
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

cakap cakap : Clare Rewcastle...a record of untrue stories? I think not!

steadyaku47 comment : 

Following is a posting I came across re Clare Rewcastle - whom the writer alleges is a fraudulent Journalist. I am posting the story in full here not because I am in agreement with the writer who has gone to a great deal of effort to list out "a record of untrue stories" attributed to Clare Rewcastle. I do so because I want you all to read what is written and think for yourself the truth or fiction of what this writer alleges Clare to be. 

The first question I asked myself when I came across this posting was the source of the article. So I did what any sane , rational blogger would do...I googled "Open Source Investigations" and this came up:   

About us

OSI is comprised of investigative journalists, researchers, fact-checkers, activists and data experts who have teamed up to provide in-depth research behind political stories.
By supplying non-partisan and precise analyses and investigations, OSI Group website is as a source of information that makes citizens more aware of how politics affects their lives.
We are always interested in new information, which helps us expand our research all over the world, and our investigations based on information provided by our readers.
If you want to provide information on a story, contact us here.

OSI does not provide us with any name of those journalists, researchers, activists and data experts who have teamed up to provide in-depth research behind political stories. Not one name! 

Hell if you go to steadyaku47 you can know who I am, my family background, my education (not much!), my friends (including but not limited to Anwar Ibrahim), who I have been writing for (FMT, Berita Daily, Kit Siang, where my articles have been posted in....quiet a number of on line publications including Harakah!) ), where I am staying and almost all of what you might want to know of my life until now.  

I can go into this article about Clare and debunk, dismiss and discredit almost all of what they say Clare have been guilty of - that of writing "untrue stories" but honestly at this point of time I cannot be bothered. 

Read it for yourself and make your own decision....bearing in mind what they claim Clare and Sarawak Report have set out to do (according to the writer that is to oust the democratically-elected Malaysian PM).

In a democracy a "democratically-elected prime minister" is the one whom the electorates voted for. The last time I checked the results of the last 13th General Election held on May 5th in 2013, the Pakatan Rakyat Coalition led by Anwar Ibrahim won 50.8% of the votes while BN led by Najib Razak got 47.38%. 

So who should really be the "democratically-elected prime minister" of Malaysia?     
If you go to their website you will be informed that their head office is:

  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Enough said. Read and make up your own mind on this report by "Open Source Investigations" re the record of "untrue stories" by Clare Rewcastle. 

My opinion of OSI?

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On Tuesday, 26 January 2016, the Malaysian Attorney-General Mohamed Apandi Ali dismissed as false allegations that a donation to PM Najib Razak had come from state fund 1MDB. In fact, the investigation concluded it had come from the Saudi Royal family. The false allegation had been used as the basis for a plot to oust the democratically-elected Malaysian PM and were initially promoted by Clare Rewcastle Brown.

The Attorney-General’s decision came a week after the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had publicly criticised the same Clare Rewcastle Brown for publishing false information.

UK-based blogger Clare Rewcastle Brown has been the public face of the campaign to oust Najib, a fact she has admitted in private conversations. Revelations and further admissions that she offered $2million for stolen data, which was edited and published on her website, have further exposed her motivations. But who is she really?

Sarawak Report’s long and shameful history of lying

Born in the former British Crown Colony of Sarawak, Clare Rewcastle Brown moved to UK at a young age. She tried to become a journalist at the BBC and ITV but failed after she running stories she knew not to be true.

Private Eye - Never Mind the Facts

After that, she became a low level blogger, founding, in 2010,

Sarawak Report was initially set up in 2010 to bring down Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, then Sarawak Chief Minister. Rewcastle and opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim established what would become a long-standing relationship – it was with Anwar’s daughter that she first offered $2million for the stolen data – and started a campaign against Taib.

In October 2010, Rewcastle Brown published a story claiming Taib’s son had AIDS. (

This was later proved wrong, with Sulaiman Taib not ill. But withdrawing from public life because of grief over the death of his mother.

In May 2011, Rewcastle Brown published a story claiming then Chief Minister of Sarawak had stashed state funds in Swiss bank accounts. ( and

The turth? Taib didn’t even have any bank accounts in Switzerland.

Sarawakreport posts were proved untrue and the campaign to bring Taib down failed. But Rewcastle Brown carried on with her false stories. It was Najib Razak’s turn to become the target after she was recruited by a political campaign to oust Razak Najib.

It was about overthrowing the democratically-elected PM

In the last weeks OSI has revealed Rewcastle Brown’s role in the plot to oust PM Najib Razak.

Francis Yeoh, one of Malaysia’s wealthiest men, by his own admission owes his success to favourable treatment by the former PM Mohamad Mahathir. (Bloomberg Business, 4 September 2011), also see

Since PM Najib Razak has come to office, Yeoh’s business has struggled. Revelations detailed how Yeoh teamed up with businessmen holding similar grievances against the current Malaysian Prime Minister, including media tycoon Tong Kooi Ong, a close friend and associate in a plot to oust Najib Razak.

Clare Rewcastle was recruited. It was the failed journalist turned blogger who offered the $2million bribe for the stolen data; “I have offered them [Malaysian businessmen] to buy 30% of my company. Then I will take the risk…a dodgy transaction but I will do it”. (Clare Rewcastle, WhatsApp Conversation, 18 May 2015).

She then assisted the Swiss national Xavier Justo, who stole the documents, in his attempt to launder the $2million: “seems to be on its way to my company at least. Then we can start to get it to you” (Clare Rewcastle, WhatsApp Conversation, 1 June 2015) and she then received and retained the stolen data and tampered with the documents received from Justo. .

They themselves admitted the campaign was not about 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), the state owned investment fund whose advisory board is headed by the PM. It was about overthrowing Najib Razak’s government. “She [Clare] said she wanted to bring down the Prime Minister, Najib Razak” (Xavier Justo, Confession 29 June 2015)”. Tong admitted it was “an internal Malaysian matter only” (Xavier Justo, Confession 26 June 2015)

According to reports, the plot was well-funded, with as much as $140million shelled out in worldwide media campaign.

Rewcastle’s nervousness about the “oust Najib” campaign’s results

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), the government agency that investigates and prosecutes corruption in the public and private sectors, conducted an inquiry into 1MDB scandal.

On 31 December 2015, MACC submitted the investigation papers to the Malaysian Attorney-General. The Attorney General required further explanation on some of the suggestions and actions proposed by the MACC and sent back the probe. A few days ago, MACC responded to the Attorney General’s queries.

As the judicial investigation came to an end, Clare Rewcastle Brown and her associates have become increasingly nervous about the outcome of their campaign. On 17 January 2016, they announced on Sarawakreport that MACC’s investigation “contains no less than 37 separate charges against Najib”. As already been shown on OSI, this was just another distortion. MACC promptly released a statement, publicly reprimanding Rewcastle for being “incorrect”.

Caught out for her dishonesty again

Based on MACC investigation, Malaysia’s Attorney General, Mohamed Apandi Ali, has cleared Prime Minister Najib Razak of any wrongdoing in the 1MDB scandal. No crime was committed by the Prime Minister Najib Razak. What about the plotters and their media accomplice, Clare Rewcastle Brown? Their illegal actions and the motives behind them have been revealed. All the accusations on the donation were proved to be completely false and the campaign was left in tatters.

But having spent so much money on the political campaign and the motivation of the plotters’ recruited blogger, more falsehoods and deliberately misleading stories are likely from Clare Rewcastle.

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P.S. Just checked my blog and saw that I could post this after not having any success in posting it on steadyaku47 from late last night. Hope I have got rid of anything that have been inside my is hoping. regards.

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