
Saturday, September 10, 2011

“Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity”.

I think the above line says a lot about the state of things in Malaysia today. Most of what they say are, for lack of a better word, simply stupid. There is no malice intended towards other races or religion. 

Muhyiddin meant no malice towards anyone when he said he is a Malay first and a Malaysian second. He just does not get it. If you believe in 1Malaysia, then common sense will tell you that you are Malaysian first. We Malays expect the Chinese, the Indians, the Dayaks, the Ibans and all other people who call Malaysia home to think the same way. If I hear a Chinese say that he is a Chinese first and a Malaysian second then I will tell him to go back to where he and his ancestors had come from (even if he was from Batu Pahat!). So this Malay Deputy Prime Minister of ours simply does not have the mental capacity to understand where he is coming from. It sound good in his head and he thought it would win him some points with the Malays – that is how idiots think – only for the moment – no capability to understand the damage his words can do. 

Pemuda UMNO has a lot of idiots. They seem to hold the license for stupidity or as we say, God broke the mould after he cast Pemuda UMNO! Don’t get me started on that Din and that extension of his masculinity – the Keris! Din is in a class of his own. He thinks that having a cousin who is PM allows him that leeway to be an idiot. Well I have news for you Din. You do not have to try or act like an idiot, you are one!

Din left Pemuda in the hands of like minded idiots! The latest episode is too tragic to make light of because of the death of a cameraman ……..but here is the bottom line. This Bumiputra Mamak call Azzeeeeez saw what he thought would be a sure fire way of propelling him up the ladder of UMNO’s leaders and he went headlong into something that was way above his head and ended up with a dead cameraman and with egg on his face. How he will be able to extricate himself from this mess is to be seen but in UMNO you can never know.

I told myself that with Mahathir gone that would be the end of his line in UMNO politics because he had ensured his children would have enough money to last many lifetimes – and lo and behold Mukriz is in the cabinet. So you can expect Mukriz and this Azeeez to be up there in the tree tops with the other monkeys of UMNO swinging on the roof tops of PWTC.

Everywhere I turn I see myself surrounded by idiots who happens to be politicians. Maybe I am doing idiots an injustice by putting then together with politicians but can anyone suggest whom else we could lump these politicians with? If you want to deliver our country into the hands of thieves then go vote for most of the current herd of BN politicians.

Let us start with MCA. If there is one thing you can say about the Chinese in MCA it is this – they really believe in what Nietzsche said “ That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” How else do you explain their preoccupation in voting for leaders who routinely f#*k them up? Look at the list of MCA past president post Tun Tan Siew Sin-a veritable list of rogues that could rival PDRM list of Malaysia’s most wanted!

We have the spectacle of this TUN who was former President of MCA who is not only bringing ill repute to all the Tuns before and after him, but what is more amazing is his out and out attempts to garner all the wealth he could possible get for himself while President of MCA! Using MCA as his personal jump board for the acquisition of material wealth. His exploits reads like a tale of Bernard Madoff in the US who is already in jail for life (well 150 years is almost life!). Madoff is responsible for USD$65 billion missing from his clients account.

At least Madoff son’s were the one who turned him in to the authorities…..…would Liong Sik son do that to him? The problem with Malaysia is that even if ANYBODY wants to turn him in who could they turn to? MACC? MCA? PDRM or even the Prime Minister himself? Huh! Would you expect BN to censure their own? 

Inga Dey …before the Indians starts pointing fingers at the Chinese please see how many of those fingers are pointing back at you! All the past MIC President from 1946 to 1979 cannot eclipse what Samy Velu did from 1979 to 2010. By any definition or criteria this Samy wins hands down. The longest serving, the most corrupt, the most petulant prima donna, the most “I will retire when I have made MIC stronger” …..…and the list goes on. In the end it was his own constituency that told him to “GO” just GO, do not pass GO, do not collect $200 just GO! 

His hair rivals that of Donald Trump. But if there is one thing about Samy that is consistent it is his unwavering belief that MIC will be doomed without him – and to his discredit he did what he had to do to perpetuate that myth…a myth that went bust when his own constitutiency kicked him out! 

Can you just imagine how this Toyo guy has lowered the image of the Jawa’s in Malaysia? And do not forget that it was again Mahathir's choice to make Toyo the MB of Selangor! 
The Malays are one of the few race that allows, nay even welcome, the infusion of inferior beings into its melting port of ethnicity in the false belief that cross pollination will make their race stronger. They forgot one basic rule  - you take in people better then you to make your genes stronger. The same with animals – they only choose the best to be studs. Not the Malays –once you let Mahathir in the floodgates were flung open! Now every Azzzez, Toyo, is a bumiputra –LEGALLY! All this for political expedience – to win the 13th general election.
And how do you explain the people in Sarawak who seems to be a glutton for punishment from a Chief Minister who takes and takes from Sarawak coffers as if it was his own personal fiefdom?

Sabah already had Tun Mustapha long before any of us even heard about personality cults and leaders that throw our money around.

