be upon UMNO and Barisan Nasional if they were to lose this general election - hence his call to arms (literally) to his troops in UMNO and Barisan Nasional.
All that he has asked Barisan Nasional to do will be for naught if he cannot answer these questions being asked by the people of this nation: 

  • "What about Rosmah?"
  • "What about Altantuya?"
  • "What about Teoh Beng Hock"
  • "What about PKFZ, what about Sodomy Two and NFC"
  • ...and the list goes on!

We know know that UMNO will lead Barisan Nasional into a 'WAR' with Pakatan Rakyat in the coming general election. What are we to do about it? 
We have no weapons of mass destruction that could be of any threat to Barisan Nasional.
We have no large reserves or deep pockets to finance any prolong revolt or insurgency by the Rakyat of this nation against Barisan Nasional.
We have none of the above...Pakatan Rakyat has none of the above. All that Pakatan Rakyat has is the GOODWILL and AFFECTION of the people of this country! A very large reserves of goodwill and affection that has accumulated as UMNO and Barisan Nasional continually abused the trust place upon them by the Rakyat.
Now if Pakatan Rakyat understand this then they can go to 'war' with UMNO and Barisan Nasional and kick the whole bunch of thugs, thieves and arrogant bullies into the Pahang River - which conveniently flows through Pekan : Home of the head honcho of this unholy bunch of politicians...and for all I care, the Sultan of Selangor and the Sultan of Pahang can jump into the Pahang River together with them!     

titiek tajam has left a new comment on your post "Now it is WAR?": 

What are “FUNDAMENTAL VALUES” that PM refers to? The core dissatisfaction, threat and dread that our multi cultural and multi ethnic population sees in front of them is an UMNO victory. What does UNMO represents in a secular society? With bandwagons of ethnic warmongers like Perkasa and the many ultra muslim or more appropriate, Islamic Jihad oriented “follow the leader” rebel rousers, does Najib, in his own self-belief, truly envisage us voting in the Barisan for another 5 years? The leader of BN could not even reign in his own pall bearers. They chant a different tune to position themselves, just in case Najib slips and his No.2 gallops past him.

And to draw analogy with Jakarta’s and Palembang’s show of eternal love and comradeship with our athletes, I wish to know where are the fire-breathing Perkasa and what not groups doing? Keeping sheeplessly quiet and soaking in the love. There is neither pride nor sense of national honor, instead these so called defenders of the state throw open their smelly armpits to embrace their “own obsessed” family ties with the Indonesians while them folks across the pond spew filth against your King and Country.

So, dear PM, “Fundamental Values” need more soul searching. It is not a term to be bandied around just to make your speech a feel good script.

Titiek Tajam 




  1. "....we must close our ranks and we must show the kind of strength that will strike fear among our opponents,”

    Again this wimp is subtly reminding the rakyat of the 'fear-factor' just like that old and now senile Tun who used to win elections. But the people today do not fear that anymore....or do they ?

  2. What are “FUNDAMENTAL VALUES” that PM refers to? The core dissatisfaction, threat and dread that our multi cultural and multi ethnic population sees in front of them is an UMNO victory. What does UNMO represents in a secular society? With bandwagons of ethnic warmongers like Perkasa and the many ultra muslim or more appropriate, Islamic Jihad oriented “follow the leader” rebel rousers, does Najib, in his own self-belief, truly envisage us voting in the Barisan for another 5 years? The leader of BN could not even reign in his own pall bearers. They chant a different tune to position themselves, just in case Najib slips and his No.2 gallops past him.
    And to draw analogy with Jakarta’s and Palembang’s show of eternal love and comradeship with our athletes, I wish to know where are the fire-breathing Perkasa and what not groups doing? Keeping sheeplessly quiet and soaking in the love. There is neither pride nor sense of national honor, instead these so called defenders of the state throw open their smelly armpits to embrace their “own obsessed” family ties with the Indonesians while them folks across the pond spew filth against your King and Country.
    So, dear PM, “Fundamental Values” need more soul searching. It is not a term to be bandied around just to make your speech a feel good script.

    Titiek Tajam
