
Sunday, January 6, 2013

What is this idiot of a Prime Minister and his peers in Barisan Nasional going to do next?

What is this idiot of a Prime Minister and his peers in Barisan Nasional going to do next? What are the issues and who are the personalities that concern them?

Deepak, the DAP CEC party elections, the Allah issue, an ex IGP, the rantings of an ex Prime Minister, the wife of a current Prime Minister, an ex Deputy Prime Minister, the Mega Tower…are these the issues that concerns them?

Many of you are today waiting to hear what Najib and Rosmah are going to say on the revelations made by Deepak with regards to their involvement in Bala’s SD. Do you think they are going to say anything? Let us get real please.

What can Najib and Rosmah say? What can Mahathir say about using our money to bail out his son’s shipping business? What can Razak Baginda say about Altantya and Najib? What can Liong Sik say about PKFZ? What do you expect Sharizat to say about her involvement in NFC? What do you expect JJ to say about his raba raba business?

We know what Chuah Soil Lek said about his fornication. He put up his hand and said, “ I am guilty” because the irrefutable evidence is there. There is no way he can say I did not do it!

So here is the answer as to what these bloody idiots will do about all the accusations being thrown at them of being corrupt and lying.  Until you have irrefutable evidence that can link these people directly to the crimes or acts that they are being accused of doing do not expect them to say “I am guilty”. Hell even when the court finds them guilty they still say they are innocent.!

Chuah Soil Lek could not do anything else because the people were involved. The people have seen the CD and they are convinced that it is him that is doing the fucking. In the Sodomy Two tape not enough people are convinced that Anwar is the person involved- so the peoples verdict is still uncertain.

Our politicians are never going to admit to any wrong doing until the people are totally convinced of their guilt and no longer will vote for them. Until then they lie, and lie and lie. Or they just keep quiet and hope that it will go away.

Tell me what can anybody do about Deepak’s tirade against Rosmah and Najib? Are they admissible in court? Can Rosmah be hauled into court? What Deepak have said so far are interesting and that is about where it will stay.

And until you produce a videotape or recording of Najib instructing LTAT to buy Deepak’s company….it will go nowhere too.

But what has all this to do with the future of our children? The future of our people and our nation? 

Deepak is about greed and about human weaknesses and about the depths our politics have sunk to. It is about how accessible this Prime Minister of ours is to
any one with money and anybody who is prepared to do the dirty work that Rosmah and Najib asked them to do just so they can say that Rosmah is my sister and my sister’s husband is the Prime Minister of Malaysia – and from there Deepak thinks he can recover all the money he has spent on Rosmah and make a hell of a lot of money for himself. That he did not make a lot of money is his problem not ours!

Is not this story so familiar in the history of UMNO? We know where it is all going to end from the time that Deepak surfaced claiming that Rosmah is like a sister to him. We know it when he started venting and ranting in the public domain…and in the end it is not about the truth or about justice or about finding the real story behind Altanatuya’s murder. No none of the above. It is all about Deepak getting a fat pay cheque at the end of the day. A fat pay cheque drawn on our account.

This is what makes me sick to the pits of my stomach. This is what Najib, Rosmah, Mahathiir and   UMNO  has made the office of the Prime Minister of Malaysia and the Government of Malaysia to be about! What FLOM claims she does for Malaysia, what Najib claims he is now doing for Malaysia…everything is a charade!

It is all about money. How to get it. How much they can get. How to get away after getting it without getting caught. And nothing can protect you quiet like the highest office in the land – the office of the Prime Minister!

You all know this is true. You all know that I am talking sense and yet the macabre and the sleaze attracts you all towards these things like flies are attracted to a dead rotting fish.

Is it not time that we take stock of our situation? Is it not time that we tell these idiots that we will not be used, misused and abused for their own gain. And how do we do it? Our votes!

So think well before you cast your votes. Do not concern yourself too much about the goings on down in the gutter where all these idiots reside……all these ulats that live in the rotting casket that is Barisan Nasional, will not be people I associate it. These are scums of the earth. Ptui! Yes I posted The Black Rose on to my blog because I knew that some of you would want to read it. I can tell you this…for myself I could only bring myself to read the first page…and I stopped because I could not go on reading filth…and that will be as far as I will go. Read it if you want but also more important, let us focus on the issues that really matters. Getting UMNO out of government. ABU. 


  1. I was asking myself just a moment ago.What is this picture right at the top of this article?

    I thought it is Saiful's arse sucking in all the money he received from his sodomy cooked-up misadventure.

    Only with a second look I realised that I was wrong. It is the black hole at Putrajaya that is sucking the taxpayer's money.

    What a sad situation in Malaysia.


  2. When you see senior ministers speaking up to defend an unelected PM-spouse who lords it over government functions and spends our hard-earned money, it is enough to make you weep.

  3. These idiots has got one very powerful weapon - MONEY. With that they can buy off any accuser and can even make him made a 90 degree change of story. This Deepak guy is only fishing, hoping to make millions by his partial exposes, little by little to test the reaction of his targets so he can make a demand. I doubt he is sincere in what he is doing now but I hope my judgement is wrong. Only a change of government will Malaysia have hope for a better future for her citizens. Right now, these idiots at the top are busy filling up their pockets with creation of all sorts of unnecessary projects. Give them another term the country will go bankrupt.

  4. The past two days, the fucking Star newspapers has been highlighting the DAP election mistake, accompanied by many idiotic comments from those UMNO goons at its front, second and third page as though it was something very serious but not a single word on more serious issues like the Deepak exposes and other scandals. MCA thinks that by doing that people will start hating DAP and comes back to MCA. It is actually the opposite.
