
Thursday, April 2, 2015

It would be good to see you go Najib....but it would certainly be better, much much better, to see HER go!

Mahthir must be going deaf or he just chooses not to hear! Did he not hear what Douglas MacArthur said of old soldiers?
Old Soldiers never die: they just fade away....
Mahathir is 90 and he still does not want to fade away! He is going for Najib Razak with guns blazing shooting from the hips! Mahathir reminds me of John Wayne in "True Grit"

But Mahathir is not a one - eyed fat man! 

No Sir...he may be four scores and a decade old but he still has got it. Tun Mahathir always finishes what he starts. And what he started sometime back is to rid Umno of Najib!

Consider his latest broadside at Najib and Rosmah in his Che Det blog! 
  • Amatlah zalim jika Sirul dibunuh kerana menjalankan arahan.
  • Tetapi selain daripada Najib berkata Sirul “merepet”, tidak ada siasatan yang dibuat. Ini adalah nyawa manusia. Amatlah zalim jika Sirul dibunuh kerana menjalankan arahan.

  • Kemudian kes 1MDB. Tuduhan penyelewengan dalam urusan wang berbillion Ringgit oleh Jho Low telah dibuat dengan bukti-bukti yang jelas. Tuduhan ini tidak dijawab selain dari berkata ia adalah pembohongan.

  • Siapa dianya Jho Low yang begitu dipercayai oleh Dato Sri Najib

  • Laporan-laporan dalam akhbar di New York dan London amat memalukan negara.

  • Umum mengetahui pesawat ACJ319 yang sedia ada diguna bukan sahaja untuk tugas rasmi tetapi sebagai kenderaan peribadi untuk Dato Sri dan Datin Sri.

  • Sesungguhnya rakyat, baik Melayu, Cina, India atau suku kaum Sabah dan Sarawak sudah tidak percaya lagi kepada Dato Sri Najib. 

  • BN akan kalah jika Dato Sri Najib memimpin UMNO hingga PRU 14.  

I do not think that Mahathir can be more specific.  He is stating emphatically that Najib is not worthy of being Prime Minister. That Najib is a cheat, a coward and has repeatedly abused the trust the Malaysian people have put onto him as PM. Umno and  Malaysia deserves better

It was Ghandi that said there are seven things that will destroy anyone:

Wealth without work;
Pleasure without conscience;
Knowledge without character;
Religion without sacrifice;
Politics without principle;
Science without humanity;
Business without ethics.

Najib has already got six under his belt. 
Mahathir is going to go for the last one....which one? 
Only Mahathir knows.

For Najib the end is near. He is not going to be PM forever is he? Is he? Najib DO NOT believe everything that Rosmah tells you! Take it from me....

I cannot be dead sure when the end will be but it is near. I can tell you officially that it will be soon.

You and Rosmah will not have time to come Down Under and ride a Camel in the outbacks or ride through the streets of Paris in a red sports car with the top down and the wind blowing through whatever hair you two have got left.

You will not have time to do another of those end of year chasing of the dragon across continents to welcome the new year in the new Pesawat ACJ 319 - either the Agong or the new PM may do that.

And I know you will certainly not have time to arrange for another tyrst in Port Dickson so that you can go out with a bang!....not the noisy kind of a BANG but the other kind lah! Nudge nudge wink wink!

It would be good to see you go Najib....but it would certainly be better, much much better, to see HER go! 


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