
Friday, September 30, 2011

Sultan Johor Offended? HUH!

Johor sultan: I’m offended

JOHOR BARU: Sultan of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar yesterday said he was offended by the disparaging remarks about the state allegedly made by Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng recently but added that as a ruler, he would stay above politics.The sultan said politics should be left to politicians and the people should not be dragging rulers into politics.

“Yes, I was offended when I got to know about that statement, but I don’t want to react, because as a ruler, I shouldn’t be dragged into politics.

“Don’t speak for me. I am capable of doing it... I have the interests of my rakyat and also foreigners living in Johor at heart.”

steadyaku47 comment:

And so this Sultan Of Johor is offended! Well Sultan, if you do not want to be dragged into politics then why are you making this comment about you being offended by what this Penang Chief Minister is alleged to have said? Do you understand that by commenting on what this Chief Minister is saying you are getting involved in politics? And by saying that you are offended you are "reacting" to it? Please Sultan just keep quiet and do not get involved in these "point scoring" between BN and PR. 


Now if you are talking about being offended I and a lot of Malaysians were offended when that previous Sultan of Johor whacked Gomez with the hockey stick...and we all know about that same Sultan shooting some one and the number of times he goes around slapping and kicking people...and we all know that he is quiet handy with his golf sticks when he wants to! And did we say anything about it? We wanted to but you know lah with the ISA etc we cannot!

So please before you say that you are offended about anything - especially politics - remember that we the people have more reason to be offended by what the previous Sultans of Johor have done. You being offended by what Guan Eng is alleged to have said about Johor is something of no consequence to us. Just be quiet and do what you and the other Sultans have been doing all this while.....makan gaji buta aja! ...and once in a while you can get on your super bike and go and do charity work.


Meraban has left a new comment on your post "Sultan Johor Offended? HUH!": 

Hairan betol la.
sikit2 guna nama sultan
sikit2 kaitkan dgn sultan.
tak tentu pasal dikaitkan dgn sultan.
Bodoh betol la puak2 umno ni.
Serupa budak beringus aje perangai.

Dah tak ada jalan keluar
Dah buntu macamana nak ganyang parti lawan.
Sultan yang tak mahu libatkan dgn politik cuba di kaitkan.

Apa punya sontot pemikiran pemimpin2 umno ni la. 


  1. Can they just keep their mouth shut....feel like vomitting every time they say they have the rakyats interest at heart ...........

  2. On your profile, you mentioned about some work in progress. May I offer an idea of you writing about why bekas bekas budak kolej are always in the limelight...all for the wrong reasons?

  3. Baginda sultan johor sudah masak dengan sikap hipokrit UMNO kerana baginda masih ingat macamana marhum ayahandanya dimalukan oleh si kitul Mamak perdana menteri. Sekarang baginda jadi sultan, baginda sentiasa tidak lupa bahawa UMNO adalah ikon penderhakaan Melayu yang dikepalai oleh seorang mamak. Pada baginda yang sentiasa belajar dari sejarah, si Kitul bukan Cheng Ho yang menjahanamkan Melayu!

    Pak, it's good the sultan speaks his mind in a more wise way where Utusan's hope was dashed when the sultan didn't utter "Beta murka!".

  4. Macamana la sampai boleh dibodoh oleh TV3/4 dan Katak Zahrin tu

    Malang betol jadi orang Johor

  5. Bloody parasites! good on you Mr.Hussein.

  6. Hairan betol la.
    sikit2 guna nama sultan
    sikit2 kaitkan dgn sultan.
    tak tentu pasal dikaitkan dgn sultan.
    Bodoh betol la puak2 umno ni.
    Serupa budak beringus aje perangai.

    Dah tak ada jalan keluar
    Dah buntu macamana nak ganyang parti lawan.
    Sultan yang tak mahu libatkan dgn politik cuba di kaitkan.

    Apa punya sontot pemikiran pemimpin2 umno ni la.

  7. This Sultan of Johor what a yawn. Waste of taxpayers money only

  8. I'm angry you know, even the crime rate in Johore is high but that doesn't give you the right to tell everyone openly. How about this " If you never get robbed, you never been to Johor".

  9.'ve been banished mate

  10. The rulers are all well greased by UMNO. So when UMNO tells the rulers to bend, the rulers will ask by how much. We don't have any rulers who are straight. No wonder we cannot draw straight lines with such crooked rulers.

  11. the mc gay gay boys.. what do you expect out of them

  12. Can anyone really deny that Johore crime rate is high? Statistics do not lie, maybe except when it comes from the BN. The sultan should be more concerned with the welfare of his state than to play politics and act like Umno goon. Ahh... what money can do....

  13. FUCK YOU and you and you and you
