
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sembahyang lah anda sebelum anda desembahayangkan!

Equal consideration of the preferences and interest of all the people of a country is a fundamental principle of any democracy. Amongst other things,  the right of the people for equality before the law, equal rights to free speech and the right to one person/one vote ensures political equality where the people will chose who they want to hold public office and in this way influence what the government does. Political participation is the way the people communicate information about their aspirations, preferences and needs to those they have elected to govern them. What I am saying here is not rocket science but this is how any democracy works. Our country is a democracy is it not? 

How is it then that UMNO is unable to understand the difference between Democracy and Autocracy /Totalitarianism?

Democracy is generally defined as a form of government in which all adult citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Ideally, this includes equal (and more or less direct) participation in the proposal, development and passage of legislation into law. It can also encompass social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination.

Autocracy and totalitarianism are related concepts. Autocracy is defined by one individual having unlimited legislative and executive power, while totalitarianism extends to regulating every aspect of public and private life. Totalitarianism does not imply a single ruler, but extends to include absolute rule by any faction or class of elites who recognize no limit to their authority.

It is not my intention to go into any academic discourse of these matters but I am trying to understand what it is that UMNO is now doing. UMNO understands that the 13th general election will determine whether UMNO survives as a political entity relevant to the Malays and to the people of Malaysia - then why do they have a death wish?

Let us look at the facts of the last general election in 2008.

·     72.2%  of the 10.9 million registered voters participated in casting their votes.

·     Barisan Nasional lost in Peninsular Malaysia. BN had 49% of the votes and Pakatan Rakyat obtained 51%.

·     Without the 54 seats that came from Sabah and Sarawak, BN would have failed to form government. 

Lessons learned from the 2008 general elections seems to have been forgotten in the politically charged atmosphere of this year's UMNO’s General Assembly. UMNO does want to be reminded that it was Sabah and Sarawak that carried BN into government in 2008! At this general assembly more important issues are at hand.

The Malay agenda, the cows and condos issues, the spectre and threats from Christians agents of which DAP is the mother of all agents looms menacingly over all Muslims and it is UMNO’s duty to go into battle to defend all Muslims against this insidious threat within their midst. Malay power is the rallying cry this time around. Everyone but UMNO is anti-Islam and anti-Malay.

Well UMNO will not be UMNO if they do anything less but this time around the general election WILL decide UMNO’s fate! They lost five states in the last election. They lost Peninsular Malaysia. They lost their two thirds majority. They lost Selangor. MIC and MCA were thrashed by their unforgiving ethnic electorates. UMNO lost everything but their underwear….and that too just enough to cover their modesty as they desperately tried to rally their troops to fight another day.

But that was 2008 - eons ago! Today it is about Malay Power and threats to Islam by the Chinese and the Christians! UMNO's rallying cry to their masses is that the Christians are confusing Muslims by using Islamic terms on the Allah and Al-Kitab issues! UMNO must defend the Malay race, culture and institution from Pakatan Rakyat! 

And just to make sure that everything else is covered we have Muhyiddin proclaiming that “(The DAP) do not respect royal institutions, insult government officers who are mostly Malay, slander our armed forces with insults, dispute our enforcement institutes, dismiss the credibility of our justice system and make a fool out of the Malays to gain power for themselves.” 

I guess that covers the whole gauntlet of phobias that the Malays might have about the opposition!

What all this tells us is this: UMNO can do what they like, say what they want and continue to behave like the arrogant bully boys that they are over us all - Malays and non-Malays -  and there is nothing we can do about it. 

For now there is nothing we can do about it. For now all we can do is bear this intolerable racial and religious rants by an UMNO drunk on its own delusion of grandeur. An UMNO unable to come to terms that things have forever change after the 12th general elections. An UMNO that does not understand that with each religious and racial rants they spew out they continue to lose our respect, our patience and more critical, our votes! 

And when the general assembly is over UMNO will have to pick up the pieces of shattered confidence and trust that any Malay and non-Malay might have had for UMNO before this general assembly! 

I can see what all this Islamic and Malay bravado will cost UMNO at the general elections. 

The non-Malays now understand why they must not vote for UMNO and Barisan Nasional. 

