
Sunday, December 25, 2011

PKR :Change before you have to!

Anwar, change before you must! You were a visionary once. Reformasi and Pakatan Rakyat. Two intangibles , two ideas whose time had come but it was you that brought those ideas into fruition. For that our people are grateful. But even a grateful nation does not have long memories. Mudah lupa. The Pakatan Rakyat you brought into being is only as good as its next task. And its next task is to form government. Fail to do this and all that you have achieved so far in your life is consigned to a footnote in the history books that our children will read!

The times that we now live in moves forward at such a rapid pace that we sometimes see our present only as it is already disappearing. Even as try to comprehend the enormity of Pakatan Rakyat’s success in the 12th general election we are already into the 13th general election. The only constant is change.   

If you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change. If you're in a good situation, don't worry it'll change.(John A. Simone, Sr)

And for Anwar the situation now is not good. What will it take for it to change?

But how has it come to this again? Why are we waiting to see if Anwar will again be incarcerated? Is it UMNO? They said it was Mahathir before, today is it Najib? I do not have answers to that question. Only Anwar knows the truth.

The reality is that we are now faced with fighting for political change  through a political process that is flawed and much inclined towards the incumbent. And the incumbent is further advantaged by a host of legal and illegal maneuvers aided by an abundance of corruption and a determination to hold on to power at all costs – a combination that has seen UMNO hold on to power for over 50 years.

There is no fair mechanism for power change in Malaysia. With Anwar we had hoped that whatever ‘fairness’ missing from the political process in Malaysia would at least be turfed down to a somewhat level playing field. It would seem that this is not to be in the 13th general election.  Pakatan Rakyat is in the fight for their lives, for our lives –and Anwar or no Anwar we are locked in with Pakatan Rakyat in this fight with UMNO and Barisan Nasional.

We know that it is not the business of UMNO to make it any easier for Pakatan Rakyat to succeed in the 13th general election. But in all decency I cannot understand the need for UMNO, for Najib, to prosecute Anwar again. Has he not gone through enough?

Am I angry? More sad then angry. But there is enough anger within me to stir my very soul to fight with Pakatan Rakyat against Barisan Nasional. Enough anger within me to work tirelessly to oust Barisian Nasional from government.


But what is happening in PKR? Are they holding their breath in the hope that DSAI will NOT be convicted of Sodomy? Is the possibility of a conviction making them unsure and uncertain of their future? PKR is in crisis? What crisis? Are there already factions within PKR positioning themselves for the time AA? Not not Azmin Ali…the time AFTER ANWAR?

I would expect that the prospect of jail time for DSAI would have been a time for PKR to galvanized itself to ensure that this BN government understand the possible ramifications of a conviction!

Instead PKR seems cowered and unable to take the lead in this head to head confrontation between BN and PKR. This road show by DSAi into UMNO hinterland is nothing more than a public relation exercise with no positive or long term gain for Pakatan Rakyat. DSAI is preaching to the converted and their attendance of his ceramah is the attraction of the macabre – as flies and vultures are attracted to carrion so are the crowds now coming to see DSAI more out of a macabre interest of seeing the condemned man just prior to his execution.

Anwar, I would suggest you put PKR in order. I would suggest you sit down with DAP and PAS and talk strategies and future planning. I would suggest you prepare yourself for what is to come and tell your supporters that you will be incarcerated – and tell them what you expect of them : their total commitment to Pakatan Rakyat. That Pakatan Rakyat is bigger then PKR, bigger then you even! That they must not lose sight of the struggle for ABU. Not MTU (Malaysia Tanpa UMNO) but ABU!    

Do not tell them to sharpen their parang in preparation for storming the prison walls as Azmin had promised to do. One battalion of FRU would be more the enough to deter all of PKR’s combat troopers.

Do not tell PKR to ready themselves for battle on the streets of Kuala Lumpur as in those Reformasi days because PDRM are more then prepared to manage these situations. I doubt if your PKR boys will have the stomach to face the batons wielded by these enthusiastic goons from PDRM.

And do not antagonize and inconvenience the public anymore then necessary by having PKR organize demonstration in the streets of Kuala Lumpur against your incaceration. There is a limit even to the patience of the Rakyat

You need to work towards that change. But if you wish to change government then you should also examine what it is that is within PKR that can be change. Change PKR before PKR is overtaken by the need to change itself. Make sure that any change within PKR is a movement forward.

Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress.(Bruce Barton)
I hope this malaise within PKR is but a glitch that will be addressed immediately. We await a grand gesture from you and from PKR that will justify PKR’ relevance to Pakatan Rakyat and to the people of this nation. We know it will not be another Reformasi or another Pakatan Rakyat. We hope for something better…without a better PKR our front line against UMNO is proportionately weakened. Anwar is expandable, PKR is not. Time is of the essence. What will Anwar now do? 


  1. Hope Anwar heeds this timely and good advice

  2. It is not PKR that has to change. It is the institutions of government that have to change. They have been led the wrong way to disregard all those rules and regulations that govern their operations for short term gains.Frankly, when it comes to the governance of our institutions of government it is those people who are in those institutions who have the last say. Yes, they can be "persuaded" by force , temptation or otherwise but if those who head these instituions do not put down their sinature nothing can move.

    The rules tha govern the operations these institutions are there and discretionay powers of those institutions have been used sometimes in a manner perceived to be against the national interest.

    I am retired Civil servant. I call upon my colleagues to abide by the administrative principles that the Late Tun Razak lived by.

    1. If you think that by making that decision you personally are going to benifit then do no make that decision.

    2.If the decision that you are going to make has no financial implications make immediately.

