
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Apa lagi si reduan nak?

Migrate if you are not happy, says Ridhuan Tee.

Brother Tee I migrated almost three decades ago. You are I am happy......happy that where I now live, people like you hide in dark dingy cesspools because in spite of themselves, they know that what they think and what they do are the stuff of "brain dead" and "living under a tempurung" mentality!

They are names we can call these people but it would be more educational if we try to understand what differentiates people like you from the rest of us.

First these retards lack a pronounced dress sense and what they wear and are not influenced by where they are going or the occasion.   

You seems to be wearing a baju melayu and songkok all the time...even without a baju Melayu you still got songkok on! What sort of a dress code is that? Is ithat your idea of dressing for success? Maybe  for the Ulamas and for Umno but come on lah brother...chill a bit. Friday prayers ok lah...but not 24/7. Some other examples of inappropriate songkok wearing!

Wearing a songkok after marrying second wife without first wife permission!
Wearing a songkok before or after raping an underage Malay school girl.
Another characteristics of retards like Tee is having a distinct vocabulary: Repeating the same thing for the benefit of those he thinks are important to his life and for scoring 'brownie points' for whatever reasons!
  • Jangan hidang arak dan tutp aurat.
  • Those who ask for liquor are those who are used to drinking. Distract them with more nutritious local food like cendol and such.
  • Fondle me to your heart's content for the dignity and security of our beloved land. 
  • The only way to implement the Islamic hudud law is by implementing it 'by force.'
  • Migrate if you are not happy.
This guy claims that the number of non-Muslim places of worship exceed the number of mosques and suraus. Aisehman Tee are you stupid, brain dead or on ganja?  Reminds me of the the Sultan of Johor who has 300 many cars can he drive at any one time? How many mosques and suraus do you need to pray in Tee? I think you must be a bit is God that can be everywhere...not you! 

By doing all this he hopes to be considered as a top Melayu celup, top Islamic guy and also be regarded as a very patriotic Malaysian by the people he associates. ...but in truth he really is a menace to the rest of society because what he espouses on race and religion only serves to widen the rifts between non-Malays and non-Muslims in our country....not to mention the Muslims who are fed up of listening to his "holier than thou" Muslim preaching the same thing over and over again. 

The only positive thing I can think about this Tee guy is that he has done as much for the songkok industry in Malaysia as what Rosmah has done for Hermes. 

about USD 5 per songkok 

Whenever I see Tee in his baju melayu attire songkok I am reminded of the time when I mistook a lab assistant in a white coat in the hospital for a doctor. Tee your attire does not make you any different from who you really are inside...we can see through it all!


Lab Assistant

What is this Tee guy trying to look like? More Malay than a Malay? More Islamic than Tok Guru? Aisehman brother...chill lah!

For your education Tee here is what a Muslim MP in Australia looks like and what he talks about. His emphasis is that he represents all of his constituents regardless of background. 

First Muslim MP addresses Parliament

Updated Thu 28 Oct 2010, 3:02pm AEDT
The first Muslim member of Federal Parliament has used his maiden speech to praise the contribution migrants have made to contemporary Australia.
The Labor Member the western Sydney seat of Chifley, Ed Husic, says his faith and its emphasis on community will help him represent all of his constituents regardless of their background.
He says it is a privilege to take his seat in the Lower House.
"My arrival here finally brings together the children of Abraham, Christians, Jews and Muslims, working together with other people of faith, with other people of values, for the national good, united under this one roof," he said.

Today I found out that this Tee guy has a column with Sinar Harian. If I ever come across that Sinar Harian column I will push it up his Khybar matter what width or length that column is! He deserves nothing less!
Sinar Harian Column.
His "thing" right now is about being a "Muslim" and unlike us, he is already in heaven....he was quoted as saying: “Why do these irresponsible parties not move abroad? Because Malaysia is heaven. Why are they still making insistent demands? Because they want a better heaven,”  

Can some religious zealot proclaim that this Tee guy is being blasphemous by claiming that Malaysia is already a heaven. Come on lah we all know what Malaysia is today...a country with a corrupt, arrogant and most irresponsible BN government bent on using religion and race to divide and rule....and no where in corrupt, arrogant and irresponsible do I see anything resembling heaven....but sadly for this Tee guy he is like a katak di bawah tempurung. That is the world that he knows and lives in....nothing more and nothing less. So really he is more to be pitied that be angry at. Forgive him dear Lord for he knows not  what he does!

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