
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

CADBURY CHOCOLATES... pigs, human, Malays, Muslims are all mammals...they share the same genes.

JMM akan saman Cadbury RM100 juta
 | May 26, 2014
JMM merasakan Cadbury tidak sensitif dan sengaja menganiaya pekerja Islam di dalam organisasi mereka
JMM Pc (1)PETALING JAYA: Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) dan Sukaguam memandang serius terhadap isu DNA khinzir yang dikesan di dalam dua produk coklat Cadbury Coklat Susu dengan kacang hazel ( bernombor 200813M01H 12 bertarikh luput 13, November 2014) dan Coklat Susu dengan Buah badam ( bernombor 221013N01R I1 bertarikh luput 15 Januari 2015) keluaran syarikat Cadbury Confectionery Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
“Bagi kalangan masyarakat Islam, saya merasakan ia merupakan penghinaan yang amat dahsyat sekali. Syarikat itu tidak sepatutnya mengeluarkan produk tersebut di pasaran Malaysia apatah lagi di dalam syarikat tersebut yang terdiri dari orang Islam juga.
“Mereka bagaikan sengaja menganiaya pekerja Islam di dalam organisasi tersebut,” kata Presiden JMM, Azwanddin Hamzah.
Tambahnya, isu saman terhadap syarikat Cadbury bukanlah kerana wang semata- mata, ia bagi mengajar syarikat pengeluar makanan dan minuman antarabangsa yang lain, agar menjaga sensitiviti rakyat Islam di negara ini.
“Cadbury telah melakukan satu penipuan yang sangat jahat dan harus dibendung supaya menjadi satu pengajaran kepada mana-mana syarikat yang mahu menghancurkan umat Islam secara halus dari segi pemakanan halal.
“JMM akan bantu umat Islam di Malaysia untuk menyaman syarikat ini dengan kerjasama Sukaguam. Kami juga akan menuntut ganti rugi untuk umat Islam di negara ini dan bukan sekadar kemaafan dari syarikat itu, serta menarik balik produk itu dari pasaran,” jelasnya.

steadyaku47 comment on the above issue:

Here we go again....proving yet again, that there are amongst us, Muslim Malays who are stupidity personified. Listen to what they have to say:

·      Penghinaan yang amat dahsyat sekali.
·      Mereka bagaikan sengaja menganiaya pekerja Islam di dalam organisasi tersebut.
·      Melakukan satu penipuan yang sangat jahat. 
·      Menghancurkan umat Islam secara halus. 

No they are not talking about that Islamic Boko Haram kidnapping of 220 schoolgirls in Nigeria.

They are talking about finding Pig tainted DNA in Cadbury chocolates manufactured in Malaysia as confirmed by the Ministry of Health!  And, as our late Zorro Unmasked would say, DANG! the tainted chocolate bars are Cadbury Dairy Milk Roast Almond and Hazlenut two favorites! So how?

These two bars were tested randomly off the shelves....will they now test the whole range of chocolates manufactured by Cadbury in Malaysia? And if they are all found tainted what happens to Cadbury then? What happens to the Malays and any other Muslims employed by Cadbury? What happens to the Malays and Muslims who are distributors and retailers of Cadbury chocolates? What happened to all those Malays and Muslim who have been eating these chocolates from time immemorial? What happens to all the Malays and Muslims who have come into contact with these chocolates?

·      Will Najib Razak,  Saiful and the three Datuks go to the mosque and Sumpah Laknat that they have never and will never eat Cadbury chocolates again!

·      WIll Mahathir now insists "saya lupa" when asked if he had ever had Cadbury Dairy Milk Roast Almond or Hazlenut Bars?

·      What about Pemuda Umno? Will they threaten to burn the house of any Malay or Muslim found with any Cadbury chocolates wrapping in their rubbish bins? Of course they will have to rummage through every rubbish bin in Malaysia but they are used to digging and rolling in rubbish no sweat off their back!

·      Will DAP show solidarity with Muslims and Malays in Malaysia by passing a resolution in the Penang State Assembly condemming the ‘celaka’ act of Cadbury's against the sensitivities of the Malays and Muslims?

·      And if Cadbury is in anyway involved in sponsoring the upkeep of the Pandas....will Zoo Negara now tell Cadbury that they will no longer accept their money or their chocolates!

And all because the Ministry of Health found Pig tainted DNA in those Cadbury chocolates?

Come on lah...some common sense please! 

This is not an attempt by Cadbury to demean, sabotage or harm Muslims, Malays or our National Security! There is no insidious plot by the Chinese or the Christians to ignore the sensitivities of the Malays and Muslims nor do they want to prevent the Malays and Muslims from enjoying the delights of Cadbury Chocolates

Check first if the Ministry of Health tests have not been tainted or compromised. Did Cadbury refused to pay "duit kopi" or "kautim" with relevant politicians, their machais, cronies, their relatives or Ministry of Health employees who can ensure that the tests would be negative?

If the Ministry of Health did actually find Pigs tainted DNA in those Cadbury Chocolates go deeper and investigate how it came about. Is it due to external or internal factors?  Make the neccessary adjustments, have checks and balances instituted to make sure it will not happen again. If need be, slap Cadbury lightly on the wrist...then tell Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) and Sukaguam to go forth and multiply - or better still read the riot act to them for inciting Malays and Muslims to hate Cadbury!

No big deal lah......we have more pressing national matters to consider and resolved!

And may I suggest that if the Ministry of Health is so inclined...and if they look long and hard enough...they will be able to find Pig's tainted DNA in all  Muslims. You see pigs, human, Malays, Muslims are all mammals...and we share the same genes. 

All living organisms have genetic information encoded in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), divided into units called genes. Information is transferred from the genes via a chemical called ribonucleic acid (RNA). Some RNA is translated into chains of amino-acid that make up proteins, the building blocks of every living cell.
Scientists have discovered about 20,000 mammalian genes that encode proteins with similar basic functions. So if you compare the protein-encoding portion of our DNA we have a lot in common with a lot of mammals.
If pig tissue is transplanted into humans our immune system will mount a drastic rejection response as our bodies detect the antigen and attack it.
Scientists have come up with a solution to stop tissue rejection: genetically modifying the pigs by eliminating the gal-transferase gene. A few more human genes are also added to the pigs to make the pig tissue even more acceptable to our immune system.
So some pigs and humans are now even more alike.

I guess that is why we find so many Umno and Barisan politicians with their snouts in the trough .....

End of Story!

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