
Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Malays in Singapore.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Malays in Singapore.": 

We must thank Praha2 for his/her views. Let us start with where we ended last. The cultural wars and divide is cutting deeper than anyone anticipates. Although politicians think they can control the racial card, they are trying to ride hydra’s back, not knowing that the beast we try to control will eventually consume us. Malaysians are starting to be vocal (in comparison to immediate post May 13) and this hurt among the ethics groups are deepening to a point it may never heal or even explode beyond repair. There is a “no holds bar” gusto in attacking one’s race bordering on racism & intolerance. To make matters worse, religion is thrown into the mix. To the non-Malay, sometimes criticizing the Malay-Muslim paradigm seems intelligent and smart – the smart aleck thing to do (added with vulgarity). However, because in Malaysia (unlike Singapore), the Malay-Muslim issue is intertwined and interdependent.

First, race must never mix with religion and vice verse. We must work with building for the “common good” or “nation building.” We cannot get rid of the Chinese & Indians even if we wanted too. For those who can, the numbers will slowly “seep” out or trickle out. There will not be a mass exodus as some hope for. But the sword cuts both ways – many Malays who are already tired of the situation will also “seep” out with others. The present situation is also affecting Malays that seek a better future for themselves or their offspring.

Why we brought up Singapore Malays is in response to Anon 10:30 in a previous article. Yes, the Singapore Malays may not count to Praha2 but there are many Malays that argue for “Ketuanan Melayu” especially for the PPSMI issue. The major crux of the argument is the “lingua franca” of the grandeur united Malay archipelago (including Indonesia etc.) is the “rights” for the use of Malay language. Non-Malays do not dispute this matter (ie. use of Bahasa Malaysia or Kebangsaan) in Malaysia. This was agreed upon by the Founding Fathers at Merdeka and accepted by Sabah & Sarawak. Till today, our Malay friends in Singapore will use the term Bahasa Melayu since they are not part of the “union” for it is the given language of Malays in Singapore. However, Bahasa Indonesia to so distinct from Bahasa Melayu (due to the evolving of languages) that such homogenous arguments are no longer relevant.

The co-relation between Malays in Singapore & Malaysia is simple (not simplified). Like the relationship between Hong Kong & their relatives in Guangdong province. Prior to the economic boom of the 90’s onward in China, relatives in China welcomed the Hong Kong relatives, especially when they bore gifts & money. Today, their China cousins are much richer and in fact worried that Hong Kong relatives who come to visit will ask for money. Praha2may mock me because we think we are superior. Yes, Anon 10:30 seems to think that his Singapore cousins are worst off under LKY. Are they? They visit their friends & relatives, stay a few days, enjoy life & food in Malaysia but will they immigrate here? What are they really thinking of their cousins across the border? Yes, they may resent certain aspects of Singapore life or rule but will they throw that away to cross over? The point is…. Why not?? We may now call them arrogant and even looking down on Malays in Malaysia like every chauvinistic Singaporean. (By the way, your racial mix of Singaporeans sounds like Malaysian Malays too. Many Bugis in Sarawak married to Malays. Soon there will be African, Farsi, Pakistani included etc). Yes, even my Chinese friends in Singapore think I’m a Hill Billy from the Big Malaysian village. Ignorant arrogance? But there are so many Malaysians in top positions in Singapore (even in the cabinet) proving that we are not less equal outside of Malaysia.

Continued... TR 

Our argument is very simple. The Malays must accept that there are certain ethnic groups on par with them who were welcomed (arguable required unless today told that they can secede from Malaysia) into the “union” – the Sabahans and Sarawakians. The Orang Asli are proto-Malays and existed prior to the Malays. If Chinese and Indians are considered to be “second class” (for the sake of this argument), then consider the rights of the other Bumiputras. So, our national agenda must be inclusive of the East Malaysians and Orang Asli.

Having read The Malay Dilemma by Dr. M several times, I totally agree with his views. However, we can see that it’s applications in today’s Malaysia is so eschewed from his seminal thoughts – as in the case of NFC, Iskandar Project, the misuse of zakat funds etc. Today, the Malay dilemma is quickly evolving to be the Malaysian dilemma. If the Malays 1) do not recognized (their place in the sun) who they are in the global universe as an ethnic group 2) the leadership role they play in leading Malaysians in good governance, inter-racial harmony, economic independence 3) bring Malaysia to a 2nd or even 1st world status etc…. then who will?

If a non-Malay says something… we are labeled as anti-Malay (questioning Ketuanan Melayu), anti-Muslim, pro-Communist (I am not in favour of DAP, have never voted for them but rather spoil my vote due to a lack of a better choice – there is no such “devil or deep blue sea” option for me), pariah, Christian mubaligh etc. These are easy slurs to avoid the issues or to protect oneself of our own shortcomings. Red herrings of the real social and political issues.

The trouble is there is an ever present struggle for power for the hearts and minds of the Malays for political ownership from every side. Gajah sama gajah lawan, si pelanduk di tengah menjadi mangsa. We are not politically naive and believe that the opposition is not altruistic and have the welfare of the people at heart. Praha2, you are proud to be a Malaysian Malay. We are also proud to be part of this nation. A settled Malay agenda will mean a settled Malaysian agenda – we need not unleash hydra on the scape goats (played by people who only have the sole agenda to rule, rape and reap and not uplift this nation to greater heights). There is a middle path – a third choice… to choose for Malaysia & Malaysians. I for one support good Malay rule and governance, Malays who will lead this nation in harmony and prosperity. But respect must not be forced but earned through good example and leadership.

Tuan HH, terima kasih untuk memberi peluang & ruangan ini untuk memberi padangan mengenai isu yang memcabarkan Malaysia setakat ini. Hidup Malaysia! Hidup Rakyat Malaysia! Merdeka untuk Malaysia Baru!!


1 comment:

  1. This point is a solid statement and I think nobody in this world can reject his point. I am one of the supporters of this statement.
