
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Anwar, Nurul and Azmin

KoSong Cafe has left a new comment on your post "Anwar, Nurul and Azmin": 

I am actually reluctant to state my personal stance for fear of upsetting other contenders. But the perceived persecution of Anwar for being a threat to the Umno leaders for the second time is certainly fuel for mass discontent. This will naturally put Nurul Izzah as an icon and idol who could rally mass support which cuts across gender, race and religion. She has shown to be capable and reasonable in her views as an MP as well as a Vice President of PKR. What she needs most is unwavering support from trusted seniors to help her to lead the party. Some people are meant to be leaders by choice of the people, especially in exceptional circumstances like persecution of one's father. We have seen enough examples in Asia where leaders were chosen when they were least ready or prepared. Such a scenario in Malaysia is likely to be played out if Anwar is put to jail come January 9. I honestly would prefer Anwar be given a chance to compete fairly with Najib at the next general elections. 

Posted by KoSong Cafe to steadyaku47 at Thursday, December 29, 2011 2:36:00 PM GMT+10:30


  1. I and many more would agree to your comments that NI should lead PKR and that she will be quite the rallying point for PR.

    There is enough enhui of Malaysian politics for many Malaysians young and old but the tipping point is never quite there yet.

    And the jailing of Anwar may still need just that shove. Which must be the PR top leadership consensus that NI shall lead PR at the GE 13.

    That may just be the spark that galvanize Malaysia to act as in Tunisia a desperate man had to self immolate and as in Egypt mass of people laying claim of rights at Tahrir Square.

  2. ... remember Shahrizat was condescending in 2008 ... "NI is but just like my young daughter"

    I would imagine Najib just couldn't resist to belittle her in the runup to polling date. That would convince Malaysians who Najib has become but a petty bully.

  3. Anwaristas need to take several steps back to do what is best for PKR.
    PAS and DAP have had their shake-downs and now it is PKR's turn to send a clear message or risk losing the ABU race.
    It is irrelevant what verdict is dished out on Jan 9th as I will be working from home because umno thugs (those NGOs) are definitely up to no good. Perkasa Kataks are openly inciting racial discord and nothing is being done to curb either.
