
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The tyranny of power used to beget personal wealth is part and parcel of why many are now in Umno and in Barisan Nasional. This will not change for the foreseeable future –at least not until political power is lost.

Getting rid of tyranny of power

 | May 7, 2014
Corruption, bribery and arrogance are badges politicians wear as part and parcel of their entitlement while in office.

I am prepared to place a wager that any government initiative taken to ensure the security of our nation is suspect. Any government institution established to rid our nation of corruption will fail.
I will go so far as to assert that any effort by this government to set in place checks and balances to assure good governance will come short of their intended targets.
They are all designed to fail because vulture politics is at its purest – the government has a fail safe “do not destruct this BN government” button built into anything that they perceive to be a threat to them losing political power at the state and federal levels.
That fail safe button overrides all moral and ethical consideration, it dismisses the interest of our nation and our people and most debilitating of all, it allows for the wholesale pillaging and plundering of our nation’s coffer by those in power for personal gain.
We see this in the most essential of our nation’s needs – to protect our sovereignty.
Over the past two or three decades, our borders have been porous to the ‘invasion’ of millions and millions of pendatangs – legal and illegal, to such an extent that their presence has forever changed our ethnic and electoral landscape to favour the ruling Umno-led Barisan Nasional.
In Sabah these pendatangs have been given citizenship and they now number exclusively amongst the increase of half a million Umno Muslim members, and are now posing a threat to the native Kadazans and the Muruts.
We have seen in early 2013 the ‘invasion’ of Sabah by about 200 intruders of the Royal Army of the Sultanate of Sulu which would have been comical when we see the ease with which they slipped past our defence forces had it not resulted in the death of 15 Malaysian and 56 from the Sulu Sultanate.
Under the watch of Esscom (Eastern Sabah Security Command) Sabah is as safe as a bunch of bananas being guarded by monkeys.
Today tourist is seized by kidnap-for-ransom groups from Southern Philippines to the extent that the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Kuching saw the need to issue a safety alert for Chinese tourists visiting Sabah.
Our immigration has failed to detect Al-Qaeda members meeting in Kuala Lumpur to plan attacks on the USS Cole and the New York Twin Towers. They have failed to record Mongolians coming in and out of Malaysia, and the recent MH370 incident told the world that our Immigration Department again failed to detect false passports when the technology for doing so is available.
The situation is so bad that ladies of ill reputes and those travellers with dubious purposes to travel dismiss the ability of the Immigration Department to apprehend them and dub that department as the “have money will travel” department.
And we now know that the Esscom is a failure because it has done nothing to secure Sabah’s maritime security.
Condoning corruption
We also see it in the inability of this government to stop corruption.
There is that grand design that says that corruption is the key focus of the Government Transformation Program (GTP), and the linchpin of it all is the MACC as the body that manages the nation’s anti-corruption efforts – and what has the MACC achieved so far?
I am not addressing the Malaysian Association of Chinese Comedians here…seriously I am not! I am addressing the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission. But when you talk about either of them, it gets laughs.
This country also fails to put in place an independent and responsible judiciary. Our judiciary is impossibly mired in the dark recesses of our government’s attempt to use it to achieve its selfish political conclusion. The judiciary seems to be dancing to the tune that BN plays.
The judiciary somehow lurches from one tainted case to another because the government is adept at covering up its abuse of judges under their control.
What all these shows us is that the power in Malaysia does not reside in the legislature or the judiciary. We also know power no longer resides in our King, the Sultans or the Governors. Nor does power reside in the Armed Forces, the police or the religious authority.
The power that resides within these institutions are delegated power.
The real power resides in politicians – the Menteris Besar, the Chief Minister, ministers and real power ultimately lies with the Prime Minister.
This has resulted in our country being under the tyranny of politicians who care not about the rules and the laws that define our constitution, our rights and our freedom.
Corruption, bribery and arrogance are badges they all wear as part and parcel of their entitlement while in office.
The tyranny of power used to beget personal wealth is part and parcel of why many are now in Umno and in Barisan Nasional. This will not change for the foreseeable future –at least not until political power is lost.
I must say that the tyranny of power may be too deeply ingrained within the psyche of our politicians for it to be banished to the realms of the “never, never”.
It is only with our insistent and constant demand that it be banished forever from our midst by the promise of withholding our votes for those who demur. Only then will good governance replace the tyranny of power.
Only we the rakyat, not the politicians, can do this.
CT Ali is a reformist who believes in Pakatan Rakyat’s ideologies. He is a FMT columnist

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