
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Betrayal does that…betray the betrayer

 The economic and political betrayal of our country started with Mahathir. We know too well the indignities our people have suffered at the hands of this Machiavellian political demigod  who failed more often then succeed in the implementation of programs and projects to benefit the people because of corruption, ineptitude and  wretched governance. The irony of Mahathir is that he took for himself absolute executive power in the mistaken belief that that was needed to execute his grand design of 2020 for Malaysia. He had that executive power but used it instead to stay in power at the expense of his 2020 vision.

Today its takes little imagination to look at the Malays and see a portrait of a people trying to come to grips with what has gone wrong with the UMNO that promised them so much and delivered so little.

Some  are overwhelmed by despair and a sense of futility that after over 50 years of UMNO rule nothing much has change for them.

Some are already willing themselves forward to deal with the harsh reality of competing on a level playing field with others in Malaysia.

And then there are also Malays who are at sea in trying to decide where their loyalties lies – with UMNO or elsewhere. 
In this conundrum there lies opportunity for political advantage to be taken of the Malays by UMNO or any one else that cares to try.

And yet it is not just the Malays that find themselves in strife and at crossroads. MCA now have an erstwhile issue with the Chinese who they once claimed as their very own. DAP are already claiming the high ground in the fight to represent the Chinese voters.

MIC is neither here nor there in trying to make their presence felt within the BN coalition – they would need to resolve their internal bickering before anyone will take them seriously. They are under the  mistaken impression that by crying “unfair treatment of a minority” they would get a sympathetic ear of the BN government. Little do they understand that BN will only take you seriously when you are able to deliver the numbers during any election. Samy Velu had been able to perpetuate that myth until his own loss in his own constituency. Now MIC has to play catch up with the others within BN.    

Sabah and Sarawak are in the enviable situation of being courted and as is normal for those in that situation, are wont to make choices that would bring the most benefit to their political leaders : Not to Sabah and Sarawak.   

All this is manifested in the situation that BN and PR now find themselves in. They are embroiled in issues of their own making. PR with their inability to deal with DSAI Sodomy Two case in a proactive manner and BN with the issue of a PM who thinks being “cool” will somehow keep Muhyiddin at bay.

And so the issues are all about personality, about self interest and about political survival – never about the people. And when issues are about personalities what will happen will be the polarization of their supporters into factions and groupings with no other more pressing priorities then the reelection of their leader. And what we see happening in our nation now is precisely that.

It would seems that to PR, DSAI is the sun, the moon, the stars around which the earth revolves. To UMNO Najib is the men of the moment – a moment that might or might not last past the very near future.

All others jostle for position within the ambit of these two. All that happens around them will be interpreted according to the nuance of these two. It is interesting to see the interpretation of the latest government move against Mat Sabu by those from BN and those from PR and also the effect of the latest evidence being churned out at DSAI Sodomy Two trial. All are taken as gospel or untruths. All are open to conjecture. Truth, facts, lies and innuendo abounds and manages to affirm or deny the innocence or guilt of those individuals involve. In the end it is the court of public opinion that matters…and the jury is still out on that score.      

In the time that they live in it would be useful for Najib and DSAI to remember that “Betrayal does that…betray the betrayer” Erica jong….though I doubt if even these thoughts will make any difference to what is happening as each seek to outdo each other in any way they can....never for once thinking what would come back to them in the form of Karma.  


kee has left a new comment on your post "Betrayal does that…betray the betrayer": 

I take issue with your statement:-

"DAP are already claiming the high ground in the fight to represent the Chinese voters." 

which followed immediately behind another statement that :-

"MCA now have an erstwhile issue with the Chinese who they once claimed as their very own."

Putting the two statements together cynically implies that DAP is claiming to take over MCA's role as Malaysia's Chinese party.

You cannot simply brand DAP to be a Chinese party like the MCA just because there are more Chinese voters enlightened enough to support the truly non-racial Malaysian political party that claims to represent all Malaysians.

MCA claims to be a Chinese party representing Chinese and it's name suggests and confirms such intent. If DAP happens to represent any Chinese electorate, it is part and parcel of the party's policy of representing all Malaysians which happens to include those of ethnic Chinese descent. I will be surprised and disappointed if you cannot discern the difference between the two.

I am sure you have heard of the long-time DAP clarion call for a Malaysian Malaysia even if you either cannot or choose not to understand what it means. Surely you are aware that UMNO irrationally brands DAP's call for a Malaysian Malaysia as a racist move. 

Can you show me official DAP documents to verify what you have written, that DAP is trying to take over the role of MCA in the Malaysian political scene? If you cannot, then I have to assume that you, like many other Malays, have been well and properly indoctrinated since young by UMNO into believing that DAP is like MCA, a Chinese party.