    3.If the decision has finacial implications take time to make the decision because like a craftsmen you have measure twice and cut only once.

  3. As a veteran politician,Anwar knows the game well enough to survive until today. Whatever happens now and into the future, Anwar already have inspired many people who may have similar leadership to carry on the baton. Anwar personifies the beacon of change and the hope for Competency, Accountability and Transparency. If Anwar plays the game right as a leader, Pakatan Rakyat will be able to garner enough swing votes from the desktop politicians and the fence sitters to create a bigger tsunami. Change may be inevitable.

  4. Sein, don't you think Anwar has done and is still doing his level best that a normal human being can do. Bringing PAS, DAP & PKR together under a common framework is the greatest achievement any opposition leader could do. And that was done against the backdrop of a tyrannical UMNO/BN government, with the trump up sodomy charges haunting him. Even the 'great' Tengku Razaleigh couldn't do it and eventually succumb to the pressure.

    We should stop blaming Anwar. He has laid down the needed foundation. Its now up to the other leaders in Pakatan Rakyat and us all to carry on with the struggle, with our without Anwar.

  5. yes, our opposition leaders must grow up and get serious with business - that of making lives of Malaysians better. don't sink to the level of the corrupt morons from UMNO/BN.

  6. correct correct correct- the only constant is CHANGE// can malaysians change or pursue change to make malaysia a great nation in 2012??? our nation is voted 4th most corrupt nation??? can we stop all this nonsense??? missing cows, missing engines n missing billions??

  7. PKR is in bad shape especially in Penang. Anwar knows this and he is doing nothing. or doesn't he knew about it? i don't think so. He once told Penang PKR that if you are in PKR for wealth and projects, off you should go. But till today PKR is still the PKR we have in 2008. No new achievements.
    To the senior leaders in PKR which are almost all ex-UMNO, pls put the people 1st and not ur personal interest 1st. Pls give way to the new leaders to run the show. You know Anwar prefers that but all of you are against it as you are all scared of loosing your power. What is best to do is to work together with the to improve PKR and be the voice of PR. Pls throw away the UMNO mindset!

    Pls PKR, pls CHANGE!

    Changing Our Mindset

  8. Anuwar will not change.
    He wants to be a Prime Minister nothing else.If he is a pragmatic leader he should know by now that his time is out he will not be a prime minister. He should resign & someone else should replace him. But he will not. People needs change but there is not able opposition to fulfil the change. If Anuwar resign PR will be powerful opposition but alas he will not resign. I am sure UMNO noticed this so most likely there will be many positive changes reforms about to happen in UMNO. And that is a good thing.

  9. Dear Abg Hussien,you've said it as it is,this is when reality bites the dust,think for a moment PKR,scenario,Anuar is jail,what or who will lead you now,there's just abit a problem within the 2 parties,DAP n PAS,none too big to solve,it's the new Torch Bearer of PR that's got to be nominated now,just in case,n help bring him or her up to speed,I would very much like to seeNurul Izzah as the new Torch Bearer for PR,she is fresh,no baggages,youg n idealistic,we can have a senior council advising her (PR's) she ges with the youth of today n she is as straight talking as they come,Najib was just a budak berhingus when he became MB,go on Nurul,show him how it's actually done,running this country of ours,let our internet savy youth prode her to the fore front of leadership,I am getting too old for this,those x-umno boys in PKR are tainted,not all though,but some,I just don't trust them enough especially Azmin Ali,the PKR election process has proven it,get fresh leaders and giudance from the battle hardened seniors,insha allah we will win.frm Lokman

  10. Dear Abg Hussien,you've said it as it is,this is when reality bites the dust,think for a moment PKR,scenario,Anuar is jail,what or who will lead you now,there's just abit a problem within the 2 parties,DAP n PAS,none too big to solve,it's the new Torch Bearer of PR that's got to be nominated now,just in case,n help bring him or her up to speed,I would very much like to seeNurul Izzah as the new Torch Bearer for PR,she is fresh,no baggages,youg n idealistic,we can have a senior council advising her (PR's) she ges with the youth of today n she is as straight talking as they come,Najib was just a budak berhingus when he became MB,go on Nurul,show him how it's actually done,running this country of ours,let our internet savy youth prode her to the fore front of leadership,I am getting too old for this,those x-umno boys in PKR are tainted,not all though,but some,I just don't trust them enough especially Azmin Ali,the PKR election process has proven it,get fresh leaders and giudance from the battle hardened seniors,insha allah we will win.frm Lokman

  11. So now we can pick on Anwar for all the failure. To me everyone is to blame. PKR as a whole is not doing a good job.
    Anwer is just a leader for PKR his actions is governed by PKR. It is how he execute those instructions.
    Malaysians have to learn don't blame others for your failure.
    So if Anwer is sacked it is not he is hopeless but fail to pass PKR inspirations to the people if there is any.

  12. Good advice indeed, and you are so right there will not be another "Reformasi". The days of Reformasi over. It's history now.

    Anwar could not have not known that his PKR's 2009 party election was closely watched by observers, politicians and supporters from both sides of the political divide yet, he and his wife Wan Azizah(president PKR) deem fit to keep their elegant silence - chose to do nothing, speak nothing and see nothing wrong about the mishandling, dishonesty and cheats by an insecuried bunch within PKR. They could have nibbed it in the bud rather than letting it spiral uncontrolled that resulted in fallout and departure of Zaid Ibrahim.

    Is this the kinda leadership we want, coalition Pakatan Rakyat?
