
Wednesday, December 28, 2011


This is the email now circulating within PKR which is self explanatory. My comment follows:

Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2011 14:57:28


Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan anggota PKR yang dihormati,

Telah menjadi rahsia umum bahawa Naib Presiden PKR Nurul Izzah Anwar
mempunyai hubungan akrab dengan Presiden Parti KITA Zaid Ibrahim. Dalam
sesi pemilihan PKR 2010 yang lalu, Nurul Izzah dan Zaid dilihat telah
mengatur beberapa gerak kerja dalam PKR khususnya untuk kempen politik
mereka. Namun, hanya Izzah yang berjaya menduduki kerusi Naib Presiden
sementara Zaid kalah kepada musuh ketat politik beliau, Azmin Ali.

Hubungan rapat Nurul Izzah dan Zaid tetap berlanjutan hingga ke hari ini
biarpun selesai pemilihan 2010 dan Zaid dengan penuh dendam telah bertindak
mengkhianati PKR dan menubuhkan parti KITA. Penubuhan KITA tidak dilihat
sebagai masalah kepada Nurul Izzah yang masih terus dan kerap mengadakan
pertemuan dengan Zaid. Hubungan politik mereka diaturkan oleh Setiausaha
Politik Nurul Izzah, Fahmi Fadzil yang merupakan bekas hos rancangan Fairly
Current Show di bawah produksi Ezra Zaid iaitu anak Zaid Ibrahim. Fahmi dan
Ezra adalah kawan baik yang menjadi agen dalam mencatur agenda politik
Nurul Izzah dan Zaid.

Maka tidak mengejutkan menjelang pilihanraya umum akan datang, Zaid yang
sebelum ini galak menyerang PKR, kini dilihat kembali berlembut dengan PKR
sehingga tanpa segan silu berani menawarkan diri untuk bertanding di
kawasan Parlimen Petaling Jaya Selatan yang kini dipegang oleh YB Hee Loy
San. Menurut beberapa sumber dalaman dari Parti KITA, Nurul Izzah dan
beberapa orang pimpinan PKR yang lain telah bersetuju melobi Zaid untuk
bertanding  menggunakan tiket PKR atau PAS. Hal ini menyebabkan Zaid telah
mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa KITA tidak akan bertanding di mana-mana
kawasan sekiranya menjejaskan peluang Pakatan Rakyat.

Pastinya Zaid yakin dengan kemampuan Nurul Izzah untuk mengaturkan peluang
bagi dirinya bertanding menggunakan tiket PKR dan platform Pakatan Rakyat.
Sebagai Naib Presiden paling kanan dalam PKR dan anak kepada Anwar Ibrahim,
Nurul Izzah pastinya mampu memanipulasi ayahnya dan setidak-tidaknya dapat
membuka ruang buat Zaid menyertai PKR dan Pakatan Rakyat semula.

Saya menyeru tuan-tuan dan puan-puan anggota dan pendukung PKR seluruhnya
supaya mengambil perhatian serius berhubung perkembangan ini. Ingatlah
siapa Zaid Ibrahim, yang dahulunya pernah mencaci dan menghina kepimpinan
PKR termasuk mengaibkan Anwar Ibrahim sebagai “pemimpin yang bermasalah dan
tidak layak menjadi Perdana Menteri” dan juga pernah melabel mantan
Timbalan Presiden Dr Syed Husin Ali sebagai “si tua nyanyuk”.

Perlu diingatkan bahawa ketika mana parti sedang berdepan dengan
kemungkinan akan kehilangan Anwar Ibrahim, pastinya ada anasir jahat dari
luar yang tidak akan berhenti dari memecahbelahkan parti. Jangan kita
benarkan seorang lagi ‘Hasan Ali’ muncul di dalam PKR. Nurul Izzah perlu
sedar bahawa status beliau sebagai anak kepada Anwar Ibrahim tidak
semestinya akan merestui semua tindakan politiknya. Keutuhan parti perlu
dipertahankan. Jangan benarkan Nurul Izzah membawa Zaid Ibrahim kembali ke
dalam PKR!


steadyaku47 comment:

This is why there must be change in PKR.

