
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

You, you and us help PR!

If you think that PR is going to win the 13th GE the way things are now…you better think again! Do not kid yourself. Do not be lull into a sense of complacency and think that all will be well….that Pakatan Rakyat will be the government of the day come the 13th general election! I tell you friend the way things are…you will be disappointed.

Just because the chatter on the Net seems to be mostly for  PR does not mean much. If all we bloggers were to cast our votes for PR it will still be negated by just one cawangan under UMNO. Just the vote coming from one Cawangan is enough to neutralize the votes of all the bloggers now working to kick UMNO/BN out of government. Just like that!

Do not mock those UMNO cyber troopers too much. Look at the work they do to discredit PR leaders. Yes they sink to the gutter or go deeper into the sewer with the tactics they use but just compare that with what we do.

I use only words and the occasional YouTube videos and images I take from the Net to embellish steadyau47. What they have in their arsenal of smut and spin we would have difficulty in unraveling what more equal. We simply do not have the financial resources and support they have from their political masters. We can dismiss their attempts as being theatrical and political backstabbing of the lowest order but they have their audience. And with each story they hurl towards Mat Sabu and DSAI they hurt PR considerably. And more important every time they do so they gain more converts to their side.

We cannot continue to be in denial of the ability of these goons to match us word for word and story by story – but what we have working for us is a level playing field in as far as the Net is concern. The Net knows not if you are BN or PR. If you are DAP, PAS, PKR, UMNO, MCA or MIC. If you have a PC and Internet access then you have entry into cyber space….and that is where this fight is taking place now. You and me can give those goons working for UMNO as good as we get!

I can only speak for myself. I work on my blog anytime I can. Every posting I do requires time, effort and a focus on our matalamat (aim) and that is to change the political landscape in Malaysia for the better. 

From a corrupt and self serving module to that of an open, responsible and accountable one. No ifs no buts. No “trial period” for another government, no trial period for another Prime Minister. 

From day one the new government must hit the ground running and already have in place responsible leaders who will deliver what they promise us. No more no less. 

And if I doubt their ability to do so I will say so in my blog. If I doubt the ability of PR to perform as I I expect them to, I say so in my blog. No more holding back on my critique and my comments when PR does wrong. No more treating PR with kid gloves.

I do so not because I love PR less but because I love PR more. If PR is unable to, or will not live up to our aspirations then better the devil we know then the devil we do not know. UMNO is the devil we know!

I am not going to give PR a “CHANCE” to do what UMNO has done to us – rob us blind and enrich themselves at our expense. Not for five years, not for one year, not even for a month or a week. As I have said earlier if PR has not learn after these years in opposition what the people want then they will never learn once they are in government.

Right now the jury is still out if PR is ready to take over government from BN. Just the mere mention of Hudud has got PR going for each other throat while UMNO sits back and enjoys their latest act of throwing a big juicy bone amongst the uneasy pack that makes up PR. What would PR do when UMNO takes out DSAI? If the best that PR can do is Mat Sabu then I suggest PR should go back to the drawing board and think of something else more potent, more decent and more able to stand against the riff raffs that UMNO throws at us – and mind you, UMNO does have a good number of riff raffs to throw at PR.

I think we bloggers must not be too “shok sendiri”. We are messengers of stories. We should not become the story ourselves. There is why there is much work to be done. Let us concentrate on getting the story out there into the minds  of people that matter. That critical mass that will decide who will govern our country.

If you agree with the message we are trying to get out there for a positive change to the political landscape of our country then please take our message to at least one other person - play it forward – not just click out and leave that message dead where you found it. Move the message around. Cut and paste it onto your blog or email it to a friend. Only then can our posting begin to have a life of its own. Once you give it life then it can start to do its work of making people become aware of the need for change. Why we need change, how we can change and what the change should be. 

We write…you breath life into it and help us move it around…then it will be able to have a life of its own and hopefully make a difference to the way people think and do things. We want PR activists to be found where ever we find Malaysians.Help us do this.

Only when we have the numbers will we be able to make a difference to the wretched state our nation is now in. Then this BN government will have to think twice before they do anything that we do not agree to. No more verdicts of death by misadventure when someone is found dead while under MACC custody. No more announcements of the repeal of the ISA or PPPA – not unless it is really so. No more empty promises through “transformation programs” for every community, no more lies , no more arrogance and certainly no more side trips for your children’s engagement while on Official Trips to a foreign country.

So let us focus on building up that critical mass. Each and everyone of you can help us in this effort. You are one. With me we are two.  

1 comment:

  1. Sour grape Sein for not getting the contracts after all those years eh.....what a pity mate
