
Monday, December 19, 2011


I see that Mahathir’s latest posting on his blog is “TAKUT” …so here goes my posting on my blog on “BERANI!”
I have a confession to make. It was only about a couple of months ago that I understood who ‘Anon’ was! Ok I see some of you smirking…some of you smiling away and a few of you shaking your head at the stupidity of this old man who calls himself steadyaku47! Tak steady lah dia ni! Stupid old man says the UMNO goons! Ok confession time is now over and it is time to get to the nitty gritty!

I think it is time that all the ‘Anon’s’ in Malaysia come out into the open! What have you to fear but fear itself!

       Jean Paul Richter (1763 - 1825) 

       you to death. Taylor Swift

We must step forward and let Barisan Nasional know that we are no longer afraid of anything that they can do to us! And we are not afraid anymore because they are just too many of us. And the sooner they know that there are too many of us, the sooner they will understand that defeat for Barisan Nasional in the 13th general election is a certainty bar the formality of us all casting our votes!

As I have said before, people being shot at makes mistakes. Just think what UMNO and Barisan Nasional will do when they see opposition to their regime growing everyday as more and more of us no longer hide behind ‘Anon’ but start to tell UMNO and Barisan Nasional who we are!

We are no longer that faceless ‘Anon” from Perak. That faceless ‘Anon’ from Perak has now become Shazali Jantan from Hutan Melintang. The other faceless ‘Anon’ from Selangor is now Tan Lai Kwin from Kepong and ‘Anon’ from Negri Sembilan is really Joe Fernandez from Kuala Pilah. UMNO can now begin to see who we are and where we come from. Do you not think it will rattle them? Do you not think it will begin to put the fear of God within them to see that we are everywhere!

Its time! Time for all you ‘Anons’ to identify yourself and add your numbers to the ABU! Movement. Time for all you ‘Anons’ to come out and stand beside Pakatan Rakyat and all those organization that have declared themselves to be for change and for sanity. In fact we should even begin to think about starting a blog where we can proudly put our name down as being with Pakatan Rakyat and for ABU!     



  1. YES! Totally with you on this, Pak Hussein. When we step out from the grip of fear is when we can reclaim our country from those seeking to use fear to hold us in. To a fearless Malaysia and to fearless Malaysians!

  2. goes,my real name is Shukri...used to be shuk before in my previous comment,I am a Malay Muslim from kb Kelantan.....and if you must know Kelantan is a state where the Menteri Besar is that kampong old man we called Tok fight is against wastage,hypocrite and corrupt people be it royal and royalist,politician,civil servants,ulama or any ordinary Joe who worship the trade mention above.....It's a tough fight I know but like your slogan...'I Dream Thing That Never Were And Say Why Not'

  3. Ok, I am still anon, not because I m scared, but I am not a very sociable kind of person. But I do have strong views abt certain things and that's why I pop up now and again in your blog. For one thing, I do take offense when u criticise anwar Ibrahim excessively for I think hes doing his level best. Please, we cannot take any chances by being 'objectively critical' of the opposition if it means robbing them of votes. We say we cannot let umno rule for a day longer and yet here we are trying to be 'objective'. Don't you think the opposition needs all the help they can get. Can we afford another Cowgate, Masgate, feldagate, scorpenegate- I ve lost count

  4. Pak Haji Hussein, I am one of your regular blog readers. You are a very good write and I am really admire your english. Keep it up Pak!

    Well, I am ( a chinese) all for PR and will be helping out PAS's 'pundok panas' which is in front of my house for this coming GE13. Hopefull we can get rid of UMNO/BN for good!!!
