
Friday, December 30, 2011


 Subject: Fwd: 愤怒的小鸟 Angry Bird -
大马华人必看 Chinese Malaysians must read


                               1) Chinese Version : (English Version
below, please scroll down and read and share)
                               by Zuoli King on Tuesday, October 4,
2011 at 2:11pm
                               (这篇文章是一个叫做 “月” 的网友发送进来我的









1或2 ,回教党都是站在反暴政的最前线,为人民挡催泪弹,顶水泡弹!










                               2) English Version :

                               Here is an edited version of "Chinese
Malaysians must read! MCA, I want to vote for PAS!"
                               As a Chinese Malaysian, there is no
Rocket or Keadilan contesting in my constituency, only a direct clash
between UMNO and PAS. Now, I'm officially announcing it here - in the
next GE, I will vote for PAS!

                               Looking at the MCA leaders attacking
Islamic hudud laws during their annual general assembly on the pretext
that they are protecting Malaysian multi-culturalism, I wish to say,
MCA, go to hell!

                               As a Chinese in Malaysia, now I wish
to tell MCA, in the next general election, I will vote for PAS! I
don't want to entertain you anymore!
                               Don't tell me that by forming an
Islamic country, hands and feet will be chopped off. Malaysia under
your rule and Umno - even Teoh Beng Hock can fall from a building!
Cops can shoot as they please! Not to mention the ones that died in
custody! Before our hands and feet are chopped off by PAS, we might
die abused by you - the authorities!
                               MCA, a pathetic party, tarnishing PAS
in the papers everyday.

                               Do you know, PAS allocates land to
'support' Chinese secondary schools in Kelantan.
                               In Perak, the same thing happened when
a PAS leader was the Menteri Besar. @#@ MCA, you've been the
government for many years, but failed to institutionalize allocations
for Chinese schools, and now you're telling us not to vote for PAS,

                               @#@, MCA you are a huge party but in
your general assembly, the time was used to attack Islamic idealism,
but at the same time you quietly bow to Umno's narrow racist mind,
what kind of a pathetic party is this? A pathetic party that cannot be

                               When Umno attacked, saying Chinese are
"immigrants", telling us to go back to Tongsan, it was PAS who came
forward to defend us!
                               When Umno prohibits non-Muslims from
using the word Allah, it was PAS who came forward to defend
non-Muslims' rights!
                               When Umno prohibits non-Muslims from
entering mosques and suraus, it was PAS who came forward to oppose
                               When the pro-Umno Perkasa attacked
Pakatan Rakyat for betraying the Malays, it was PAS who came forward
to stop them!

                               @#@, what are you doing, MCA? Only
capable of saying Umno should not be like this, like that.
                               If you are really great, why is is
that the Chinese are still second class citizens?
                               If you really do have a backbone, the
get out of Barisan Nasional, stupid!

                               My anger is raging. For so long you've
taken money, one PKFZ project you took RM12.5 billion, one Facebook
you took RM1.8 million, and the other ones? You took the people's

                               PAS? Have you heard of PAS taking bribes?

                               PAS is known for its honesty, 20 years
of ruling Kelantan, not one corruption case, the Menteri Besar is
still living in a 'kampung' house, eats nasi lemak! You guys simply
say if you win you'll eat lobster, and you still want us to vote for

                               MCA, get lost! When the Prime Minister
announced he will abolish ISA because of pressure from the people,
like a dog, you immediately agreed! @#@, for so long you've been
supporting that draconian act, and now you've changed in a blink of an
eye? You think the people are stupid?

                               For so long, PAS led the people to
fight, either in the anti-ISA rally, Bersih 1.0 or Bersih 2.0, PAS is
always in the front-line to fight against tyranny - facing tear gas,
and water canons!
                               On 9 July, Umno attacked us for
rallying on the streets.

                               At a critical moment, Unit Amal PAS
made way, and said "Let the Chinese out first, we protect them!" @#@,
where were you MCA?

                               Where did you hide at the time?

                               Now you're telling us not to vote for
PAS, to hell with you!
                               @#@, for so long you've been ruling
us, that porn video president is still on the stage urging the
government to do this and that.
                               Have you ever thought of yourselves as
the government?
                               If you yourselves can't do it, then
switch! Stupid!

                               The best thing is, Liow Tiong Lai,
challenged DAP to get out of Pakatan Rakyat.
                               When Islamic law was passed in
Kelantan and Terengganu, Umno state assemblymen supported by raising
both of their hands.
                               Not one vote was given by DAP.
                               Why don't you lead MCA to get out of
Barisan Nasional?

