
Monday, May 26, 2014

Dayana Sofya ni siapa?

It’s hard for many to see beyond Dayana’s youth, looks and charms. She will turn heads when you pass her on the streets for the same reason as Nurrul does…and like Nurrul her pedigree is impeachable. Kit Siang thinks that she is ready to do her duty to King and Country….and without so much as an “excuse me” Kit Siang places Dayana in the line of direct fire because the old man thinks she is ready!

I would have like for her to have more time and more experience before having to face the venom and poison being thrown at her by those Barisan Nasional electoral thugs. Anwar, Hadi and Kit Siang and the late and great Karpal Singh can look after themselves, but can Dayana?

So far she is cool, calm and collected…she has her Barisan Nasional enemies in her sight ….but  remember Dayana, when your enemies are within range….so are you!

So far she has been called a political concubine, a political opportunists, a political failure…(already a failure? Huh!) a political liar and an opportunistic new Malay (who the hell is a new Malay?...most probably a pendatang or a Mamak...both of which Dayana is not!)

 Her personal phone number has been put into the public domain, her face has been superimposed on a bikini-clad Filipino actress and posted around Malay villages and even a mosque in Changkat Jong.

 She has been linked to Perkasa and  vilified as a women who has gone against the teachings of ALLAH because she is a women who wants to lead when in Islam, it is the men who are in charge of women!

 She has been declared an ungrateful women for taking the education UITM offered her and then NOT promoting the Malay agenda – the reason why UITM was established. Now if the Malay Agenda is only supporting Umno then we Malays will have to rethink our agenda! 

What is truth and what is fiction remains to be seen but politicians are hoping that by and large, Malaysians will not be too fuss about the truth of what they say…for them what matters is that when they throw enough dirt at some one, some, they hope, will surely stick.

She has been parachuted into Telok Intan not because DAP has it’s back against a wall and are desperately in need of Dayana to ensure it has a fighting chance of winning the election there.

Dayana has been chosen by Kit Siang not because there are no other capable DAP candidates to stand in Telok Intan – there are many others.

And Dayana has no previous track record that can justify her selection to a position that requires her to discuss and debate issues and politics at federal kudos to Kit Siang for taking the initiative to allow the next generation of DAP leaders to start their apprenticeship under his guidance!  

And the people outside Telok Intan….you and me…we will see how she conducts herself and what she has to say and form our own opinion of her capability and ability to do the job that she is fighting to be elected to do.

I have no doubt that many of you are already won over by her charms and her looks but remember that it took another win to another term in Lembah Pantai for people to give Nurrul Izzah the respect and reverence she has been working so hard to get …but the personal cost to her of being in politics is high. You and I know that she is working hard to make her marriage work  - by itself a difficult feat – imagine she and her husband having to do that with her present commitment as an MP too. We can only wish both of them well...and we wish the same for Dayana.

It will take time for Dayana to gain respect from those of us who have gone beyond her youth, her charms and her looks. A win in Telok Intan is merely the precursor of the hell that awaits any individual when they choose to do politics in Malaysia….and doubly so for Dayana, as any women would know.

Dayana, I am sure that all the men from BN that have engaged you in debates and discussions in Telok Intan and elsewhere have been way beneath you….that is par for the course in politics. You will find that you are smarter and brighter then most of these men…just be quiet and let them think they are better…it is easier to get your job done that way then try to prove other wise.

But then there will be times when silence is not the thing for you to do. You need speak up for those of us who do not speak, and listen to those who need to be listened to and I hope you will wise enough to know when to speak up and when to shut up!
And when all is said and done…..keep smiling and enjoy what you do….that alone will drive your enemies to distraction! As Madonna said “ I’m tough. I’m ambitious. I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch. I’m OK with that!”

So smile when those bastards from Umno calls you a bitch ….it means you have arrived! 

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