
Friday, January 11, 2013

The name of God is Allah even in the Bible.

Malaysia Flip Flop

It would be good if the Muslim can show respect to the Christian and other religion.
Malaysia has gone to the dogs by people from UMNO.  These pariah use every opportunity to bully the Rakyat.  Is this what Islam teaches or is it only in Malaysia especially Selangor who failed to understand their own religion?

UMNO has done much damage to Kelantan obstructing development and investment into that state because of PAS.  Is Jakim, Sultan of Selangor and UMNO using the 'Allah' excuse to do the same in Selangor?  Source has mentioned that Khalid the MB of Selangor was forced to accept the ban on usage of 'Allah.'  If that is so then Khalid should be a man and leave.

My question to Sultan of Selangor, if usage of 'Allah' is ban to non-Muslim then surely your cock should be ban from entering a Bengali hole?


1 comment:

  1. Our country is not moving forward, but backward. Also, instead of living harmoniously with each others, religions are now being used to divide instead of unite. This is their ploy to make the Malays sticks to UMNO by always saying Islam is being threatened and Malays need to be united to safeguard their religion. Threatened by whom? Non issue will be purposely played up to fire up the people's emotions to go against one another. Only the simple-minded will fall into their trap.
