
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Stupidity....Thy name is Najib!

There are enough idiots in Umno to make a mockery of the peace and tolerance that Islam teaches us without the Christians lifting a finger! 

These same idiots in Umno have consistently chipped away at the decency and nobleness of the Malay race because it serves their political agenda for the Malay race to be subservient and dependent on the condescending largesse of Umno...and this Umno will continue with ease without any help from the non-Malays!

And it is these Umno idiots again who will destroy our economy, our culture, our country without any help from the Pendatangs, the non-Malays, the Jews or any other foreign power – including Singapore!

What do you think matters most to Umno politicians? Do you think they are bothered about the state of our economy? About how their use of race and religion to further their political agenda is wrecking our nation asunder? About the loss of MH370? Huh!

None of this really matters to them…the only thing that really matters is staying in power.

They have robbed and pillage our nation’s wealth for decades and their concern now is how to hold on to these ill-gotton gains that has been dishonestly obtained. Only political power that empowers then to legislate laws to protect their wealth and instruct PDRM, MACC, the Judiciary etc to close one eye and shut the other to their abuse of their public office and political power will make them feel secure…so the number one priority for these Umno politicians is to stay in power at any costs! The Malays, the Rakyats and the country be dammed!

They talk about Ketuanan Melayu and the need to bring the Malays on par with the other races…and that is all it is…just talk!  In as long as the Malays are behind the other races in all things Malaysian, then these Umno politicians can claim that they still have a job to do. It is not in their interest for the Malays to be empowered economically, educationally and in every other way to enable them to compete on a level playing field with the others. The more money these bloody politicians plunder and pillage they more they will want to ensure that the Malays are backward so that they can go on with their pillaging and plundering.

They will conjure new problems to be solved for it will then give them more reason for them to stay in power. Religion for example…today these bloody Umno politicians are telling us that Islam is being threaten by Christians…another problem for them to solve…another reason for them to be on power. …and if they solve this Islam "problem" for the Malays you can be assured that more problems will emerge for Umno politicians to solve…a lot more!   

So today it would seem that any perceived problems that Umno ‘comes up with” can only be solved by leaving Umno with political power. Malaysia has become a country of these bloody Umno politician, by these Umno politicians and for these Umno politicians and Umno has the best Malay leaders that money can buy!

We all know that there are many people in Umno who are not very bright!

I am not saying that Umno leaders are inherently stupid but it is true that stupid politicians mostly comes from Umno. 

These leaders have been branded as being  self serving,  opinionated and even brain-dead but I beg to disagree at this description of Umno leaders because it is not a fair and true description of Najib, Muhyiddin, Mahathir and the others........... they left out corrupt, arrogant and amoral, that they are also liars, are deceitful, have Machiavellian immorality, are crooks and fools too! Our history will tell the story of how Umno have pillaged and plundered our nation for the past half a century and counting!

But let it not be said that Umno is NOT an equal opportunity political party! Any designated Malay (and you know who these designated Malays are!) can join Umno and aspire to be it’s president….and when I say anyone…I mean anyone. Even stupid ones. Stupidity, like water, finds it own level...…..and after a good many years of trial and error….mostly error…Umno has found it’s own level of stupidity in it's current El President - Najib Tun Razak. 

For those outside Umno this alone would be reason enough for hilarity because Umno now has a President it deserves...but when our nation, our people and we ourselves are at the receiving end of that is not funny!

Consider his latest attempt at being one of the "boys"! Who amongst his 50 pegawai khas suggested that he should dress himself like this? I can only do justice for this stupidity by quoting Shakespeare: 

“But man, proud man,

Dress'd in a little brief authority,

Most ignorant of what he's most assur'd—

His glassy essence—like an angry ape

Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven

As makes the angels weep; who, with our spleens,

Would all themselves laugh mortal.”

But to some Najib is a Hero!

But it is my firm belief that this sign should be posted 50m from Seri Perdana
Stupidity...thy name is Najib!

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