For the vast majority of Malays still undecided about whether they will vote for UMNO or Pakatan Rakyat this UMNO general Assembly and its theatrics of Malay Power and the insistence that a threat to Islam exists where none does - all this will make these Malays understand the need to vote for Pakatan Rakyat if 1Malaysia is to be a reality.   

Anyway you look at it, by any criteria you care to use in trying to understand what it is that UMNO leaders are trying to do - one thing we now know. Despite their assurances of 1Malaysia, despite Najib's hollow attempts at transforming Malaysia into whatever it is that he wants to transform  Malaysia into UMNO only has Religion and Race to use in their feeble attempts at holding on to power. 
  • Religion and race to try and move the masses to vote for UMNO. 

  • Religion and race to demonize the opposition.

  • Religion and race to excuse and prop up an UMNO completely overwhelm by a culture of money politics, corruption and arrogance. 

Is it not enough that they have failed the Malays? 

Now they are on a crusade to defend Islam! 

As I have said is easy to profess your devotion to Islam. It is in holding on to its principles that many of us have failed! 

For all you Muslims who are in UMNO "Sembahyang lah anda sebelum anda desembahayangkan!" Amen!

flyer168 has left a new comment on your post "Sembahyang lah anda sebelum anda desembahayangkan!...": 

"Sembahyang lah anda sebelum anda desembahayangkan!"


Just to share this...

Are the present Ketuanan UMNOputra Leaders aware of the "Original Objectives" of the Party & the "Struggles" of their Honourable Statesmen Founding Fathers of UMNO/Alliance ?

Like everything else...

Malaya/Malaysia and its citizens had everything going great...

Under UMNO/Alliance with Tunku & his 1st cabinet then...

Political Leaders then were Statesmen of Honour & Integrity...

It is the "Leaders, their Cronies & Macais who destroyed the Party...

Yes, ever since our Bapak Merdeka Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra was betrayed by the Elites of UMNO in 1969...

The seeds of the "Ketuanan UMNOputra" was implanted by his successor growing into the "Monster" that we now have in Bolehland...

Bolehland has been "Misguided" by the Ketuanan UMNOputra/BN Leaders into the Global Elites' Trap of "Bankrupcy, Debts & Chaos" with its eyes wide open, through their Ketuanan UMNOputra "Enablers"...

Just to share this…

Great Malaysian Leaders-Sardon,Ibu Zain,Senu,etc.. – YouTube -

Malaysia IS for all races-live in peace and prosper together – YouTube -

Tunku Abdul Rahman 1988 - "Biarlah Saya Mati Dalam Perjuangan" – YouTube -

Finally, to share this...

Tunku Abdul Rahman VS Mahathir – YouTube -

You be the judge.


Posted by flyer168 to 
steadyaku47 at Wednesday, November 30, 2011 10:48:00 AM GMT+10:30

1 comment:

  1. "Sembahyang lah anda sebelum anda desembahayangkan!"


    Nice article.

    Just to share this...

    Are the present Ketuanan UMNOputra Leaders aware of the "Original Objectives" of the Party & the "Struggles" of their Honourable Statesmen Founding Fathers of UMNO/Alliance ?

    Like everything else...

    Malaya/Malaysia and its citizens had everything going great...

    Under UMNO/Alliance with Tunku & his 1st cabinet then...

    Political Leaders then were Statesmen of Honour & Integrity...

    It is the "Leaders, their Cronies & Macais who destroyed the Party...

    Yes, ever since our Bapak Merdeka Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra was betrayed by the Elites of UMNO in 1969...

    The seeds of the "Ketuanan UMNOputra" was implanted by his successor growing into the "Monster" that we now have in Bolehland...

    Bolehland has been "Misguided" by the Ketuanan UMNOputra/BN Leaders into the Global Elites' Trap of "Bankrupcy, Debts & Chaos" with its eyes wide open, through their Ketuanan UMNOputra "Enablers"...

    Just to share this…

    Great Malaysian Leaders-Sardon,Ibu Zain,Senu,etc.. – YouTube -

    Malaysia IS for all races-live in peace and prosper together – YouTube -

    Tunku Abdul Rahman 1988 - "Biarlah Saya Mati Dalam Perjuangan" – YouTube -

    Finally, to share this...

    Tunku Abdul Rahman VS Mahathir – YouTube -

    You be the judge.