Another police report lodged..this time against Penang Chief Minisiter Lim Guan Eng by this Tan Tee Beng Chairman  of Partai Kesejahteran Insan Tanak Air (KITA) asking MACC to investigate said Chief Minister, MPPP and PDC for “irregularities” regarding a RM5million car park at the foot of Penang Hill. A car park ? Come on lah Tan where got standard. If you want to go after Guan Eng please go and do some research about possible links between DAP and big business in Penang – I am NOT saying it exists but at least you will generate a bit more interest amongst the people then when you talk about a Car Park!

 Always when I write about our need for honest, accountable and responsible leaders there will be some amongst you that ask me to show them a Malaysian leader who is honest, accountable and responsible. The same people will also tell me that what are the few thousands of ringgits that Pakatan Rakyat politicians have been accused of embezzling when UMNO and their Barisan Nasional counterparts have milk our country out of billions and billions of ringgits. Is the Traffic Cop who takes RM$20 from us to selesai a minor traffic infringement any different from a Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police who takes RM$100,000 to allow prostitution in the many massage parlors in Bukit Bintang? Is the office boy in EPU who will photocopy tender documents for some duit kopi any different from a Minister who will allow workers from China to be employed on a building site for a crony for a considerable consideration of the financial kind, any different from each other?

No they are not! Whatever your persuasion politically – it is not the amount that you take that matters. It is the act of corruption that matters. Corruption is corruption whether in Kuala Lumpur of Mecca.

We are, for the most part, imperfect. And it is because of all these imperfections that we must insist that we have leaders from whom we can expect nothing less then perfection. We do not want leaders who are a little bit corrupt and a little bit stupid. Especially those who are a little bit stupid! So the next time you hear a politician say something you consider offensive to your race, religion or culture just attribute it to stupidity then to malice.  


  1. hi
    this is by far the most interesting article I have read. you really out did yourself this time. keep it up. i had a great time amusing myself on this one,and it really is an eye opener
    iskandar dzulkarnain

  2. Iskandar it is now 5.04am here and possible past 3am in Malaysia - what are you doing up so late? Tak boleh tidor ka? I am up writing my excuse is working on my blog! Salam

  3. Ya betoi.!
    Wak din is an idiot.!!!
    Read my article "Setem akanan : Muhydeen buat gelak" @

    Becuz Mamak Kutty put them all in power Pak Lah,Najib, Mohydeen, I think the greatest idiot is Mamak Kutty himself.

    read my lagu "Aiyoyo Mamak Kutty" @

  4. I have always enjoyed reading your post in the past, and this article is no different, in the sense that it's enlightening, as well as entertaining, and also hits the nail where it is. Ya, we have maha idiots running the country, and that's why this country is in maha shit! So, people, let's get rid of this shit and these idiots come the next GE.

    Look forward to reading more.

  5. Sorry to disagree. We seem have a tradition of seeing stupidity in venality.

    Someone (a cartoon?) mentioned a desk sign that says, "I am surrounded by idiots". I would change that to "I am surrounded by idiots who keep voting for crooks, sadists and raving fanantics".

  6. Well, a well-deserved rest sure do wonders to you. Looking forward to hear from you.

  7. Well done sir for a most enlightening piece.
    Now someone somewhere must comes up with a way to educate the masses that are still ignorant.
    Time for a change.
    People let's get rid of all these shit from our lives once and for all.
    Vote wisely in GE13.
    Remember we Malaysians are NOT stupid or simple. Show these shit what we the rakyat is capable of.

  8. Interesting and incised article, straight to the jugular of truth.

    I'm a good ole' 51. Seen much. Know what I'll do. and UMNO is not in my vision at all. That's how much I've seen. God Bless Malaysia for ALL Malaysians.

  9. Tidak betul menggunakan perkataan :then" when it should be "than". English master!

  10. Anyone can write an article like this, even an idiot. All you have done is, made a few irrelevant observations here and there, and hey presto, you think that is going to turn Malaysia and Malaysians around. Criticisms like yours are not worth anything at all, if it's not followed up with an action plan, or some constructive suggestions. Or better still, come back to Malaysia, and make your intellectual presence felt, if you think you have some contribution to make. You can't come back, can you? The Sultan of Selangor will have you arrested for linking him with that punjabi/indian woman. You are just like RPK, just make some noise, to make everyone think that you are relevant, then fade away into obscurity. Even a monkey can do that, indeed that's what it does.

  11. Making noise is better than suffering in silence. Keep writing, keep raising the awareness, keep making noise. Hopefully one day the noise waves will generate enough vibrations to topple the corrupted ones.

  12. I agree that Corruption is Corruption, no matter what, but I did like to point out that the magnitude of the corruption counts. Cases like PKFZ, MAS bailout and Perwaja should be prioritized, because if you right even one of them, we would have been better off as a nation. The morons from BN can only harp on issues like the stupid carpark in Penang Hill, the business class flights that LGE took. Typical case of Penny Wise, Pound Foolish!
