
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Ya ALLAH....comparing GST with Hudud!

KUALA LUMPUR, April 2 — Kelantan may hire Muslim doctors to perform amputations under its Shariah Criminal Code (II) Enactment after a group signalled their willingness to “resign temporarily” from their posts to carry out the job.

Dr Azhar Abdullah, a member of Kelantan’s hudud implementation committee, claimed that the group of Muslim medical experts had offered their services in order to ensure the punishment will be administered professionally.

“For the Muslim doctor society, they see the punishment as not contradicting to their profession as doctors, to amputate patients and convicted criminals. Because to them it is a responsibility,” Azhar told a forum here organised by the University of Malaya Muslim Students Association last night.

steadyaku47 comment: 

Let me make a few things clear first. 

I write here not as a Malay, not as a Muslim and certainly not as one who understands what hudud is or what the Shariah Criminal Code (II) Enanctment entails.

I write as one capable of working out what is right and what is wrong, capable of being rational and capable of understanding what is good and what is evil in a world full of contradictions and subjectivity.  As one who knows what kind of a society and world I want to live in.

Let me start off first by saying that I have never ever...and I emphasize "never ever" ..... thought it right for any men to have more than one wife - what more four! Nor have I thought it right for women to have more than one husband what more four. We, men and women, are, in my eyes, equal. What is good or bad for one is also good or bad for the other.

I am also against the death penalty for any crime because the decision of innocent or guilt are made by human beings - and human beings, from time to time, err. And as history have told us there have been many errors made when we have deliberated on the right or wrong of other human beings. And once the death penalty is carried out there is no way that any wrong made in the punishment of any one deemed to have committed a wrong - any wrong - can be made right.

Now we have in Kelantan, a political entity - PAS - telling us, amongst other things, that under Kelantan’s hudud law, the offences of theft (sariqah) and robbery (hirabah) can be punishable by amputation of a limb....and I repeat...a Political Party telling us this!
We are told by no less a person than a Doctor himself - Dr Azhar Abdullah a member of Kelantan Hudud implementation committee of the following.

KUALA LUMPUR, April 2 — Kelantan may hire Muslim doctors to perform amputations under its Shariah Criminal Code (II) Enactment after a group signalled their willingness to “resign temporarily” from their posts to carry out the job.

Dr Azhar Abdullah, a member of Kelantan’s hudud implementation committee, claimed that the group of Muslim medical experts had offered their services in order to ensure the punishment will be administered professionally.

“For the Muslim doctor society, they see the punishment as not contradicting to their profession as doctors, to amputate patients and convicted criminals. Because to them it is a responsibility,” Azhar told a forum here organised by the University of Malaya Muslim Students Association last night.

When I see any one - what more a learned Doctor - photographed wearing one of those White Skull Cap and spewing forth on Hudud - my first and only reaction is to question the veracity of his statements - what should take precedent for a doctor? That phrase that defines what doctors do - "First do no Harm" or hudud?

This Azhar also sought to allay the public’s fears by claiming that Kelantan wishes to implement the controversial Islamic criminal law in stages.

He reiterated the PAS-led state government’s explanation that the first stage of punishment will only involve whipping, which is prescribed for Islamic crimes such as alcohol consumption (syurb), illicit sex (zina), false accusation of zina (qazaf), and anal sex (liwat).

The more extreme punishments under the Shariah penal code that have been passed in the Kelantan assembly include stoning to death and crucifixion, apart from amputations.
These, Azhar said, would come later.

“We will not implement them straight away. Maybe we will take two or three years,” he said.

 And then he goes on to compare ALLAH's law with that of the Umno led BN government!

He compared their enforcement to Putrajaya’s rollout of the goods and services tax (GST), which took effect from yesterday, roughly a year after the relevant law was passed in Parliament.

Ya ALLAH....GST with Hudud!

Ahhh what a tangled web we weave once we set out to deceive. 

He knows, as you and I know, that hudud has no place in a society like Malaysia that has already evolved from those that still chop of hands for theft and robbery and stone those who do adultery. 

And I make no excuse for showing the following video of a man's hand being severed - for if you want hudud then watch! If not then please don't. It is much too graphic to view.

I hope that there are enough sense within the Constitution of our Nation to prevent the implementation of Hudud. These bloody politicians have done enough damage to our society and to our future...and now they want to being down religion to the level that they are now on - the very abyss where stupidity resides. Count me out! 

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