                               PAS wants to implement hudud Laws,
this is the party's ultimate goal. It is like the Progressive
Democratic Party in Taiwan who fought for independence, which surely
won't happen, because it is not allowed in the political reality.
                               Furthermore, PAS is cooperating with
the other two party components in Pakatan Rakyat, who will surely
govern based on the Orange Book - not just the ultimate goal of PAS or
                               Maybe some will ask, what about Kelantan?
                               I would like to ask them, even if it
is implemented in Kelantan, what's the fuss?
                               If you're not a Muslim, what has it
got anything to do with you?
                               Furthermore, you should wait until PAS
wins two-thirds majority to amend the constitution.
                               For now, the government has yet to be
even changed.
                               Now with the amount of phantom voters,
it would difficult for Pakatan Rakyat to win one third of the seats!

                               Still a lot of Chinese are saying,
we'll die if the Pakatan Rakyat gets two-thirds majority.
                               I say @#@, my foot, if Pakatan Rakyat
wins two-third, DAP will surely have 50 seats.
                               If DAP would not vote for it, there
would be no amendments.
                               And then, more Chinese are asking,
what if DAP become cowards and support the implementation of hudud
                               If you don't like it, then switch back
to Barisan Nasional!
                               Is it that there can't be no more
elections after the change of government in the next GE?
                               Aren't elections about giving us the
opportunity to change the government if we don't agree with its

                               Some Chinese are just stupid, I'm
saying it openly here.
                               If in the next election, we support a
government that have been corrupt for so long, just because we are
afraid of hudud laws that are not even there, then the Chinese are a
real disgrace.
                               The fate of the Chinese community will
be destroyed by their own hands!

                               Wake up, and don't be fooled by MCA!
                               Only when we vote for Rocket, Keadilan
and Moon and unite to change this pathetic government can we fix the
conditions of the Chinese community in the country.

                               If you love your race, if you love
your people, if you love your country, share this writing with all
your friends.
                               In the next election, we sing together
the song "Moon is the shape of my heart" (a famous Chinese song)!


  1. 20 odd years ago when i was a first time voter in my constituency, it was a 2 way battle for both the adun and parliamentary seats, pas vs mca and mic respectively. i gave both my votes to pas for change then. And change did come in PAS and i salute them for opening up and listening to the voices of Malaysians. I am a malaysian..albeit a chinese but malaysian first and I will still vote for PAS.

  2. In the last 5 elections I gave my votes to PAS in the Adun seat and DAP in the Parliamentary seat in Johor state.

    Both the seats had been won by BN without interruption.

    This coming 13 election I will still vote for PAS and DAP.

    I am voting for a change

  3. The Angry Bird has sopoken. Many Malaysians from all races have been saying this ever year. But when the New year comes our leaders give a speech to welcome the new year without any reference to the previous year. All those complints and suggestions for the promotion of a better Malaysia is thrown out of the window just like that.

    What we need if for some one or a group of people to produce a massive impact to turn public opinion against the present trends which is based overwhelmingly on the raced based politics that we have had for over 50 years. We need to migrate form that kind of thinking to one that will adhere to the Primary Principle of the Five year Development Plans- Eradication of Povery Irrespective of Race.

    My international experience confirms that there could be no normal political and economic development in an abnormal society. And based on what we see all around us we are one because we do things that defies the natural laws of logic.The struggle for a nonracial or race neutral Malaysia must become an integeral party of our broder struggle to create a Malaysia that will become a posperous and a respected nation in the wold.

    We must be prepared to accept this change no matter how painful it may be to those who today disproportionately enjoy the fruits of the working clas of this country. This is no empty call for the strengthening of society as a whole. If we do not start now we will become like other Third World countries where no Police Force, Rela or PVR, individually or combined can prevent the poor from stealing form the rich.

  4. If what angry bird say still does not get to the chinese and for the rest of us for that matter I don't know what will......?

  5. shuk that comes from the heart bro...from the heart!

  6. kelantan pas under tok guru nik aziz conducted mass prayer 9solat hajat and munajat) at stadium sultan muhammad4 kota bharu b4 ge12. suggest non-muslims too would join tok guru nik aziz for ge13 mass prayers in the churches and temples. together we pray that Allah destroy all umno's dirty tactics and plans.

    usaha untuk menolak umno (ABU) yang sedang berjalan lancar perlu diteruskan dan kita serahkan keputusannya kepada Allah.

    umno pasti tak lena tidur apabila rakyat malaysia turun padang sama2 bermunajat dan memohon kepada Allah. tsunami 2008 membuktikan solat hajat dan munajat pas kelantan telah diperkenankan Allah.

    insya' Allah (God willing), the coming tsunami will washed umno into the straits of malacca and south china sea.