"Hubungan rapat Nurul Izzah dan Zaid tetap berlanjutan hingga ke hari ini
biarpun selesai pemilihan 2010 dan Zaid dengan penuh dendam telah bertindak
mengkhianati PKR dan menubuhkan parti KITA. Penubuhan KITA tidak dilihat
sebagai masalah kepada Nurul Izzah yang masih terus dan kerap mengadakan
pertemuan dengan Zaid. Hubungan politik mereka diaturkan oleh Setiausaha
Politik Nurul Izzah, Fahmi Fadzil yang merupakan bekas hos rancangan Fairly
Current Show di bawah produksi Ezra Zaid iaitu anak Zaid Ibrahim. Fahmi dan
Ezra adalah kawan baik yang menjadi agen dalam mencatur agenda politik
Nurul Izzah dan Zaid".

The author of the email claims that it was Nurrul’s Setiausaha Politik, Fahmi Fadzil that has been arranging these meetings that Nurrul has been having with Zaid.

I can tell you that there is no “hubungan rapat” between Zaid Ibrahim and Nurrul Izzah. They have not met, discussed or conversed in any form whatsoever since Zaid left PKR. That the sender of this email,whoever he is, had the gall to claim otherwise is what we have grown to expect as the modus operandi within PKR. Hence the need for change within PKR!

Let us also remember that Zaid did not lose to Azmin Ali. Zaid left PKR.

Zaid is now with Pakatan Rakyat. Zaid has also written recently of his view that DSAI should not be incacerated for his sexual preferences. Zaid is too kind to DSAI. I have said this many times before – that your sexual preferences is your own business - but when you have aspirations to be Prime Minister of a country that has Islam as its official religion, then your sexual preferences is everybody’s business! But I digress.

Zaid has chosen reconciliation not retribution with DSAI and with PKR. For anybody to come up with this kind of email for circulation within PKR indicates a worrying undercurrent within PKR that is against the current flow towards “INCLUSIVNESS” within Pakatan Rakyat as suggested by Zaid Ibrahim.

What is wrong if those within Pakatan Rakyat – of which Nurrul Izzah and Zaid Ibrahim are part of – what is wrong if those who are in Pakatan Rakyat were to discuss and explore ways and means of working together in the fight against UMNO? Is this not the way to go or are the divisions within PKR going to be a negative factor for anybody in PKR to be able to work with anybody else in Pakatan Rakyat?

Zaid does not need Nurrul to arrange anything for him within Pakatan Rakyat or PKR nor would Nurrul need Zaid to arrange anything for her within Pakatan Rakyat or PKR.

What is disturbing to me is the overt venom and blatant attempt by the sender of that email to create discord and ill feelings within PKR by telling out right lies about things that has never happened.

I hope this was done WITHOUT DSAI knowledge. 

I hope this was done WITHOUT the approval or knowledge of Azmin Ali.

But the damage has been done – not to Nurrul Izzah, not to Zaid Ibrahim but to PKR and to Pakatan Rakyat. I rest my case


  1. I think we should just ignore such e mail and I am pretty sure a lot of PR supporters understand that the most important thing now is to be together in this fight against Umno/BN......if Nurul and Zaid and Hasan Ali,Tony Pua and whoever for that matter can sit together and do the needful to bring the corrupt regime down.....don't you think we all should be thankful, isn't that what we want?

  2. PKR must get rid of those UMNO team B types. These are exactly the type of maggots that we are trying to get rid in BN.

  3. You are so right, it does not take rocket science to sense the strong worrying undercurrents and the direction its coming from!

    PKR desperately needs major clean-up that is long overdue. No one irrespective of hieracy be spared and must be punished for this despicable attempt to create animosity within PKR/Pakatan Rakyat! There has been too much monkeying around since the 2009 party election.

    Jangan lempar batu, sembunyi tangan, ..won't be too difficult to find out with just a little effort!

  4. Zaid is currently outside PKR. Assuming that PKR is " constant " without Zaid, will PKR be better off with Zaid coming back into the fold? Or will the dynamics be dramatically changed.

    I say, Zaid for the goodness in him no doubt,will create more problems if he returns to PKR. Politicians, being politicians will always attempt to settle old score.

    People say, the only constant is change. PKR in Zaid's case is better off to remain constant than being changed by Zaid for the worse. After all, PKR's current constant has serves the party and the rakyat well. So be it.

    PAS have Hassan Ali and Nasharudin Mat Isa to deal with, DAP has Ramasamy and now we have Zaid Ibrahim to rock PKR. Is it too much a coincidence, no?

  5. You have made Zaid look like a Saint. He needs people like you to spice things up. KITA will be deregistered. Zaid knows that. So you have to make him look relevant. Well done Husin.
