
Friday, May 1, 2015

cakap cakap...Shah is angry.

steadyaku47 comment : The anger amongst many Malaysians over many issues are past boiling point. The following comment on the conversion of a child into Islam by a father is but one example of how many of us are just waiting for an opportunity to do what we can to rid our country of our many useless leaders. If you read what Shah writes you can feel his anger and his frustration at how things are for most ordinary Malaysians. 


3 minutes ago  -  Shared publicly
What gets me is this case 6YEARS AND THE BANGSAT NEGARA MALAYSIA SULTAN-AGONG IN CAHOOTS WITH UMNO-BN-PDRM & Stupid Syriah Crap that is Suppose to Submit to the SUPREME Secular Law & Order of Malaysia have not return this kid Prasana Diksa to her mother M Indira Gandhi due to FORCE Conversion of Child to IS Islam by Father.  
It is this one reasons alone is enough MAKE Malaysian Mad...Angrier than this 50 take down cross IS Mob...  
It is for this reason Sabah-Sarawak need to SACK Malaya and CRASH the Malaysia Ringgit and Economy..... 6 years of waiting and no discussion of the virtues of Democracy, Islam, Majority, minority UMNO CRAP can justify this SCAM.....
LETS Gather March to the house and Kidnap this KID BACK with Force and fight those IS Terrorist Islamic NGO protecting the Father Surveillance.....  the Stupid Agong-Sultan, IGP, Army is not doing anything...This should make Malaysia get Angry and Take Action!! least grant weekend custody....but I fear the kid is being brain washed proper by IS islam terrorist NGO of Malaysia...hope the sultan-agong elites of UMNO children suffer some terrible Death forever to square up some injustice for M Indira Gandhi....  No civilians should be subjected to such torture...

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