
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The 3R's of UMNO : Race, Religion and Racketeering!

In the boxing ring there is no place you can run or hide. All the hype, the boasting and the lies that you tell outside the ring about yourself or your opponent counts for nothing once you step inside the ring. Your ability as a boxer is the only thing that matters once the bell rings for the bout to begin.

The same can be said about the office of the Prime Minister of Malaysia. All of our Prime Ministers since Tunku…all of them have had their lives before, during and after being Prime Minister put into the public domain for every one to see, pick at, debated and held to public odium or praise as the public deems fit…and you must remember that there are over 26 million Malaysians and only one Prime Minister.

That Prime Minister today is Najib Tun Razak. He has been on the receiving end of many a good whack from a good portion of the 26 million Malaysian out there. To add to his misery, since the tragedy of MH370, that whacking has gone global. Quiet a few questions have been raised around the world on the handling of the matter by the government that Najib leads – with much of the venom coming from China.

And of course the most vexing of matters that our whole nation are now embroiled can be encapsulate in the three R’s. Religion, Race and Racketeering…and not necessarily in that order.

Race and Religion to divide and rule the masses and racketeering to become rich by.

Racketeering is associated with organized crime… in Malaysia’s case nothing is more organized that the Umno led Barisan Nasional – organized to plunder and pillaged our nation out of sums that would put any organized crime syndicate to shame!

Have you heard of any single Mafia undertaking that has netted them RM500 million? Razak Baginda did with the help of our Prime Minister when he was Minister of Defense.

Can you imagine the Mafia organizing a heist that would net them RM$10 million to get a penthouse for their Capo de Capo in Bangsar? NFC did.

Which Godfather of any crime syndicate in the world can go to Petronas for billions for their spending money without having to account for it and then get millions from EPF for petty cash?

And do the captains in the Mafia have the kind of “peruntukan” that these BN Ministers have in the Ministerial allocation under them for distribution to whomsoever they choose?

And all this they can do legally because we have given them the political power to do so!

Over all this, Najib Tun Razak is Prime Minister!

But if truth be told it is precisely because of all this that this Prime Minister and his henchmen and followers must cling to power, and if required, brandish the Keris to ensure that they stay in government.

 To lose government would open the floodgates that would open them all to the three R’s too. Ridicule, Recrimination and Revenge from all those who have been trampled upon by this Umno led BN for the past five over decades!
“Whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad” and nothing proves this more that what Umno is now doing as they go viral on the original 3 R’s – race , religion and racketeering! Race and religion to divide and rule the masses and racketeering to profit their own kind!

So in essence even as this Umno led Barisan Nasional government understand that their time is running out as the masses turn against their rule, Umno under Najib will hold on to what has made them rich and politically dominant – the 3r’s of Race, Religion and Racketeering! Stupidity has a new name.....Najib Tun Razak!

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