
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Rosmah has no Fear of Najib.

Rosmah has no fear of Najib....but then who has?

If it was not for the money that Najib has been dishing out to those Ketua Bahagians and his "orang dan sahabat kita" in Umno and the Rakyat through BRIM, where do you think this sad excuse of a son of a former Prime Minister be languishing? Your guess is as good as mine but consider this :

Each Ketua Bahagian worth his salt is now making kurang kurang RM$50,000 a month! 

Lima Puloh Ribu Ringgit sa bulan minima! 

And that is no chicken feed! And from where does that money come from? 


What sort of projects? From making longkangs to massive and mega infrastructures projects ranging from the few thousand ringgits to the hundreds of millions of ringgits. All grossly overprices, all done on the "nudge nudge wink wink, I scratch your back you scratch mine, close one eye shut the other " kind of deals that we are all too familiar with.

And when needed on special occasions (elections, covert "I support Najib" operations etc)  cash change hands - cash in the hundreds of thousands if not millions of ringgits.  

That is why the support for Najib in Umno is almost rock solid. As solid as the mountain of cash that has been used by Najib to buy support. For  Najib the ends justifies the means.

As a friend commented : is not only the Ketua Bahagian...just look around u ....who benefits most...if u r in the cities difficult to know but in the outskirts just open ur eyes n ears n one wonder where the ground leaders manage to get so much tok kira the Aduns n alike....if u r blind then u will say it is not true......

Money is why Najib is still President of Umno
 and by default, Prime Minister of Malaysia. 

And money is why Rosmah Mansor is still the undisputed Heavyweight Champion of  Seri Perdana! You may quibble with me about the "Heavyweight Champion" title I have generously bequeath her with but I am certain you will not quibble with me that it is deserved! 

You see friends people with a lot of money that wants more of it, lives life that are different from the majority of us. The spouses of these people are more often than not prepared to look the other way when the husband are less than dutiful towards them. We know what Razak Baginda got away with and we know what Najib has been up too in those days when he was a randy young and middle age bastard sowing his oats all over Singapore and other parts unknown around the globe....and yet their wives are still with them. 

A healthy bank balance helps...and when you have use of government jets and motorcades to travel from point A to point B no matter how short the distance, the wives stay with their husband and look the other way.

Rosmah however is all that and more!

Rosmah has delusion of grandeur! 

So has Napoleon, so has Mussolini, so has Idi Amin and so has Emperor Bokassa. While all these people suffering from delusions of grandeur's could satisfy those delusions themselves - Rosmah only has Najib! And damm if she will let him go. 

She knows he has no balls - but she has.

All that Najib is not, Rosmah is. The only thing Rosmah is not, is Prime Minister...and she is working on that too! And that is why we see every day in every way a Najib who dances to the tune being played by Rosmah who is everything that Najib is not - except Prime Minister...but she still pull the strings that makes the puppet dances to her tune.

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