
Thursday, May 15, 2014

It is a price Umno is prepared to pay to stay in power – for after all the paying will be done by others not Umno. The dying will be done by others not Umno.

Let me tell you all what the future holds for the Malays, the non-Malays and the people of Sabah and Sarawak…and it will not be telling you something you do not already know. I am just putting into words what are in the thoughts of so many of us.  

I want to try and put into words where Umno is taking us all to in their attempts to hold on to political power.  

In the first three decades after Merdeka the Malay race was solidly behind Umno in everything that they do politically.

Merdeka and post the May 13th racial riots in1969 gave Umno carte blanche to do anything and everything in the name of advancing the socio-economic affirmative agenda of the Malay/Bumiputera. Politically the NEP served Umno well and financially serve the individuals within Umno even better for what matter was to divide and rule the Malaysian population so that Umno governs over all things Malaysia ….national unity be dammed!

We are familiar with the abuse and excesses done in the name of the NEP to advance Umno’s and the Bumiputera agenda but it will suffice for me to say that the 12th general election made Umno realized that the Malay race can no longer be depended upon to vote Umno into office because now the Malays also had another viable alternative to Umno - Pakatan Rakyat!

And then Umno found another “NEP” thing to give them a cause to work towards, again for the Malays – they found it in religion – in Islam. If race cannot hold the Malays together then Islam must!

So today Islam is the political currency Umno has decided it must use to take back the Malay votes from Pakatan Rakyat. And Umno have embraced it with a passion without regard to what strife and mayhem religion can cause when it is used to further, not the agenda of Allah, but the agenda of Umno!

All the ingredients for a perfect religious storm are being put together by Umno.

Umno now knows that race cannot no longer divide Malaysians anymore because we know we are one people.

Umno knows that we all speak different languages but we can still communicate with each other through Malay or English – so language cannot divide us too.

Geography present no physical barrier that would divide our people into regions and states – and the advent of the social media makes physical barrier irrelevant.

What is left is religion.

Umno wants to make Malaysia a Muslim country not for the advancement of Islam but to advance a political agenda that is now bankrupt of any other options but religion.

Umno now look towards Islam as a force to unite the Malays under their rule.

Islam to rebuild Malaysia into a law-abiding society to settle disputes (between Umno and others) and punish criminals (those against Umno!).

Islam to punish robbery, rape and murder with a promise that once Umno is securely in government what will finally emerge in Putrajaya is a modern Islamic government with strong popular support (read Malays and Muslim support again).

Now that Ketuanan Melayu can no longer be used as Umno’s war cry…Islamic Malaysia is a war cry that no good, decent Muslim can ignore…and Umno intends to use that war cry for maximum political gain. And where do you think we will go from there?

It will go wherever Umno wants it to go until they once again are assured of political dominance in this nation of ours…and if in the process there is mayhem and murder most foul of thousands of non-Muslims and Muslims…it is a price Umno is prepared to pay to stay in power – for after all the paying will be done by others not Umno. The dying will be done by others not Umno.

Think about what I have just wrote and ask yourself if what I write is now already happening….or is it the ranting of a deranged Malay who has been away from the madness that is now in KL for too long a time to be aware of the realities that exists there now….you tell me if it is so!  

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