
Monday, September 12, 2011

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "“Never attribute to malice that which can be adequ...": 

Anyone can write an article like this, even an idiot. All you have done is, made a few irrelevant observations here and there, and hey presto, you think that is going to turn Malaysia and Malaysians around. Criticisms like yours are not worth anything at all, if it's not followed up with an action plan, or some constructive suggestions. Or better still, come back to Malaysia, and make your intellectual presence felt, if you think you have some contribution to make. You can't come back, can you? The Sultan of Selangor will have you arrested for linking him with that punjabi/indian woman. You are just like RPK, just make some noise, to make everyone think that you are relevant, then fade away into obscurity. Even a monkey can do that, indeed that's what it does. 


  1. Dear Pak Hussein,

    Just forget this anonymous monkey. If he is daring enough, he would have written his name in bold. At least you have a name that people can refer to. This anonymous guy must have just awakened from his grave; hence no name.

  2. Super superlike to MAR comment. My sentiment exactly.

  3. An umno lackey who hide his butt because the butt is full of shit-thats who he is.......

  4. Indeed there many monkeys in the like of Hussein floating around in Aussie land

  5. Don't get me wrong anon,I'm refering to you...............

  6. Pak HH,

    Your blog is the blog of the brave, no gatekeeper no moderator and no coward blog. You're truly a brave old man and you're not any old man, you're a young old man. You don't get demoralised by Anons because you're a brave blogger. Prove to the world you're Hussein Hamid a blogger who can take punches. I've been with you since your "inception", I would have been your worst enemy if you're an impostor, but I'm glad you're a very consistent fighter then and now. That's why you have many enemies, not only because you're UMNO's public enemy, but because you're BLOODY GOOD!

  7. Dear anon, the most offensive part here is when you said anyone can write that piece. Ish Ish Ish. Ok let us see you write a piece like that. Hope you are not Wong Chun Wai in disguised. If you are then don't even bother! Betty Teh

  8. is there a monkey called shuk flying around
