
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Yada Yada Yada.....


  1. I felt damn stupid after having watched the 2nd video clip! More so having got to see the shaftit lawyer explaining the cowdo purchase! Goodness me, and they are suppose to be the higher echelon of society!!!

  2. Hussein,

    Brilliantly edited, syabas.

    Malaya/Malaysia and its citizens had everything going great...

    Under UMNO/Alliance with Tunku & his 1st cabinet then...

    Political Leaders then were Statesmen of Honour & Integrity...

    It is the "Leaders, their Cronies & Macais who destroyed the Party...

    And the Nation...

    Yes, ever since our Bapak Merdeka Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra was betrayed by the Elites of UMNO in 1969...

    The seeds of the "Ketuanan UMNOputra" was implanted by his successor growing into the "Monster" that we now have in Bolehland...

    Bolehland has been "Misguided" by the Ketuanan UMNOputra/BN Leaders into the Global Elites' Trap of "Bankrupcy, Debts & Chaos" with its eyes wide open, through their Ketuanan UMNOputra "Enablers"...