I also like to comment on another of your statement that:-

"Some (referring to Malays) are overwhelmed by despair and a sense of futility that after over 50 years of UMNO rule nothing much has change for them."

Surely you made a gross understatement when you stated "Some are overwhelmed". I believe "many" instead of "some" would have been more accurate and appropriate.

And why are we in the position that so many Malays are feeling overwhelmed by despair and a sense of futility that after over 50 years of UMNO rule nothing much has change for them? The simple reason is that these Malays think and believe that only their own fellow Malays, including the multitude of fake Malays, can help them progress. They think and believe that non-Malay fellow Malaysians are all out to do them in. 

I can think of two possible reasons for such irrational thinking. #1 Such Malays are naive enough to allow themselves to be indoctrinated by UMNO into such thinking. #2 Such Malays are basically racist and their own racism had allowed them to be easily indoctrinated by UMNO into such thinking.

Despite being aware that they have been screwed by their own kind for over 50 years, so many still prefer to continue getting screwed by the same people rather than being helped by non-Malay Malaysians. Why? I honestly don't know! Maybe you, being a Malay can figure out and tell me the answer. 

Posted by kee to 
steadyaku47 at Thursday, September 22, 2011 5:10:00 PM GMT+09:30

steadyaku47 reply: 

Hi Kee,

Thank you for reading what I write. Recently I made a decision to include into steadyaku47 any…I repeat…any articles I consider well written and able to give us another point of view on matters we care about. I also decided that I myself will write on matters I might not necessarily agree with for the same reason.

I am in agreement with you that DAP is as Malaysian a political party as we can get in Malaysia.

And I am in agreement with you that more then “some” Malays are overwhelmed with a sense of futility and despair with UMNO.

What I ask you to do is this…when you read what I write do take it in the spirit that I try to write…with the intention of making us think. Once you start to think…go form your own conclusions and if you want to share with me your agreement or disagreement with what I write do so. This, I think, is one way we can try to understand each other. Regards 


  1. I take issue with your statement:-

    "DAP are already claiming the high ground in the fight to represent the Chinese voters."

    which followed immediately behind another statement that :-

    "MCA now have an erstwhile issue with the Chinese who they once claimed as their very own."

    Putting the two statements together cynically implies that DAP is claiming to take over MCA's role as Malaysia's Chinese party.

    You cannot simply brand DAP to be a Chinese party like the MCA just because there are more Chinese voters enlightened enough to support the truly non-racial Malaysian political party that claims to represent all Malaysians.

    MCA claims to be a Chinese party representing Chinese and it's name suggests and confirms such intent. If DAP happens to represent any Chinese electorate, it is part and parcel of the party's policy of representing all Malaysians which happens to include those of ethnic Chinese descent. I will be surprised and disappointed if you cannot discern the difference between the two.

    I am sure you have heard of the long-time DAP clarion call for a Malaysian Malaysia even if you either cannot or choose not to understand what it means. Surely you are aware that UMNO irrationally brands DAP's call for a Malaysian Malaysia as a racist move.

    Can you show me official DAP documents to verify what you have written, that DAP is trying to take over the role of MCA in the Malaysian political scene? If you cannot, then I have to assume that you, like many other Malays, have been well and properly indoctrinated since young by UMNO into believing that DAP is like MCA, a Chinese party.

    I also like to comment on another of your statement that:-

    "Some (referring to Malays) are overwhelmed by despair and a sense of futility that after over 50 years of UMNO rule nothing much has change for them."

    Surely you made a gross understatement when you stated "Some are overwhelmed". I believe "many" instead of "some" would have been more accurate and appropriate.

    And why are we in the position that so many Malays are feeling overwhelmed by despair and a sense of futility that after over 50 years of UMNO rule nothing much has change for them? The simple reason is that these Malays think and believe that only their own fellow Malays, including the multitude of fake Malays, can help them progress. They think and believe that non-Malay fellow Malaysians are all out to do them in.

    I can think of two possible reasons for such irrational thinking. #1 Such Malays are naive enough to allow themselves to be indoctrinated by UMNO into such thinking. #2 Such Malays are basically racist and their own racism had allowed them to be easily indoctrinated by UMNO into such thinking.

    Despite being aware that they have been screwed by their own kind for over 50 years, so many still prefer to continue getting screwed by the same people rather than being helped by non-Malay Malaysians. Why? I honestly don't know! Maybe you, being a Malay can figure out and tell me the answer.

  2. Rather get screwed by the Malays than by the greedy Chinese...Sein you'll know when the time comes.Need I say....there I told you so...

  3. Aiyaa Hussein, don’t tell me after 50 years you are still trying to understand them.Where are you man….Mars ke? or blind and deaf Why don’t you go and pack you bags and take the first flight home tomorrow so that you can try to understand them better here mate…lorrr
